Blackberry error starting application: verification error - blackberry

I'm trying to use libraries in a project. The one i'm using is blackberry's Advanced UI sample library, which i added by creating a jar of it and preverifying it.
The code works fine, no issues.
However, I need to include facebook and twitter integration.
I'm trying to use facebook sdk 0.8.25 (requires log4b.jar) and twitter ME API 1.8.
I include them in the build path and tick for them to be copied at build.
When i run the application i get
Error starting --- Module --- has verification error 2644 at offset 08e5
I've tried each jar separately, log4b give the same issue stating error 190.
any idea what i'm doing wrong?

Managed to fix my own fault with the help of this link
Basically the device is os6, and the build library was 7.1 which wasn't as issue before.
But it seems the imported libs were trying to use the 7.1 api.


Cannot build react-native-xmpp library for IOS

I can use this library for Android with success but failed to use it in IOS. I have followed the official notes for installing this library and then install XMPPFramework pods and react-native-xmpp pods. But after that still I get one of the following errors:
Either I get core data model not found errors issue#90 [total 6 errors] or
XMPPframework.h not found error - According to me, this errors is due to the same name collision of the XMPPFramework.h file found in the XMPPFramework and RNXMPP folder or
I get errors in KissXML Framework or
At last, if I mange to remove all the above errors, then I get the 'Linker failed error'.
Please help to provide the detailed documentation to use this library or if there is any alternative library for XMPP chat client that can be used in react-native for IOS. I have spent more than 2 weeks for searching the right solution for this.
2 month ago I had the same task and then chose a xmpp.js which I actually use on 3 environments in parallel right now:
React Native
Native Script
On React Native it works under iOS/Android
It does not use any 3rd party native code like react-native-xmpp lib (e.g. XMPPFramework for iOS), so it's only pure JS. Did not have any noticeable issues while integrating it, so can recommend to try
The complete step by step guide on how to use XMPP lib in React Native app is available here

ios app integrated with IBM trusteer upload to app store error: ITMS-90171 Invalid Bundle Structure

I have integrated IBM Trusteer to the ios app we have created using IBM Mobilefirst Cli 7.1 by following the turtorial :
Now , I am getting error shown in the screenshot:
Please help me resolve this problem.
According to the screenshot, it is complaining about libtas_phonegap_plugin.a. I can't say why it's complaining, but I can tell you you do not need this file at all. According to the tutorial you linked to, you need libtas_full.a, not the "phonegap" file.
See also:
You may have placed the libtas_phonegap_plugin.a file inside a folder instead of just including it it in the list of linked libraries.

Google plus SDK for iOS gives error file not found?

I'm using Google plus sdk for login using Google plus in my app. Every thing is working perfectly on my machine(i tested even other machine in my office), but i gave the source code to client. Where project failed to build, giving Google plus files not found.I checked source code on remote machine via TV and it seems every thing ok for me.But code failed to build.
Any help or suggestion would be appreciated.
here is screenshot of framework search path in target build setting
Edit: I found that the same code not running in one of my machine which we don't use for iOS developement, just installed xcode 6.1 and tried to build and i got same problem which my client facing.
So is it some xcode setup related problem(also my client is not technical guy he just want to be sure that i given him correct code so i think he is also using xcode very first time in his machine :P).
As you have not posted full error message,
I can only predict that "Library Search Paths" is set to your local path.
So, check if it's set relatively, like in this screenshot (NOT full path like "/Users/Bharat/Documents/XcodeProjects/YourProject/Libraries")

Building Facebook With Latest iOS SDK for ARC and Multiple Developers

I'm attempting to upgrade from Facebook SDK 2.0 to 3.0 and I'm having basically the same issue as is mentioned in this thread: XCode & Facebook IOS SDK - Instructions incorrect but with a slightly different goal I think.
I'm using the instructions here:
When I try to build the static library, I get a "no such file or directory" message. I checked, and sure enough, there is no file in the "scripts" directory when I try to execute it.
Here's my dilemma. We have multiple developers on the project (and some other members who basically know how to pull down and build within Xcode but that's about it), and I don't want to require all of them to install the Facebook SDK. Same for a build machine (though in that instance I suppose we could install the SDK directly on the build machine).
It sounds like building a static library has been effectively deprecated, or maybe I'm missing something, but what I really need to just get all the pertinent code into our repository, and in a form in which anyone can just pull it down and build. Is this possible with the 3.0 SDK, and if so, what would be the steps to do that?
For the Facebook SDK 3.1 (latest from 3.0) you should not follow the old instructions, instead check these instructions out:

error starting xxxx: Module xxxx attempts to access a secure API

I have checked other questions around but no one seems to have exactly the same error. I'm using phonegap+jqm to create an application, initially tested on my android phone, now i'm trying to build-deploy to a blackberry. To build the app i used the phonegap starting guide, with:
ant blackberry load-device
I DID sign the application with the RIM provided keys. Still getting the error. Some help?
The problem was with the Signing Tool + JAVA SDK 1.7: it is a known issue that these two dont get along well.
Download and install the BlackBerry Signature Tool and run your compiled .cod file through it to check whether it is really signed or not.
