Communication between two iPhones - ios

What is the fastest way to communicate between iPhones? I can get it to work with CoreBluetooth, using BTLE, but is there a way to transfer data faster, perhaps using regular Bluetooth rather than Bluetooth LE? I don't want to rely on Wifi, but I would like to be able to send data faster.
Thanks in advance!

As Anand said in the comments, the Multipeer Connectivity framework is the way to go here! It handles all ios device to ios device communication using whatever networks are available, be it Bluetooth or WiFi.


ios receive audio over bluetooth

I'm most likely not using the correct terminology in my question.
Is it somehow possible for an iphone to receive an "audio stream" from other iPhones over Bluetooth?
The idea is to make an app that makes it possible to listen to the music libraries of other iPhones in the Bluetooth range. All while not having access to the internet and not needing to pair up and transfer the actual song onto the phone.
The thing you ask of is doable, but is not something trivial. Bluetooth communication can be implemented to work like a TCP/IP socket implementation, the only problem is, there is no actual protocol to follow. Usually the apps that implement bluetooth communication use they own protocols definitions in order to serve the purpose of the app.
There are several steps that have to take in consideration:
The transfer speed over bluetooth, it's not fast but it's not slow either, the main problem with the transfer over bluetooth is that you have to implement the data transfer, for example in TCP/IP the whole package exchange (send/acknowledge/receive) is done by the system, there's no general protocol implementation to do such thing using bluetooth.
The connection handling, this is something really tricky depending on OS & OS version, especially on iOS the connect/disconnect handling is clumsy & often buggy.
Security, without pairing and bonding there's no security. Even with pairing & bonding the security is flacky. Without security you might get your app hammered down and bricked by a simple bluetooth sniffer.
Other apps that use bluetooth, for IoT or other gadgets this is not an actual problem, but when you have a client/server like approach via bluetooth using two mobile phone you might get in trouble because of other apps that wrongly use the bluetooth (don't close connections, try to scan to frequently) and you can't do anything about it.
These are the things that cross trough my mind about the bluetooth communication, I've worked on several apps that connect to IoT and I can tell you it's not something trivial to implement. You get a lot of headache for things that you can't imagine.
As an alternative you could use WI-FI without internet connection, there was a trending post some time ago about Mesh Networks that use only the WIFI signal to transmit data, not even actual wifi network, worth checking out IMO.

iOS Communicate with LTE Similar to BLE Interaction

I have a device that can be communicated with over LTE with the same functionality as you normally get through BLE.
However, I'm having a hard time understanding how you communicate with, and get callbacks from an LTE device in the same way you do with BLE.
It doesn't seem that there is a library like CoreLTE but is there a standard way to use LTE like we use BLE (CoreBLE)?
In other words, how does one do essentially something line:
func lteCentralManager(lteCentral:LTECentralManager, didDiscoverPeripheral ltePeripheral:LTEPeripheral,
lteManager.connectPeripheral(ltePeripheral, options:nil)
NOTE: I realize that the technologies are different. The above is only meant to make the point of what I'm trying to do - not imply that the calls would be the same.
If there is no standard way to do this, does anyone know a good place to start figuring it out with iOS? I've read the standards. I'm just looking for how to use it now in iOS.
Thanks for the help.
iOS does not offer APIs to interact with the LTE modem directly, so this is impossible - not to mention, even if the hardware and software was capable of it, why would the scammercarrier allow you to talk to nearby devices directly instead of going through their network where they would charge you for that bandwidth?
If you need short-range communication between iOS and Mac devices you might want to take a look at Multipeer Connectivity. Firechat uses it successfully to enable off-network chat between nearby devices.

What's the best way to exchange data between devices locally?

I want to send data from 4-7 iPads to a MacBook and back for an application I plan on making that uses all devices and I want to avoid using a server for exchanging data. Also I would like to avoid connecting the devices over a local wifi network, as I would like my application to work regardless of wifi availability.
Is there a way of doing this using Bluetooth or a wired solution? Or maybe something else?
I think your best way is using apple Multipeer Connectivity, you can connect up to 7 nearby devices via Bluetooth, Wifi, or creat a local Wifi:

Custom BLE Advertisement on iOS

I'm hoping to create a BLE advertisement on iOS where I can control the advertisement on a byte level.
One use case would be to mimic an iBeacon advertisement. What is the iBeacon Bluetooth Profile (I want to advertise while my app is in the background which is why I'm not using CoreLocation)
I do not see a way to do this with the Core Bluetooth API. Is this correct? Are there alternatives using private API's or jailbreaking?
As the others already pointed out, there is no API on iOS that allows you to do this.
You can advertise as an iBeacon, but only when your app is in the foreground. When in background, the advertisement is removed and therefore cannot be discovered anymore (except for other iOS devices which explicitly scan for that service UUID). Also see the documentation here: Core Bluetooth Background Processing
If you would share your use case and what you want to achieve, maybe there are other ways to realise it.
My experience with iOS is that if it is something is not exposed in the API, there is no way around, except jailbreaking. For Bluetooth low energy the API is at GAP/GATT level, and very little at the lower levels (if anything) is exposed. Advertising is a LL (link layer) feature.
To illustrate how restricted the access is: When scanning for BLE devices you will not have access to the advertiser's MAC address iOS. In Android you have it.
I do not see a way to do this with the Core Bluetooth API. Is this
Since you have to set Manufacture Specific Data in order to achieve this, if nothing has changed you will experience exactly the same issue that I did. Explained here:
The advertisement key 'Manufacturer Data' is not allowed in CoreBluetooth
It is not possible.

Iphone as a start button

I would like to develop an (personal) iphone app to use the iPhone as a controller for a small device such as a fan or for example a light bulb. Does anyone know if there is some kind of controllable iphone-dock to use for something like this. And are there some kind of methods to use with such a dock? For example the fan just needs a variable voltage for different rpm.
Thanks in advance,
EAAccessory requires that you become a Apple hardware partner, which is very expensive and not easy (this is why you only see large companies releasing hardware accessories for iOS devices).
There's a few ways around this. The easiest way is to have your app send OSC signals over WIFI to an OSC server. I've set this up before using TouchOSC on the iPhone and an Arduino connected to my desktop via USB. It's not hard at all, but it requires that you have an Arduino connected to a computer; it's not ideal.
Alternatively you can use audio output to send commands over the line output in the iPhone's dock connector, effectively turning the iPhone into a software modem.
Good luck and if you get this figured out, post the code on github. :-D
EAAccessory framework might not be what you want because of the requirement for you to have the license and hardware. You could better implement some sort of small webserver that runs an arduino or something similar. check this out for an example of that. on the arduino, you could just have a 5v relay to control the switch of whatever device and have the other pins of the relay connected to a hot (or cold depending on the relay state) standard 120v plug so you can plug anything into it. here is a good project for arduino controlled relay
for direct serial control, you could do something like this but it would require being jailbroken. i think for a personal app, doing it via wifi would be the best way unless you jailbreak and install the full bluetooth stack where you do not need EAAccessory stuff
Check out EAAccessory Framework. Used to handle external devices.
You could try using an ultrasound detector attached to your device, and playing an audio file at the appropriate frequency etc. on the iPhone.
