Error in Mapbox : Only factory methods can have the 'swift_name' attribute - ios

I am integrating the Mapbox iOS SDK using pod. I am following the instruction to integrate the SDK from its developer site.
But the problem is after installing the pod While tryingt to build, I can see the error as
Only factory methods can have the 'swift_name' attribute
And I am not able to import the header file Mapbox.h
I have also downloaded the demo project provided in the Github, but that was also giving same error.
For now I have commented the methods those are throwing error and now my project runs successfully. But that is not the solution. So hope some one can put some light so as to resolve the issue.
NB : My Xcode version is 7.1 and language is Objective C.


No such module 'BMSPush' after SDK installation with cocoapods

I've initialized the Bluemix Push SDK for iOS following the online documentation:
Unfortunately, the "import BMSPush" statement in my AppDelegate.swift raises an error (No such module 'BMSPush').
When building my application (target: iOS 8.0), there are 13 issues raised on BMSPushClient.swift, as detailed in the following screenshot:
My configuration is as following:
XCode 7.0.1
Mac OS X 10.10.5
Cocoapods 0.39.0
Cocoapods reported the following versions of the installed dependencies:
Using BMSAnalyticsAPI (0.0.20)
Using BMSAnalyticsSpec (0.0.16)
Using BMSCore (0.0.44)
Using BMSPush (0.1.06)
Does anybody knows how to solve this issue ?
I solved the issue by updating the SDK source code (!), prefixing each ambiguous type with BMSAnalyticsSpec., for example replacing:
internal func sendAnalyticsData (logType:LogLevel, logStringData:String){
internal func sendAnalyticsData (logType:BMSAnalyticsSpec.LogLevel, logStringData:String){
The real cause of this issue is due to a name change in the BMS Swift SDK. As you may know, the Swift SDK for Bluemix Mobile Services is still in the pre-release stage. Changes are constantly happening to improve the SDK before the official release.
In this case the project BMSAnalyticsSpec has been changed to BMSAnalyticsAPI which caused issues with the import statements in the BMSPushUtils and BMSPushCore files. The development team has updated the SDK to include the new BMSAnalyticsAPI import statements. I can let you know when it is available.
To fix this problem in your local environment, you could update the import statements in those two files with the new BMSAnalyticsAPI import statement. Again, the SDK should still be used as an experimental SDK until it is officially released.
UPDATE: The BMSPush SDK has been updated to include the name changes described above. Please complete a pod update in order to grab the latest version (0.1.07). This should solve the problem you described above.

Why am I getting 'Braintree/BTUICTAControl.h' file not found error on Braintree manual integration?

I get the following build error after implementing step number four "Add the Braintree SDK code to project" from the Manual Integration Without CocoaPods guide.
braintree_ios/Braintree/UI/Braintree-Payments-UI.h:3:9: 'Braintree/BTUICTAControl.h' file not found
Tested in
New Objective-C iOS app project.
In Xcode 6.1 (6A1042b) and 6.3 (6D543q)
How can I fix this build error?
I work on the Braintree iOS SDK.
I believe using the name Braintree instead of Braintree SDK for the framework target name will resolve this particular issue. I recently updated the manual docs accordingly.
We recommend that you integrate using CocoaPods if at all possible, as it handles all this complexity for you.
Note also that I've responded on the issue you posted on GitHub. Let's resolve this there. Thanks!
Have you tried manually downloading the zip file and not using git?
Try following the second bullet point from the first step.

installing AWS ios sdk in swift project

I'm trying to add the AWS SDK to my xcode project that is written in swift.
I followed these steps: to create a Bridge-Header file, and add the SDK itself to my project.
The problem is that when I try to build the app I get an error now... the Bridge Header cannot be imported because one of the files in the AWS SDK (AWSModel.h) has an error. This file tries to import Mantle/Mantle.h, and the error reads "Mantle/Mantle.h file not found"
do I need to add this file to my project as well? If so, how would I go about doing that? The only frameworks I'm using are Facebook SDK, and I would like to add AWS as well.
There is a working sample app on GitHub. You should follow README and see if you can compile the app. It should help you understand how to set up the project.

Blackberry error starting application: verification error

I'm trying to use libraries in a project. The one i'm using is blackberry's Advanced UI sample library, which i added by creating a jar of it and preverifying it.
The code works fine, no issues.
However, I need to include facebook and twitter integration.
I'm trying to use facebook sdk 0.8.25 (requires log4b.jar) and twitter ME API 1.8.
I include them in the build path and tick for them to be copied at build.
When i run the application i get
Error starting --- Module --- has verification error 2644 at offset 08e5
I've tried each jar separately, log4b give the same issue stating error 190.
any idea what i'm doing wrong?
Managed to fix my own fault with the help of this link
Basically the device is os6, and the build library was 7.1 which wasn't as issue before.
But it seems the imported libs were trying to use the 7.1 api.

Building Facebook With Latest iOS SDK for ARC and Multiple Developers

I'm attempting to upgrade from Facebook SDK 2.0 to 3.0 and I'm having basically the same issue as is mentioned in this thread: XCode & Facebook IOS SDK - Instructions incorrect but with a slightly different goal I think.
I'm using the instructions here:
When I try to build the static library, I get a "no such file or directory" message. I checked, and sure enough, there is no file in the "scripts" directory when I try to execute it.
Here's my dilemma. We have multiple developers on the project (and some other members who basically know how to pull down and build within Xcode but that's about it), and I don't want to require all of them to install the Facebook SDK. Same for a build machine (though in that instance I suppose we could install the SDK directly on the build machine).
It sounds like building a static library has been effectively deprecated, or maybe I'm missing something, but what I really need to just get all the pertinent code into our repository, and in a form in which anyone can just pull it down and build. Is this possible with the 3.0 SDK, and if so, what would be the steps to do that?
For the Facebook SDK 3.1 (latest from 3.0) you should not follow the old instructions, instead check these instructions out:
