Programmatically locking iphone (>iOS7) - ios

i am on a research to find ways to lock iphone programmatically . I have come across a private api "graphicsservices.framework" which they say it works only on devices below iOS7. Is there any possible way to do this in devices >iOS7 ?? i know Apple wont accept this , but any private frameworks other than "graphicsservices.framework" ? . Thanks in advance.

I am sorry to say but this is not possible in non jailbroke iPhones. There may be a private API for it but apple would reject an app using it, So careful for the same.
You can also see reference 1 and reference 2.


disable internet on other ios apps

I'd like to create a very simple app to block internet access for certain app's between 7PM and 7AM on my iPhone.
However the mobile phone & imessage should stay usable, so it's no airplane modus.
This is to have some "no notification time" and don't see for example new e-mails coming in.
Would this be possible to archieve? Can an app control this behaviour for other app's?
Thanks a lot in advance for your answers!
Best regards,
No, you cannot do that. Apple "sandboxes" apps so that they have no ability to change the behavior of other apps.
If you did find a way to do that, Apple would reject your app, and probably quickly update the OS to prevent whatever method you used to do it.
You might be able to find a way to do this for jailbroken devices, but obviously those can't be released to the App store.
First thing, Such Apps are not allowed to be published on App Store.
I have worked with private-apis, and i know that this is not possible with only private apis. This may be possible once after you jailbreak your phone + using private libs, and may be you can create tweaks for jailbreak to achieve this functionality.

Programmatically turn off a non-jailbroken iPhone

If it is possible is it possible for iOS devices or just some? If so, which ones. If so, are there any resources / documentation where I find out more explicitly?
is it possible for apps to programmatically turn off the iPhone
No. There's no public API in iOS 9 (or any previous version) for switching the phone off.
are there any resources / documentation where I find out more explicitly?
The primary source for information like this is Apple's iOS documentation.
Short answer no. Longer answer, still no.

iOS7 Screen Capture Prevention / Detection

In my iOS app I need either prevent the screenshot capture (by pressing combination of Home +Power button), or need to detect before it saved to the Photo library .
In previous iOS version before taking screenshot touchesCancelled:withEvent this method will called , but iOS7 onwards this wont work.
Apple provide a notification
for detecting screenshot capture .The real problem is this will fire only after the screenshot is saved in Photo library .
Is there any methods (Private /Public) for detecting screenshot before it happens , or Just prevent the screenshot feature .
Dont consider it as a duplicate question , it is iOS7 specific question
No, nothing has changed since iOS7 and it will not change in the future, it is a conceptual issue, iOS app doesn't has control over the device public functions, consider you turned off 'taking screenshot' while other application needs it!! How this app would know about that?
Best thing you can do is using Configuration Profile as mentioned #QED valid answer.
You can restrict with a Configuration Profile, as described in the linked question.
Check out the Restrictions Payload section, starting on page 27, of the iPhone Configuration Proifile Reference. The key you want is allowScreenShot, described at the bottom of page 30.
Also, the linked reference states that there are a number of ways to install a profile. It may be possible for you to provide, within the app, some method for the user to trigger your server to install/reinstall your profile. Just a thought, I'm not experienced in the matter.
I'm not able to speak to private APIs. You might check out, or snoop around on IRC for some jailbreak communities. There are lots of experts out there who may be able to point you to the API, but they don't tend to hang on SO.
Good luck!

Access private APIs on NON-jailbroken devices for Business use ONLY

This question follows the answer provided by Nate on this link:
How do I change my iOS applications' entitlements?
It seems the described procedure is to be applied on Jailbroken devices.
I'm interested in being able to turn off the screen via my iOS application.
Previous answers point to doing this:
void (*BKSDisplayServicesSetScreenBlanked)(BOOL blanked) = (void (*)(BOOL blanked))dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "BKSDisplayServicesSetScreenBlanked");
BKSDisplayServicesSetScreenBlanked(1); // 1 to dim, 0 to undim
I read that the app also needs entitlement.
This is where my knowledge stops.
How can I use this in my app if the app is ONLY to be used in a business context controlled via Apple's MDM platform ?
I do not want to jailbreak the device.
First of all, very interesting question. Unfortunately, I don't have the answer, but have some info to share:
I am not aware of any method to add entitlements to 3rd party apps on NON jailbroken phone. You can check my question here: Does anybody know a way to add entitlement to iOS application for non jailbroken device? A lot of upvotes, no anwer thought :(
Generally speaking, entitlement area was reverse engineered to death and there is quite small chance of finding some holes around it. So, I would say, you will have to dump BKSDisplayServices method and search for something else to turn off screen.
I tried to find a way to turn off display on non-jailbroken device too, even posted a bounty on it: Turn off display in iPhone OS (iOS)
There were several answers, but none of them worked well enough.

text to speech iphone app

Good Evening,
I'm looking for a simple text to speech for iphone app development. I see numerous posts about this including ...
Text-to-speech libraries for iPhone
Question though, this link is all third party developers to use text to speech. I thought apple has a class reference to create speech? (nsspeechsynthesizer) Can someone please explain? Does apple not provide this for us?
NSSpeechSynthesizer works fine on Mac.VSSpeechSynthesizer is available for the iOS - but it is a private API and as such will likely be rejected from the app store. However you can still make apps for private consumption. I consider this a bug as it makes creating accessible apps for the partially sighted for instance, harder. I have filed Bug ID #: 9451650 Bug Title: VSSpeechSynthesizer is Private.
iOS 7 has the AVSpeechSynthesizer class
As other answers have mentioned, Apple does not include NSSpeechSynthesizer in iOS, only in Mac OS X.
