"Update" button disabled in GitHub Desktop - github-desktop

I'm using GitHub Desktop for code management. I've created a branch for some code changes to my project, I've committed those changes, and now I want to merge the branch back to the master branch. The GitHub instructions for doing this indicate I need to click the "Update to master" button to perform the merge. Unfortunately, that button is disabled in my case. If I hover over the "Update to master" button the tooltip states " is up to date with master". Yet if I switch back to the master branch it is clear my code changes are not yet in the master branch.
Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong? How can I convince GitHub Desktop that my code changes do indeed need to be merged to the master branch?

I learned the answer: You can merge a feature branch back the master branch by switching to the master branch and then click the Compare button and select the feature branch from the pop-up menu. Now the Update button will merge the feature branch to the master.


How to update my working Git branch from another branch (develop) ? using github Desktop App

Wanna know how to update feature branch with respect to base branch (i.e. development)
I don't wanna use commands; so that's why I prefer Github Desktop
Suppose I have the following branches
Now I have finished my changes on the API-Integration branch and if someone committed changes on the development branch, then how can I update my feature branch (API-Integration) ;
We can use the below steps. Adding the link with screenshot as well for your reference.
In GitHub Desktop, click Current Branch.
Click Choose a branch to merge into BRANCH.
Click the branch you want to merge into the current branch, then click Merge BRANCH into BRANCH.
Github desktop merge branches

How to change the development branch in BitBucket?

How do I change the development branch for my BitBucket repository? Right now my master branch is labeled as both the main and the development branch.
This is a near duplicate of this question: How to change the main branch in BitBucket? however, I couldn't find anything telling me how to change the label for the development label and since it is different enough, I thought it warranted its own post for anyone in the future looking for this answer. (the top answer there is pretty clear so I copied the format he used)
Select repository
Click Repository settings (bottom of menu)
In the menu under WORKFLOW select Branching model
Should see a screen that looks like this at the top
Click the dropdown menu under Development branch and change it to Use specific branch.
After that you should be able to click the dropdown menu next to it and change it to whatever branch you want
Make sure to hit save at the bottom
After saving it might take like 30 seconds but when you go back to your branches they should now have the DEVELOPMENT label changed to the branch you specified
I do not know how to do this from the terminal.

How to fetch updated code form master in earlier created branch in git

I am using git for 1st time. I had created a branch on git, after creating branch I had not work on that branch, I did work in master. now I want that changes in my branch also so how can I pull these changes in my branch.
I am using source tree.
In SourceTree you can easily merge these changes into "your branch":
Make sure to checkout master, e.g. by double-clicking on it in the "BRANCHES" section on the left-hand side.
Select the commit of your branch and press the Merge button in the icon bar. You will be asked if you want to merge that branch into the current branch (which is master).
After doing so your branch should be on the same commit like master.

tfs history show merge changesetids from other branch?

We use tfs2010 and vs2010.
Suppose I have two branches (make it simple):
I made some changes on development branch, checked in and merged to Main branch.
On development branch I have changeset with id 00001.
On main branch I have changesetid with 100001.
If I will history from Main branch, I can see a changeset 10001 with all the merged files (which is good).
However, is it possible to see that changeset 00001 is the ones that got merged from development to main branch?
I tried tfpt history followbranches, but tfpt doesn't have history command any more as it is moved to tf.
I then tried tf but tf history command doesn't have followbranches option at all.
Can someone help?
Many Thanks
In the history window of Main branch, Right Click on the Changeset (10001) and select "Track Changeset". After that select the Dev branch (in the Select Branches window) and then click the Visualize button at the bottom. You should see the window with the link between the Dev and Main changesets. You can view "Timeline Tracking" or "Hierarchy Tracking".
See below the link explaining it:
Checked in Dev branch
Want to Confirm weather Changeset is merged to QA Branch
Below is taken from Microsoft Docs.
To view the Tracking Changeset Window from the History window of a branch or file
In Source Control Explorer, click a branch or a folder or file that is contained by a branch.
Click the File menu, point to Source Control, and then click View History.
In the History window, right-click the changeset that you want to view, and click Track Changeset.
The Select Branches dialog box appears.
(Optional) In the Branches list, select or clear the check boxes for the branches that you want to show or hide.
As you select or clear check boxes, a preview of your selections appears on the right-hand side of the dialog box.
(Optional) If your team has a lot of branches, click the buttons above the preview to select the branches that you want more easily.
You can move the pointer over each button to get information about what the button does.
Click Visualize.
I have tried this in Visual Studio 2017.
Hope this helps.

Is there support for git rebasing in Xcode?

Can one rebase to integrate changes from one branch to another from within Xcode? I know Xcode supports merge but I couldn't find anything for rebasing.
It does not since it tries to provide an abstraction over the version control system in use. If want a Mac GUI for git you could use gitx or sourcetree
While there isn't a git rebase function, you can still sort of rebase.
Checkout the branch you want to rebase
Click Source Control -> Pull
select the branch you want to rebase onto
check off "rebase local changes onto upstream changes"
This should rebase your current branch onto the target branch. Merge conflicts need to be handled manually (deleting the merge conflict annotations in the code).
