How to respond automaticly with properties file to a yeoman prompt - yeoman

When i run a app generator many question is ask by the prompt.
How can i run the "yo" command with, for example, a file with the answers for generate the app automatically without user interaction ?

Yeoman supports options and arguments
You can skip prompts when an option is provided instead. But this needs to be done manually by the generator author at the moment.
You can check the source code of generator-node and see how it is done over there:

A custom adapter can be used to provide answers to questions. This does require creating a new executable though, as the yo command does not support custom adapters.
Find an example of an adapter that answers questions at


Custom Command Line in Dart

I remember seeing an article or example about custom command line in dart, but I can't find the example that I saw.
I want to create an application that looks like a terminal but is actually a full application.
If you know where this custom command line example is, or can provide your own example, that would be greatly appreciated.
Basically, I want to create my own "Powershell" application, but in dart.
The documentation for command line apps should give you everything you need to get started.

How do I test my GtkPrintBackend?

I am trying to develop my own GtkPrintBackend ,
taking help from here:
I want to test my print backend( by making the print dialog use my backend instead). How do I do that?
That is, how do I make the Print dialog use my backend instead?
Answering my own question here since I figured out a workaround:
I installed jhbuild and built the gtk+ module using jhbuild.
The source code of the corresponding module is downloaded in ~/jhbuild/checkout/<module-name> .
Modify the print backends under ~jhbuild/checkout/gtk+/gtk/modules/printbackends/ directory, and rebuild it (Find instructions to do that here).
Now when you launch a gtk application from the jhbuild shell, it will use the modified backend instead of the system default one.

Check for a file existence in WIX SEtup

I am creating a Setup for my .Net Application using WIX.
I want to check the existence of a file before installing my WIX SET UP as a Dependency.
If that file not exist then a message should be displayed.
Any help would be appreciated.
To check for the existence of a file you can use the FileSearch-element in combination with the DirectorySearch-element. For an example you can take a look at How To: Check the Version Number of a File During Installation (you don't have to use the version part for your needs).
For displaying the dialog you can create your own SpawnDialog like described here. Another alternative would be to add the text as property to the Welcome-dialog and set the property based on your findings. Still another way would be to include a second Welcome-dialog and then invoke the needed one as described in this stackoverflow-question.

F# interactive session persistance and other such user questions

Is there any way of persisting my F# session or serializing it into a file? i.e. so I can hand it to a friend and say "run this" and they will be at the same place I was? I know forth had this ability but I can't find any way of doing this.
An alternative would be a log file or something of similar ilk, but ideally it would strip the output and just give me the code I wrote.
On the topic of user questions, is there a config file for F# so I can add some "always includes" or alter the defaults?
There is no way to serialize the F# Interactive session or create some log of commands automatically.
The typical user interaction is that you write all your code in F# Script File (.fsx extension) and evaluate code by selecting lines and sending them to F# Interactive using Alt+Enter. If you work like this, then the F# Script File is a bit like log of your work - and you can easily send it to other people.
The good thing about this approach is that you can edit the file - if you write something wrong, you can correct it and the wrong version will not appear in the log. The bad thing is that you need some additional effort to keep the source file correct.
Regarding automatic inclusions - you can specify options for fsi.exe in Visual Studio Options (F# Tools). The --load command line parameter can be used to load some F# source at startup.

Command - R like functionality in MacVim

I'm on a Mac and when I am in TextMate editing a ruby file I can simply hit Command-R to execute the file and see the results in a new window. Is there something similar to this using MacVim?
It's really important that I be able to open up a NEW window. Reason is because in the current window I might have more than one full page of info. If that happens I can't scroll through it.
You could create your own mapping to do it:
map <D-r> :w<CR>:!ruby %<CR>
% is the current file. If your file starts with #!/path/to/ruby you can omit the explicit call to ruby in your mapping.
Haven't tested the <D-r> mapping - no mac here. It's likely configuration dependent.
The following question has the answer to exactly what I was looking for
