I'm trying to integrate the Heyzap SDK 10 to my AdobeAIR iOS project with no luck. I could start the services using the SDK 9 but with the new SDK I just get a "Fyber Version 8.5.2 - Waiting for SDK to start" when I try to open the mediation test suit.
I followed the documentation step by step and most likely implemented everything as supposed to be. Do you have any clue on this issue?
I'm using
Adobe Flash Professional CS6
Latest Heyzap SDK 10
In general this message just means the SDK hasn't started yet. Solving this usually involves confirming your dashboard settings are correct, making sure the bundle ID of your app matches your dashboard, or contacting support if these things don't work.
As an Ionic/Cordova app developer on Windows, I've been using PhoneGap Build to create and sign my iOS apps before using MacInCloud to upload them to the App Store via App Loader. Unfortunately as of today, Apple requires iOS SDK 13 for uploading apps to the App Store. PhoneGapBuild does not support SDK 13 yet and there's no roadmap or idea of when it will start.
As I mentioned, I use MacInCloud to upload my apps and I'm curious if anyone has a way to remotely build the apps on iOS outside of uploading all of my code and using the Cordova or Ionic CLI via Remote Desktop.
Or hey, maybe you as a developer on PC have another way to build iOS apps. I've very interested in hearing how you're building apps now that PhoneGap Build is no longer an option.
Thanks in advance!
I gave the VirtualBox route a shot and wow, that was messy. I ended up just settling with logging into my MacInCloud account every time I was to create an iOS build and just dealing with that. Much cheaper solution than appflow.
I successfully built my app for Android, but naturally things are not that simple for IOS for a windows user.
This question has been asked many times before in many places at different times in different versions, but I'm interested to see if there's any up-to-date info on the issue.
Here's an old topic with a variety of answers: https://forum.ionicframework.com/t/how-to-build-app-for-iphone-without-mac/19929/19
I'm using ionic 3 and I'd like to build for the latest IOS, My PC OS is Windows 10.
Does Ionic provide any way to make this process easier?
I understood that in the latest IOS an apple dev account is no longer a requirement for testing. How do I test without one? (perhaps it's possible only when using a MAC?)
How do I use PhoneGap Build with Ionic?
It requires apple app certificate and keys to build.
Am I supposed to manually create a config.xml? https://github.com/phonegap/phonegap-template-hello-world/blob/master/www/config.xml
I use windows to develop Ionic. In order to build for IOS I have installed VMWare on which I emulate MacOS X, installed xcode and all the tools necessary for building ionic. I have been able to test and deploy my apps to an ios device through usb with ionic/xcode. However I haven't push any apps to the app store yet. If you want to get started into this, take a look at this link.
After doing some research I found out that ionic has a cloud packaging service.
https://ionicframework.com/pro/package (previously https://docs.ionic.io/services/package/ [link dead])
Can someone explain how to use Chartboost sdk in unity. I've already downloaded the sdk and have in my project but I need to know how to get started and how to program with the built in methods. Also I would like to know how to test out the ads if they work on my device
Chartboost have a really detailed step by step guide that can be found here.
It is recommended to use Prime31 Chartboost plugin,simple and quick, you can be found here:
open unity
assets>import_package>select chartboost.unity
In unity Editor>click chartboost
create new scene>make settings of chartboost like android/ios
test it in real device
Adding the SDK to your games is quick and easy – you just need a few ingredients:
A Chartboost account
An app in your dashboard
The latest SDK
An active publishing campaign
Please note that Chartboost supports Android 2.3+ and iOS 6.0, so make sure to set the minimum OS versions of your Unity project accordingly.
Also, to ensure compatibility with Android 6.0 Marshmallow devices and features, you should make sure that you’re building, compiling, and targeting against the latest Google Android SDKs (at least API level 23). (However, “minimum” SDK can still target down to API Level 9.)
The Chartboost initialization call must be made during hard and soft bootups within the first few seconds of your app launching, regardless of any other actions or user interaction within your app.
I have a requirement to develop Android and iPhone versions of the same app, so I'm considering Trigger.io. My question is, I need to support ads on both versions of the application. I'm thinking on using iAd for the iPhone version, and AdMob for the Android one. Does Trigger.io support integration with these two systems? If true, is there any example I can use to start things up? Thanks.
There isn't an existing integration with iAds or AdMob, but you should be able to get that done with our native plugin system
We've published webinar recordings for iOS and Android to help get you started.
Does anyone knows if there is a document from Apple that states what iOS SDK version you have to use for building your app to upload it to iTunes Connect?
I often read in blogs "only the latest", but I need this official from Apple because our vendor wants to build against the iOS 4 SDK because of "strange errors with iOS 5".
I'm not sure if this is OK. We want to run the app to run on iOS 4 and 5.
I too had read what you had—that the latest SDK had to be used... Yet, I haven't found an official source for this now I go looking for it.
Using the iOS 5 SDK does not prevent you from having a build target of iOS 4.2 (or similar), which will it to run on both iOS 4.2+ as well as iOS 5. Perhaps a good starting point is educating the client that there is a fundamental difference between the iOS 5 SDK and iOS 5 itself—they may well just be reacting to media coverage of iOS 5 issues like battery life.