What's the best way to exchange data between devices locally? - ios

I want to send data from 4-7 iPads to a MacBook and back for an application I plan on making that uses all devices and I want to avoid using a server for exchanging data. Also I would like to avoid connecting the devices over a local wifi network, as I would like my application to work regardless of wifi availability.
Is there a way of doing this using Bluetooth or a wired solution? Or maybe something else?

I think your best way is using apple Multipeer Connectivity, you can connect up to 7 nearby devices via Bluetooth, Wifi, or creat a local Wifi: https://developer.apple.com/reference/multipeerconnectivity


Connecting 30 iPads

I am currently programming an app for my school.
During the lesson the teacher needs to send and stream data to the students. There is a case in which one of the students streams the data to everyone else. The teacher uses an iPad and every student uses one.
My question is: How could this be realized without a local network or an internet connection?
Two solutions came to my mind when thinking about it:
Multipeer Connectivity. The problem with this solution is the limit to 8 devices. I have read that you can open multiple sessions at a time but I am worried that 30 devices are too many.
Having the teacher-iPad open a hotspot which the other iPads join. This hotspot will be used as a local network to communicate (as far as I know, this works on Minecraft PE). This would only be an option if the hotspot and it's password could be configured by the app, otherwise it would be too complicated to use in a lesson.
Thanks a lot for reading my text. I hope that you can help me.
Your devices need to transmit using wifi or bluetooth. I have a recollection that MCSession stopped being able to use bluetooth a few years ago. MCSession may work only if all devices are on the same wifi network.
Probably you can first use Multipeer Connectivity to setup the network, then use a hotspot or other solution afterward.
For example, using Multipeer Connectivity to send the wifi name and password to other devices. Once a device receives the setup information, you can disconnect it so that other devices can get connected.

iOS Communicate with LTE Similar to BLE Interaction

I have a device that can be communicated with over LTE with the same functionality as you normally get through BLE.
However, I'm having a hard time understanding how you communicate with, and get callbacks from an LTE device in the same way you do with BLE.
It doesn't seem that there is a library like CoreLTE but is there a standard way to use LTE like we use BLE (CoreBLE)?
In other words, how does one do essentially something line:
func lteCentralManager(lteCentral:LTECentralManager, didDiscoverPeripheral ltePeripheral:LTEPeripheral,
lteManager.connectPeripheral(ltePeripheral, options:nil)
NOTE: I realize that the technologies are different. The above is only meant to make the point of what I'm trying to do - not imply that the calls would be the same.
If there is no standard way to do this, does anyone know a good place to start figuring it out with iOS? I've read the standards. I'm just looking for how to use it now in iOS.
Thanks for the help.
iOS does not offer APIs to interact with the LTE modem directly, so this is impossible - not to mention, even if the hardware and software was capable of it, why would the scammercarrier allow you to talk to nearby devices directly instead of going through their network where they would charge you for that bandwidth?
If you need short-range communication between iOS and Mac devices you might want to take a look at Multipeer Connectivity. Firechat uses it successfully to enable off-network chat between nearby devices.

Is it possible to utilize carrier data and WiFi connections simultaneously within an App?

The theory in question is that I have a device that emits its own WiFi network. In order to communicate with this device, you must be connected to that WiFi network, but as it does not provide internet, your connection options are blocked.
What would be ideal, is to connect to this device, collect data from it, and transmit/push this data to a server located online via whatever means.
This question has been asked before, but the responses and questions I found were a few years old, and the OS has been updated a few iterations since then.
Is it possible, via Swift or Objective C within a mobile iOS app to utilize the connection of WiFi, but use carrier data to transmit that collected data?
I would use the BlueTooth API for this. However, there are two restrictions: 1) you cannot connect to a BlueTooth device in a captive network, and 2) you will not be able to connect to Android devices via BlueTooth.

About wifi scanning in iOS

I'm wondering if it's possible to scan wifi networking nearby like what WiFi Map did?
And in this application, it can even provide password of the wifi hotspot. Is it legal and what kind of technology is used?
I do not think this App use IOS technology to scan wifi and offer dynamic password.
In IOS,with public API,you even cannot scan available wifi nearby.
So,I think the Technology of this app is:
At first, they offer some public wifi and passowrd.
Then user use this app,and they choose to share about connected wifi.So,that the database of this app became bigger and bigger.

Communication between two iPhones

What is the fastest way to communicate between iPhones? I can get it to work with CoreBluetooth, using BTLE, but is there a way to transfer data faster, perhaps using regular Bluetooth rather than Bluetooth LE? I don't want to rely on Wifi, but I would like to be able to send data faster.
Thanks in advance!
As Anand said in the comments, the Multipeer Connectivity framework is the way to go here! It handles all ios device to ios device communication using whatever networks are available, be it Bluetooth or WiFi.
