about personal center viewcontroller - ios

I want to achieve such effect,but I'm searching for a long time on net. But no use. Please help or try to give some ideas how to achieve this.

You could put header view inside tableHeaderView like this:
self.tableView.tableHeaderView = headerView;
Background imageView put under tableView.
Last thing is top status bar background rectangle,
I recommend to use this library https://github.com/telly/TLYShyNavBar


Adding a button at the bottom of JSQMessagesCollectionView

I am newbie in iOS. Sorry for my English. Actually I want a button at the bottom of my JSQMessagesCollectionViewenter image description here. I have tried to put it like "drag" and "drop". But it doesn't work there. I know there must be a silly mistake which I am doing with the logic. But I need someone's help to guide me the correct way to do it. Thanks in advance. :)
JSQMessagesCollectionViewController was deprecated I would suggest you to replace it with something else as soon as you can. MessageKit for example.
THis is out side the scope of the JSQ library. I guess it could be in the scope of the library depending on what the button does but JSQ really only helps when it comes to chat. So if the CollectionView you have displayed is the chat part of your app you could add a button in the inputBar but the screen shot does not seem to indicate that. Other wise what you are doing should be pretty strait forward. You could add a button via StoryBoard add Constraints to pin it to the bottom of your screen and hook up the outlets for it to do the action you desire. Or you could do it programmatically in your ViewController. That is about all the help that can be provided with the information given. If share more of you code we may be able to provide more guidance.
Daniel is saying right this is out of the scope of the jsq library still if you want to add Button or other view i will suggest you to add it programmatically to your JSQMessagesViewController SubClass like if i am understanding your question you can add view above the JSQMessagesViewController's Subclass's inputToolBar as -
UIView *v = [[UIView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, self.inputToolbar.frame.origin.y - self.inputToolbar.frame.size.height, self.view.frame.size.width, 55)];
v.backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor];
[self.view addSubview:v];
now then you have to change the position of view / button each time keyboard appear or disappear as inputbar becomes first responder. As far as i am understanding your question i think this will help.
Although You can also change the XIB of InputToolBar and Can customize your Button in storyboard(xib) then do changes in the class of InputToolBar according to your needs.

How to hide or remove the Bottom View/ page indicator view

I tried to google almost everything but could not find the solution.
Please let me know if we can Hide the bottom view of PageViewController.
i want to remove this yellow view.
Even if i use the properties and change the colour to clear colour, still that portion is visible.This view is overriding my contents.
Ive tried using this
[pageController setHidesBottomBarWhenPushed:YES];
but this too did not worked .. :(
Please pLease help me. !!!!
Is This atleast Possible
Thank You.

iCarousel View in View?

I wanted to integrate "iCarousel" into my project. Here is a screenshot how i would like it:
In the black view I would like the linear carousel.
So I implemented all the things how they did it in the example.
Now I receive the following:
Which means, that the View is now on the complete Detailview.
Maybe you can help me to fix that?
Greetings from Germany :)
Perhaps you need to set clipsToBounds = YES on the carousel view?

UITableview With Large Header Image

I want my app to have a large header like the living social app:
I tried doing this by hiding the navbar on the main delegate and just making a UIImageView to hold the pic, but the transition to the detail view looked funky. How can I get a custom image at the top of my tableview? Maybe I did something funky and need to try again?
YournavigationController.navigationBar.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 100);
And on top of that, this site has a good tutorial on how to add a background image to the UINavigationBar, these two things together should give you just what you're looking for!
Should to the trick!

How can this bar be done in iOS?

I really like this popup with the additional functions for the selected listitem under:
But have no idea how this is done. Does anyone know how to do it or has a guide or some keywords for me?
Here is another example:
You could achieve a similar effect by adding a UISegmentedControl with <1 alpha to the view when a cell is selected - hope this helps :)
The keywords to look out for are:
UIToolBar or UISegmentedControl - both using some custom drawing or appearance modifications. Well, you could just as well create an entire custom UIView containing a bunch of UIImageView's.
Additionaly, for that shadow have a look at CALayer's shadowOffset, shadowColor, shadowOpacity, etc. ... properties.
