Dynamically move highstock navigator - highcharts

I'm having some trouble with highstock. I've figured out how to shuffle around other series via the y axis object, however I'm looking to dynamically add more series, and shift the navigator down after I add additional series, along with increasing the height of the containing div as more series are added.
My current approach to moving the navigator is to update the top property of the y axis assigned to the navigator, as informed by this answer:
Move the Highstock navigator position
function moveNavigator(){
height : 50,
top: 202
If my understanding were correct this fiddle should move the navigator from on top of the chart to the bottom of the chart. Is there a way to accomplish this behavior without completely making a new chart object?

Use chart.update() method (available from version 5) and update navigator's top property.
navigator: {
top: 202,
height: 50
example: http://jsfiddle.net/dwhcj3e7/3/


Highcharts synchronization with multiple yaxis

I have two charts that are synchronized. They have a margin left to make sure they are uniformly aligned. I have situations where I have multiple yAxis that can get turned on and they are on the right side opposed to the left. I attempted to use the same marginRight approach but when a second, third, or fourth axis gets added to the right it won't show up because there isn't enough room. So I am dealing with a dynamic amount of space over there on the right side. Highcharts handles the dynamic aspects when it's just one chart but I need my second chart to have the same margin even tho it doesn't have these additional yAxis. It's important that this time series data remains aligned in the two charts.
What is the approach to handle this?
I created a simple jsFiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/28hrffv7/
In my real-world example, I have showEmpty set to false and a series which is hidden by default.
{ opposite: true, title: { text: 'Random Text' }, showEmpty: false}
When they turn it own the series is rendered and the axis and title is added. This example shows that the first charts doesn't realize that the 3rd chart has 3 axis and as a result should have more marginleft
Update 2: Updated JS fiddle to show the more dynamic nature of the problem. When you toggle a series in the legend you can observe axes getting added and removed which is feature that is wanted. What is required is to keep all the charts synchronized in the width of the plotable area so they all line up correctly. http://jsfiddle.net/28hrffv7/3/
You could hard-code marginRight as well as marginLeft.
Demo #1: http://jsfiddle.net/28hrffv7/1/
Or check which marginRight is the highest and update all chart with the new setting. Relevant part of the code:
}, {
data: []
}, function(chart){
if (chart.marginRight > topMarginRight) {
topMarginRight = chart.marginRight;
}); // end of the each function creating the charts
$.each(Highcharts.charts, function (i, chart) {
chart.margin[1] = topMarginRight;
chart.isDirtyBox = true;
Demo #2: http://jsfiddle.net/28hrffv7/4/ (for Highcharts < 5.0.0)
With Highcharts 5+ the same is possible through a chart update.
$.each(Highcharts.charts, function (i, chart) {
chart: {
marginRight: topMarginRight
Demo #3: http://jsfiddle.net/28hrffv7/5/
In case of multiple series in each chart you could call a custom function for events like load, redraw, afterAnimate.
Demo #4: http://jsfiddle.net/acjaLxj1/1/

Position single data label of highcharts pie chart centered below the chart

I am using Highcharts and have initialized a pie chart, but with 4 pies in it, lined up in a row. Each pie has 2 slices, the second one is always transparent and has no datalabel, so every single chart has only 1 data label to show a value.
The only thing I want is to center the data label below the pie chart.
The problem is that dependent on the size of the visible slice the data label is moving because it is kinda bound to it?
Image to show the problem and the current state:
I tried to position the labels by using x and distance:
plotOptions: {
pie: {
dataLabels: {
distance: 0,
x: -100
which is actually working; I would have to fix the position for each chart and its data label.
But since the chart data can be changed by click the filled slice will change and so the data labels would reposition themselves. So I kinda need a way to fix their position relative to the center of the chart or something like that.
Thanks to Sebastian Bochan for the comment. I ended up using the renderer:
this.series[0].data[0].name + '<br>'
+ Highcharts.numberFormat(this.series[0].data[0].percentage, 2)+'%',
80, 320,'callout')}).add();
Just an example. The 80 and 320 here set the position of the label in the plot area. Renderer

Draw trending icons inside chart plot

Is there any way to draw icon/images/triangle anything inside the chart plot?
Like that image, this example, check the green triangle (the red mark is just to show). Is there any way to draw something like that inside?
I tried to using the legends, but it's kind hard to add a new one just for it.
I tried using the API, but if I resize the page, the chart resize and the the image stays on the same, that's not good at all, I would like the image to remain on the side of the chart. Like the legend.
Does anyone know nice solution for it?
Use either labels or Renderer.
Add the following code at the end:
, function (chart) {
chart.renderer.text('▲', 0, 0)
align: 'right',
zIndex: 8
color: '#73903B',
fontSize: '48px'
align: 'right',
x: -10,
verticalAlign: 'bottom',
y: -40
DEMO : http://jsfiddle.net/2PNCG/ (Fixed position when resize, bottom right / lower right)
http://code.highcharts.com/highcharts.src.js (credits part)
Other possible approaches:
Use chart.plotWidth, chart.plotLeft, chart.plotHeight with marginRight
Use left, top in labels
Related Questions:
Adding a line of words towards the bottom of chart (Bottom Left / Lower left)
How do you add text to the bottom center of legend and bottom center of chart under legend? (Bottom center)
Highcharts - change font size of text on chart (Fixed position)
Move images rendered on highcharts on resize (Fixed position)
This is the kind of thing easily found in the API.

Highstock navigator padding issue

I am using Highstock charts with single series having flags on it where x-axis is 'datetime' type and y-axis is any numerical value. Now initially when chart loads I provide bit of padding on x-axis using attribute "max" so that end point doesn't touch the edge (which is working fine) but as I drag the navigator, the padding gets lost and the point touches the edge.
Is there any way of maintaining that padding on graph line even after I drag the navigator?
Any help would be greatly appreciated...
Unfortnately maxPadding works only for first time, as you ddescribed, but you can catch adterSetExtremes and then (setExtremes](http://api.highcharts.com/highstock#xAxis.events.setExtremes) to modify range on chart.
Thanks a lot Sebastian Bochan.....It worked for me!!!!. Just in case if anyone needs it. Here is what I have done
events: {
setExtremes: function(e) {
if (e.trigger === "navigator") {
var max=e.max+padding_value;
var x=this;
}, 4);
Padding_value is a variable proving padding every time navigator is triggered

Highcharts 3.0 Bubble Chart -- Controlling bubble sizes

With Highcharts 3.0 it is possible to create charts with type 'bubble', whereas prior to 3.0 it was necessary to use a 'scatter' chart and modify marker size to make bubble charts. The nice thing about the old way is you had complete control over the visible pixel radius of each bubble--the new bubble charts automatically resize the bubbles so they are sized relative to each other. Is there any way to turn off this behavior or set bubble radius manually?
I am having a hard time seeing how a bubble chart, where the bubbles are not sized relative to each other, would be of any use.
You should be able to use the minSize and maxSize options, however, to control them the way that you need to:
bubble: {
I don't see them in the docs either, actually. But you can see an example here: http://jsfiddle.net/fXzke/13/ use either number as pixel value, or string with percent of chart height
I found that adding an "empty" bubble to the series helps keep the size of all bubbles in the chart relative to each other:
name: '',
data: [{x:0,y:0,z:0}],
showInLegend: false,
color: 'transparent',
enableMouseTracking: false
Here's a sample on JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/9bebT/2/. The legend, color, and mouse tracking variables each help keep the item in the series but otherwise invisible to the user. If you simply remove the empty bubble or set its visibility to "false," the chart doesn't register the empty bubble's z axis (diameter) as the minSize.
