Where are pthreads in Gforth? - forth

I am trying to load the PThreads module in Gforth. It appears to be unavailable.
needs pthread.fs
:1: No such file or directory
needs >>>pthread.fs<<<
$7F647BA86F40 throw
$7F647BA87048 required
needs pthreads.fs
:2: No such file or directory
needs >>>pthreads.fs<<<
$7F647BA86F40 throw
$7F647BA87048 required
needs unix/pthreads.fs
:3: No such file or directory
needs >>>unix/pthreads.fs<<<
$7F647BA86F40 throw
$7F647BA87048 required
needs unix/pthread.fs
:4: No such file or directory
needs >>>unix/pthread.fs<<<
$7F647BA86F40 throw
$7F647BA87048 required
I am running Gforth 0.7.0. Is there anything special I need to do to load it? Is it only available in a newer version?
After some googling, it appears that it is probably in a version higher than 0.7.0.


Receiving error "include could not find load file" for cmake

Setting up swift-corelibs-xctest for Swift - Windows 10. When file CMakeLists.txt is called find_package is ran to look for FoundationConfig.cmake file
find_package(dispatch CONFIG REQUIRED)
find_package(Foundation CONFIG REQUIRED)
FoundationConfig.cmake is found but error "include could not find load file: #Foundation_EXPORTS_FILE#"
I'm pretty sure this is due to fact that Foundation file is in a different directory. I only need clarification as to what # Foundation_EXPORTS_FILE# means. I have been unable to find any reference to _EXPORTS_FILE.
Believe I found part of what I was lookin for here.
The other half of the problem was found here -
default search paths for CMake include() vs. find_package()
"include(#Foundation_EXPORTS_FILE#)" Was in reference to the two config files, which are not in the same location, also include() searches for files in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH --- message("Path- ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}")

build_iphone.sh: line 52: /Users/.../pocketsphinx-master/configure: No such file or directory

I'm on macOS Mojave in terminal, and I'm getting an error that says no such file or directory for the directory ".../pocketsphinx-master/configure" when I run build_iphone.sh, which I got from this repository: cmusphinx/pocketsphinx-ios-demo.
The instructions for pocketsphinx found at this repository -- cmusphinx/pocketsphinx gives these instructions to use pocketsphinx with Xcode. Here's part of what it says, which I don't understand:
Pocketsphinx uses the standard unix autogen system, you can build pocketsphinx with automake given you already built sphinxbase You just need to pass correct configure arguments, set compiler path, set sysroot and other options. After you build the code you need to import dylib file into your project and you also need to configure includes for your project to find sphinxbase headers.
Here is what my terminal on my Mac mini looks like:
Daniels-Mac-mini:pocketsphinx-master shinehah$ sh build_iphone.sh
building arm64...
build_iphone.sh: line 52: /Users/shinehah/cmusphinx/pocketsphinx-master/configure: No such file or directory
I created that directory, but I still get the same error message. What do I need to put in that directory?
In build_iphone.sh, line 52, it says:
--host="${HOST_TYPE}" \
Here is the code segment it is from:
--host="${HOST_TYPE}" // line 52
|| exit 1

Mingw doesn't find file strsafe.h while compiling OpenVC library

I want start playing with the OpenCV library, but I have a problem during the build process. I am on Windows 10 with the Mingw compiler. When I launch the command mingw32-make after a while, I get the following errors:
C:\Github\opencv\modules\videoio\src\cap_dshow.cpp:337:21: fatal error: strsafe.h: No such file or directory
#include <strsafe.h>
compilation terminated.
modules\videoio\CMakeFiles\opencv_videoio.dir\build.make:187: recipe for target 'modules/videoio/CMakeFiles/opencv_videoio.dir/src/cap_dshow.cpp.obj' failed
mingw32-make[2]: *** [modules/videoio/CMakeFiles/opencv_videoio.dir/src/cap_dshow.cpp.obj] Error 1
CMakeFiles\Makefile2:4340: recipe for target 'modules/videoio/CMakeFiles/opencv_videoio.dir/all' failed
mingw32-make[1]: *** [modules/videoio/CMakeFiles/opencv_videoio.dir/all] Error 2
Makefile:159: recipe for target 'all' failed
mingw32-make: *** [all] Error 2
The incriminated file is cap_dshow.cpp, and the compiler says that is missing the header file strsafe.h. Inside the folder C:\MinGW\include this file is not present and I don't know where to find this.
I've installed MinGW compiler (and other things) with a tool called "MinGW Installation Manager". With this tool I can install also other libraries, but I don't know if one of these contains the file strsafe.h.
My question is likely a duplicate of this, but the accepted answer has a broken link.
I have Microsoft SDK installed and found the strsafe.h file in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Bin".
Adding "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Bin" to the Path system environment variable worked.

Julia use of JLD: WARNING: Module HDF5 uuid did not match cache file

When I run using JLD I get the following warnings:
INFO: Recompiling stale cache file C:\Julia\PkgDir\lib\v0.4\JLD.ji for module JLD.
WARNING: Module HDF5 uuid did not match cache file
This is likely because module HDF5 does not support precompilation but is imported by a module that does.
WARNING: deserialization checks failed while attempting to load cache from C:\Julia\PkgDir\lib\v0.4\JLD.ji
INFO: Precompiling module JLD...
INFO: Recompiling stale cache file C:\Julia\PkgDir\lib\v0.4\JLD.ji for module JLD.
WARNING: Module HDF5 uuid did not match cache file
This is likely because module HDF5 does not support precompilation but is imported by a module that does.
__precompile__(true) but require failed to create a precompiled cache file
If I then run say:
save("c:\\OneDrive\\Model\\myfile.jld", "A", A)
I get the error:
UndefVarError: save not defined in include_string at loading.jl:288 in eval at
C:\Julia\PkgDir\v0.4\Atom\src\Atom.jl:3 [inlined code] from
C:\Julia\PkgDir\v0.4\Atom\src\eval.jl:39 in anonymous at
C:\Julia\PkgDir\v0.4\Atom\src\eval.jl:108 in withpath at
C:\Julia\PkgDir\v0.4\Requires\src\require.jl:37 in withpath at
C:\Julia\PkgDir\v0.4\Atom\src\eval.jl:53 [inlined code] from
C:\Julia\PkgDir\v0.4\Atom\src\eval.jl:107 in anonymous at task.jl:58
I'm using Atom 1.8.0 and Julia 0.4.7. I'm using JLD as, to the best of my knowledge, it's the only pkg that allows me to write variables to file and preserve all of their attributes.
I had a similar issue with JLD at one point and running Pkg.update() fixed it. Updating to the latest stable Julia version before running the package update could also be helpful.

scons: source directory does not get copied into build directory

Part of my build process is to create a tar file of an input directory, located at src/bundle/bundle. In src/bundle/SConscript:
bundleDir = Dir("bundle")
jsontar = Command("bundle.tar", bundleDir,
"/home/dbender/bin/mkvgconf $SOURCE $TARGET")
in my SConstruct:
exports='bin_env lib_env', build_dir='tmp/bundle')
When attempting to build:
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
scons: done reading SConscript files.
scons: Building targets ...
/home/dbender/bin/mkvgconf tmp/bundle/bundle tmp/bundle/bundle.tar
Input directory tmp/bundle/bundle not found!
scons: *** [tmp/bundle/bundle.tar] Error 1
scons: building terminated because of errors.
Clearly scons is not copying the src/bundle/bundle to tmp/bundle/bundle, but I am stumped as to why.
Using absolute pathname for mkvgconf is bad practice but just intermediate until I have this problem solved.
SCons doesn't know anything about the contents of your input src/bundle/bundle - only the program mkvgconf knows what it does with that directory.
One solution is to add an explicit dependency in the SConscript:
import os
Depends('bundle.tar', Glob(str(bundleDir) + os.path.sep + '*'))
That also means that when you update the contents of the bundle directory, the mkvgconf script will be rerun.
PS. you might want to change the build_dir argument name to variant_dir, as the former is deprecated in favor of the latter in recent SCons releases.
