Swift "show segue" is not available when Ctrl Drag a button on View Controller - ios

I'm having a very hard time here.
I created an iOS App in which I have a Navigation controller and a main screen showing a device list and now I'd like to add a detailed view. My issue is, I can't create a segue with action "Show" - the Interface Builds in Xcode only provides options "Push", "Modal" and "Custom"
I'm an absolute beginner in Swift (or for that Apple) development and each and every tutorial I found with google, says, I'd simply have to Ctrl-Click the button, drag it to the new view controller and choose "show" - but there is no :-(
I'm attaching a picture, so you might see more clearly.
Please, if someone could help me out here.
Is my problem caused by choosing Single View Application in the project???
I'm using Xcode 8, Swift 3 and developing for iOS 10 on iPhone

You are likely using the old Xcode storyboard layout, to go back to modern layout:
select Main.storyboard, go to file inspector and check the Use Auto Layout and Use Trait Variations boxes.


iOS Xcode Development with Segues full screen

I am new to iOS native development and have been struggling for a few days to understand some of the segue concepts. I have tried googling for that answer but I must not be using the terminology Apple has created for this.
I have inherited some code and I am trying to move from the login screen of my app to my first page in full screen. It moves to that page and gives the user that ability to swipe down and go back to the login screen. This is not the functionality that I want. I want to use a button to go back and not gesture functionality.
Assuming you created a "Present Modally" segue, select that Segue and, in the Attributes Inspector pane:
Select Full Screen from the Presentation drop-down.

When using popover segue, does not allow controls added to viewcontroler to display

I would like to take advantage of using the PopOver segue now available in Xcode 6. I have been experimenting with this, seems very straightforward. However when i add any type of control, label, or any element, and run the project in the simulator, the added elements (controls, labels, etc) do not display. I am running iOS 8.1.2 and using xCode 6, objective-c. The application is targeted for iPad.
I am going from a standard viewcontrler to a viewcontrler,
When i do a standard modal segue, everything is visible.
thanks in advance for any help,
links to screen shot
did you give the anchor point in storyboard?if you want to display second view controller on pressing a button give the anchor point to that button.

UISplitView equivalent on the iPhone.

I have an iPad app which I am attempting to make universal and port over to my iPhone following this tutorial. http://www.appcoda.com/ios-univeral-app-tutorial/ (feel free to post a link if you believe it will help me).
So far, I have added a new storyboard file, named it Main_iPhone.storyboard and configured my target etc. However my iPad app is a UISplitView controller, with options on the side (in the master view) which control my detailview.
What I want to know is the iPhone equivalent of this object as i was made aware it cannot be used on the iPhone. Guidance needed on this one.
This is a very generalized answer since I have no idea what your app does.
The rootviewController of the app should be a navigation controller. The the root controller of the navigation controller should be the view controller that is on the left side of the split view controller. I'm going to assume that is a tableviewController.
When the user selects a row in the tableview controller, push the view controller that was on the right side of the split controller.
Now you have a master-child relationship.
Another thing to consider is that with the upcoming iOS 8 release, you'll be able to easily implement iPad like master-detail views on iPhone. (the concept is size constraint classes). As a developer, you can download the new xcode beta (and osx yosemite beta) to test this out.

How to switch view controllers in Xcode 5?

I can no longer simply right click and drag from a button to a view controller to create a view switch via the Modal function in Xcode 5?
I've searched everywhere, but seeing as Xcode 5 is fairly new, I can't find anything on it.
I'll continue to search the Apple Documentation just in case no one can provide an answer here, but does anyone know what's wrong?
Is this feature excluded from Xcode 5 and I am forced to code it in?
The feature you are talking about is called Storyboard Segue and it's definitely available in Xcode 5.
Be sure you are dragging from the UIButton and not from it's superview.
Restarting Xcode may also help.

Beginner question: Which iOS Template for huge application?

I am now starting my first iOS application.
It has a login-sreeen at beginning.
After Login screen there should be around 4-5 items (Tab Bar?!) what you can do there (e.g.: write a PM).
What template should I use when beginning with this?
What is the exact difference?
There is the cunningly named Tab Bar Application template
But to be honest with you; if you are just starting your first iOS application - worrying about what template to use is of lower priority than other questions. The templates provide a starting point, but you still have to fill in a lot of the detail. Don't think that choosing the template means you only have to fill in a few details to flesh out your app.
Have you read any of the documentation? That is really what you should be doing and planning your application model rather than worrying about which template to use.
You could use a single view application and then go to editor->embed-> navigation controller. After that all you need to do to add another screen is drag a storyboard from the IBObjects and create a segue to it by pressing ctrl and dragging from a button to the newly created storyboard. That way when you hit this button it'll take you to the new screen and a back button is provided by default by the navigation controller.
Hope that helps!
