Strange color in today extension - ios

In iOS 10 I sometimes can notice strange colors of UI elements. You can see that some labels on screen are black. Sometimes UIImageViews are pink or red. I don't set the color of these views, but after 1 or 2 seconds after first loading the color changes and everything is ok.

Ok, it was a bug in iOS because I noticed the same effect with other apps. Nothing can be done by iOS developer to remove this issue.


UITabBar rendering inconsistently in ios13+

I'm updating an app that I believe I last updated with ios SDK 14. The app still builds and runs but there are number of UI inconsistencies. The tab bar for instance seems to render transparent sometimes and other times not...
Tab bar renders fine for VCs 0 (Dashboard) and 2 (Insights)
But for 1 and 3 I get the following, which I presume is because it is transparent now and lacking a backing view...
If I set the background colour to white, it partly solves the problem but the "shadow image" (ie the separating line) is the missing...
And as you can see I've tried it on a couple simulators as well...
And it's not 100% consistent that the problem is on tabs 1 and 3, though I'd say 95% consistent...
The project is storyboard / autolayout based. Min target version was 12.4 but I've bumped to 13.0. No SwiftUI at the moment. Hoping for a simple solution here...

iOS swift: since 11.2 strange borders on some UiViews

Since I've updated to iOS 11.2 on my iPhone 8 plus I see strange borders on some views. Not all, but just some.
I've tried to set the border color to clear, the border size to 0, but still the border are there.
If I try to take a screenshot the picture doesn't show the borders.
If I play the app from an other iOS version or from simulator there aren't any border.
Did some one have the same bug? Do you know a fix?

Buttons sized incorrectly on iOS8, correctly on iOS7

I solved this before posting, but I'm sharing this anyway just in case it helps someone else.
I'm having a problem with certain buttons sizing incorrectly on iOS8. They are coming out too tall, too wide, and the label is vertically misaligned. Interestingly, though the button is x-centered on the signin view, it maintains alignment on the left side. I'm still building on Xcode 5/iOS 7 as we have some higher priority issues we need to get out and building against iOS 8 breaks more than this. Are there different constraints I can apply here?
I've included the background image slicing also. It is 66x87 px, but the button is getting sized to 72px tall, so I'm not sure it is be related or not.
The problem here was that I did not have an #2x image for the button background. The button background is just a flat color so there was no real need for an #2x before.

Red dot (circle) next to the app name below the app icon on the iPhone Home Screen on iOS 8

What does the red dot (circle) next to the app name below the app icon mean?
I added a Today Extension (Widget) to the app. It appears only when I launch the app on the iOS 8, it does not appear on iOS 7 simulator. Even though I removed the extension and cleared the simulator, it still appears before the app name.
An Orange dot next to an app normally means it's a beta version, as installed through Testflight. I have a couple of those at the moment, though one looks more red. Trying to find if there's a difference between an orange and a red dot, or if it's just an artefact of the colour of the background image that makes it look red.
The dot you see is actually an orange dot, with transparency. On dark backgrounds it seems like it's red. Try changing to a bright background.
Orange dots for all beta apps that are downloaded from TestFlight and blue dots for recently updated apps from App Store.
Thanks for the question #user5673323221, and the answer by #PhilBowman. As apart from the red colour, there are few more colours as well such as yellow and blue having their specific meaning.
Check this Medium article for them all.

viewController edge (sometimes) flickers with white line with animated transition in iOS

I have a native iOS app written in objective-C (Xcode5) that shows a weird artifact on the top-left border of a subview during a standard animated transition. This artifact consists of a flickering white line that lasts very shortly (less than a second, but can still be clearly noticed) and that does not occurr always (more or less 3 times on 10, when pushing exactly the same button).
Here is an example of how it looks like:
I could see this artifact with 4 different devices (iPhone 5S, 5, 4 and iPad Mini) with iOS 7.1 installed. I tried also to close all the apps in background and restart the devices, but the artifact is still there.
I tried by setting clipsToBounds to YES as suggested in another answer, but it didn't work for me.
Could this be a bug of iOS7? The white flickering line doesn't appear sistematically on every transition, but just sometimes. In the app I'm simply calling a pushViewController animated:YES, therefore the transition is completely handled by iOS.
Any suggestion or ideas?
Try to implement the animation on main thread, this may solve the problem.
