Using TableView instead of ScrollView - ios

For creating a login page or something like that, in autolayout case I use tableView instead of using a scrollView in viewController. For IndexPath majority cases I reuse the customCell. For entirely different items only I use another customCell. Since the Cell Class are increasing in my project. I dont know is it a good practice. Please share your opinion to increase the overall performance and least memory usage for my application.

Putting UITableView in all views is not a good practice every time.
I recommend using scrollviews and content views inside them in pages like login.
Use Tableviews only in those screens which show repeated contents.
I have seen codes generated through tableview controllers in every page.
I dont do in that way.
Better you go for Scrollviews.. Its a good method as far as I have seen.


What is proper way to show data like app store app(Collection view inside table View)

There are lots of stack-overflow thread and community articles but i just want to know which one is better to show data like App store App(Vertical scrolling of apps and sometimes horizontal scrolling inside vertical scrolling). So far i understand below might be possible solution.
Solution 1:
Collection View inside tableView. So that products can be scrolled horizontally inside tableView cell.
Solution 2:
Number of collection View inside a scrollView stacked one after another if categories are specific.
Is there any better solution to make such type of scenario?. Your opinions will be highly appreciated. Thanks
A general suggestion based on my usage, create a tableview and inside it's tableviewcell create a collectionview. You may use staggered layout for a better user interface. That is what I have been doing, you will build it much easier.
Rest depends on your usage and requirement.

UICollectionView vs UIPageViewController

I need to have different full screen views in my app. Very similar to how snapchat works. The views should be able to communicate between each other.
My question is: Should I use a UICollectionView with cells same size as the screen or should I use UIPageViewController?
Please provide some background info to support your opinion!
I think both have pretty different purposes.
UICollectionView is great to build a mosaic of views (think an image gallery for instance), whereas UIPageViewController is kind of similar to the flipping pages of a book. The latter seems to be what you need, but UIPVC doesn't seem to offer many tweaking/customizations, like custom transitions for example. In which case you may want to start from a UIScrollView with paging enabled to recreate something similar but with more potential. Here's an example.
Personal opinion: for this specific case I'd use a page view controller. Collection views have any things you have to consider, like when the device rotates you have to recalculate where you are, which cell you have to display, ask to scroll to the current cell, and if you are displaying a video or using the camera you might have to control it perfectly, otherwise issues will come.
However think about new features that might be added to your app, if you think you might show more than 2 items on screen, then you'd better choose a collection view.
A page view controller lets the user navigate between pages of
content, where each page is managed by its own view controller object.
So If you plan to swipe from one ViewController to another, go for PageViewController. If you plan to have only one ViewController that deal with a list of fullscreen image or so, go for a view controller with a collectionView, or maybe your own swipeView.
UIPageViewController use different view controller and load multiple controller so obvisioly take more memory as compared to UICollectionView. So if your required task is less calculation or step to do then its recommended to use UICollectionView, other case preferred way is to user UIPageController.

Embedding UIViewcontrollers inside UICollectionviewCells

In my app I have a home page which has a Card/Grid Layout with multiple section. So UICollectionView is the obvious choice here. But these cards vary a lot in design, loading data and their functionality too. So putting all those in one single controller would be cumbersome, complex and hard to maintain. So we thought we need to separate these out into their own UIViewControllers. Each handles a type of card and calculates its contentSize to be shown inside a card. Our main home page controller is only responsible for putting those viewcontroller views inside the UICollectionView cells.
To summerize,
A HomeViewController which has a CollectionView
Every view inside the collectionViewCell and its data are maintained by its own controller Class.
All the instances of the controller are inside the HomeViewController and added as its children.- Apple Guide
The appearance calls to all the children viewControllers are made by ourselves since, the contentSize (Which is used as the item size for the collectionView layout) calculation of the controller views need the view to be loaded and data to be set.
My question is this, is this design choice right? Or what approach would you chose to implement such a screen? Since we create a lot of viewControllers (one for every cell), does this affect memory or performance? And If I want to cache only some viewControllers or load them as the user scrolls or when its time to add it to the collectionView cell, how do I go about it as calculating the size of that cell depends upon the data and the views while laying out the CollectionView layout.
I think your approach is valid and from a theoretical standpoint it makes sense to separate a view from its data. But, in this case I would prefer to have the UICollectionViewCell subclass implement its own data, basically acting as a viewController. This will simplify your code a bit since you don't need the added viewControllers and the code that comes with them; instead you can simply add your tableView to the cell's contentView. This seems more natural to me, as then you can have HomeViewController's collectionView automatically handle calling its delegates when cells are moved offscreen and on, and during the loading process. You won't need to send messages to cells about who they are or when they should load, this will all be taken care of for you automatically. Also, I really don't think having the view lifecycle methods on each cell is valuable, and is less intuitive than having a cell load and refresh as part of a collectionView. Either way works, good luck!

IOS: choice a UIScrollView or a UITableView

In my app I should create a view with a loto of informations;
these informations are divided in 4 section, every section can contain text, images lists ecc...
this is a brutal example...
Now I'm dubious to what type of solution to adopt.
In a my fast opinion a big scrollview is difficult to organize. And a big tableview with section is complicated to organize with code... What are your ideas?
UITableView is optimized for "reusable" cells, which is appropriate for scrolling in long lists.
Another benefit of using an UITableView, as others suggested, is that it only instantiate visible cells, so memory consumption is reduced.
In your case, since your content looks specific and non repetitive, I would suggest using a simple UIScrollView which is easier to use. (UITableView inherits from UIScrollView btw)
If memory/performance is an issue, then prefer UITableView or simply write your own logic to only instantiate views that are visible (by using scrollOffset for example)
On second thoughts, in your case, UICollectionView is surely a better candidate than UITableView.
Especially if you plan some day to do something like a 2 columns layout on iPad...
You should go with UITABLEVIEW, easy to manage easy to understand, more reusability and good memory management
If you have lots of content to scroll through, a UITableView might help you with keeping memory usage down.
When a cell scrolls out of sight, it gets removed from the view and kept around by the UITableView for later use (via -dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:). If you run low on memory then I believe that those invisible views (UITableViewCells) will get released. This basically means that your app will only keep views in memory that are actually visible. More will be cached, but can be purged any time if needed.
If you display a lot of data, and just add it all to a UIScrollView it will potentially use much more memory than if you used a UITableView. You might have to implement a similar mechanism to what UITableView does to remove (and potentially release) invisible views.
So, you can basically achieve the same effect, but a UITableView does a lot of that work for you already.
If you display lots of data (probably more than about two screens full) I'd lean towards using a UITableView.
This sort of thing is very easy to create in Interface Builder now with static cells; you can layout the entire interface visually and set up outlets for the cells (and/or their subviews) in order to configure the content in your view controller.

iOS: Coding tips to prevent redundancy

I'm making a UITableView that is going to act as a settings view controller. Obviously its going to have a few types of input. One cell might have a slider, one might drill down to another view controller, one with a textbox etc. Is there any way to avoid making umpteen different subclasses for UITableViewCell?
Try this github project: QuickDialog.
