Moving and resizing a video using VidyoConnector API - video-conferencing

I downloaded the latest iOS package from and have successfully built my application integrated with the Vidyo libraries and using the VidyoConnector API.
When my app first comes up, I was very happy to see that a preview video appears on the screen just where I’d expect it to be! However, when moving the view to a different location, the video did not render quite how I intended.
The video did move to the x/y position on screen that I’d hoped but the size did not adjust to my new view dimensions. Then I found the VidyoConnectorShowViewAt API call and that did indeed resize my view but the positioning of the video then was off.
Is this the correct call to make when moving and resizing a view? Does anybody have any ideas what I could be doing wrong? Any help would be appreciated.

Sounds like you are pretty close. If you are just moving your view to different coordinates without resizing, then no API call is necessary. But if also resizing, then indeed use VidyoConnectorShowViewAt. My hunch is that your coordinates that you are passing are off, as x and y should be relative to the view itself and not to the main view. So try passing 0 and 0 as x and y and see if that helps.


How to stop Swift ARKit app from reverting SCN Technique, and world tracking issues

I am making an ARKit swift app, and have followed this post on how to apply a mirroring effect to the camera feed. However, I've run into a couple problems. First, the mirroring effect stops after a while. This often happens when the images I am searching for come into the frame, but also happens when looking at something totally unrelated. The camera simply reverts back to the default, unmirrored view, and does not go back to the SCNTechnique mirrored view.
I have been able to conclude that this is not happening when the anchors are placed in the world, since the code is not executing those lines when the mirroring effect reverts back. Is there a way to stop this from happening and make sure the mirroring SCNTechnique remains? I am unsure if this is simply a hardware limitation of the iPhone 11 that the app is running on, or if there is an issue with the code.
Also, whenever the image reverts from the mirrored effect to the default camera feed, the world tracking is severely screwed up. The coordinate axes that are placed in the view essentially just move around with the camera, and do not seem to be attached to any specific place. Is this related to the above issue, or would this be a separate problem with the code or implementation?

view images in ios7 app and make interactive

ok guys im not to shure where to start with this one its a first for me but i have a floor plan that i would like to show in my IOS7 App and i know i want the user to shrink and grow the image so he or she can zoom in to areas of the map. it would be nice if they could click on the an area of the image and it would be linked to data in my parse database. but i think thats a long way off for me.....
but for now just to let the user shrink and grow and rotate the image would be nice.
anyone got any tutorials they can point me to?
Have a look at Apple's PhotoScroller example. Here an ARC-ready version.
This will not cover rotating the image, but you can easily get this by following this tutorial.

Qt screen orientation change

I'm using Qt 5.1 beta on iOS. I am deploying my app on an ipad.
The problems I am having regard how touch events are sensed and processed by qt. As long as I keep the ipad oriented straight (i.e. frontal camera is up), everything works fine. In that configuration, if I touch the screen, the coordinates of the point of touch sensed through mousePressedEvent(QMouseEvent *e) indicates that, as expected, the origin of the coordinate system is in the upper left corner of the screen.
When I turn my ipad, let's say left, so that the camera is to the left, my ui correctly rotates so that the buttons that I have are aligned to the screen. However, if I sense the touch events as described above, the origin of the coordinate system has not changed, so now it is in the lower left corner of the screen. Because of this, the buttons act as if they were not aligned to the screen but as if they turned around the same way I turned the screen (even if they are rendered aligned) So, if I tap on the visualized button it won't sense the touch, but it will if I tap were they would be if they would have not changed orientation as the screen did.
Does anyone have any idea what might cause this or how it could be fixed?
Please ask if you would like to see code. I did not put any as I would not know what might be of interest and my app is quite big already.
You file a bug report to the trolls about it. And also check to see if there is a bug report about it already.
For the mean time you could push your coordinates through a mapping function of some sort based on the orientation of the device.
Also calling 'adjustSize()` on widgets tends to fix sizing and positioning with layouts.
Hope that helps.

UIImagePickerController Size iPhone 5

I'm building an app using the UIImagePickerController and a custom Overlay. With the iPhone 5 screen size adding 88 points but the camera view port staying roughly the same size I was wondering how people have tackled this issue?
I'm really against hardcoding values or making assumptions based on screen height, especially with Apple rumoured to be releasing another device with another set of screen dimensions next week.
Unfortunately with this being a private View Controller, you really can't safely probe into it to see what's really going on. What I've determined is that the toolbar has gone from about 54 pixels to about 92, but hard-coding such things is probably going to end up biting you someday.
I ended up rolling my own camera using AVFoundation .... this gave complete control over the scale and location of the preview view, and also any overlay you want to put on top of it.
You can download Apple Samples like SquareCam which will give you much of what you need, and abandon UIImagePickerController altogether.

Required Windows Phone 7 page transition/ flipping card animation for iOS

I want to achieve the same kind of flipping card animation for iOS application which Windows Phone 7 has.
While navigating from one page to another, it loads one by one widget with fall down from left to right position.
How to achieve the same animation for iOS?
Here is the reference:
Please help out with some sample code posting or another provided link.
You can achieve animations such as this with UIView's animateWithDuration:delay:options:animations:completion: method. The documentation is here; search for the function name:
Basically you would need to place the views you want to animate inside a loop, incrementing the delay by x amount each time.
