Rails folder structure - ruby-on-rails

I have a script which is using rspec tests for automation of the rails app. I don't want to put the file "automation.rb" in the spec folder or in the lib folder (don't want a gem for this code).
My question is: Can we have custom folders in addition to the standard ones in the rails directory structure.
Eg. a folder like automation in the root directory of rails app.

Yes, you can have any number of custom folders within your app structure.
The thing to be aware of here, is that if you're going to use code from these folders (why would you have them otherwise?), you'll have to load it.
To not mess things up much, you can add these folders under /app directory - anything defined there is automatically loaded in all environments.
As to scripts - indeed, you can just store them under the scripts folder in root directory - it's a common practice (at least I've seen it used in projects I have worked on).


How can I change the default path to the `rails` script in my project, or remove that dependency?

In another question (Why does the Rails command force a help message for the new command?), I found that Rails needs the rails script to be in the script folder, in the root of my project, in order for it to be properly detected as an existing Rails projects, and allow me to use the various rails commands other then new.
I did this because I felt that the more popular moniker for including executable content in a repository to highlight available use cases is by using the name scripts. At least the pluralism in English should be appreciated!
Is there anyway to change which folder the main Rails executable looks for the project-included one?
I actually think it's a bit silly to include this rails executable in the project, and can be redundant. Maybe it's for customization, but I feel that could better be done in the configuration, environment, other .rb files. So also, could this just be removed somehow, and still have a functioning project through varied use of the main rails command.

Rails - Changing the config path

I copied the 'config' directory and renamed it to 'config_dev' so that I don't alter the current settings. How do I configure Rails to use the config directory of 'config_dev'?
Well, i'm not sure whether you can rename that and still make it work or not. However, i would highly not recommend that approach. If you must do something like that, better rename the files inside the folder, like environment.rb.bak or the likes.
Generally speaking a config folder is where important settings initiate from and i think that changing that convention can lead to more problems. I could be wrong, but i would just change the files (that's what the rails 2 to rails 3 conversion plugin does as well).

Where do you place documents belonging to a Rails app project?

For every project it's like having two parts: the Rails application and then all documents and pictures related to it.
I wonder how you organize them both.
Do you put everything under the same project root folder and apply Git on that folder or don't you protect your documents with Git at all?
Then, what if the docs are too sensitive or only for owners of that project. Then I probably should't have it under the same folder right?
How have you structured both your Rails code and belonging business documents?
Share your solutions!
If you're deploying with capistrano, as a lot of Rails apps are, the standard solution seems to be to keep these sorts of assets within the shared folder, and then get cap to symlink them into the application at the point of deploy.

Put files (css, html, js, images) per feature in one place in Rails 3?

Whenever I add a new feature (eg. something I downloaded) I tend to want to put all the files (css, html, js, images) in one place.
Symfony 2.0 will have this new feature they called bundle system. Everything will be in its own folder. This will be great for adding new features so you don't have to mix all css, js, image files with each other. It should be per feature instead.
And also it would be great for deleting features. Then you know that all files are in one place and don't have to look for them throughout your application.
Instead of this...
...you should have it like this...
Is there a way of doing so in Rails 3?
Sure, you could just treat them like a plugin - making a set of files into a plugin is very simple, after all - you basically just put them in a folder, in a file structure parallel to the root of your rails app, then put that folder in your vendor/plugins folder.
Here's the guide on it: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/plugins.html
Then, if you want to delete a feature, just destroy it's plugin folder, and you're clean.

Directory to store cached files in Rails?

I am generating some large files in my Rails application. Fortunately, they only need to be generated once. I would like to save these files to disk so that I don't have to generate them again.
Which directory in my Rails application is the most appropriate place to put application generated files?
If security of the files is not an issue you can put them in a subdirectory of public (for example, public/assets) which in your deploy script is symlinked to a directory in shared/public so that when you redeploy the files are retained.
If security is an issue, the solution is similar, though you would not want the directory to be web accessible. Instead you would use a controller to control access and serve up the files with send_file.
