How to detect emoji iOS - ios

I am trying to detect if a user of my app entered an emoji into UITextView. I have found this code:
However this code is not working for all emojis (for instance it is not working for the hearth symbol). Does anyone have a clue how to improve the code to catch all emojis? I am using Objective-C language. Any help is appreciated.

This is how I do it in my app :
func textView(textView: UITextView, shouldChangeTextInRange range: NSRange, replacementText text: String) -> Bool {
if textView.textInputMode?.primaryLanguage == "emoji" || textView.textInputMode?.primaryLanguage == nil {
// An emoji was typed by the user
// Do anything you need to do (or return false to disallow emojis)
return true

If you need to be able to detect any emoji, you'll need to create a list containing all code points used for emoji (or a list of all emoji if you prefer). If you want to, you can look at how emoji are detected in this framework, which I created for the purpose of replacing standard emoji with custom images, or take a look at my answer to a related question.
Then, if you're working with Objective-C and the NSString type, you'll first have to convert the string's unichars (which are UTF-16 encoded) into UTF-32 compatible format in order to use your list of code points. When you have the UTF-32 value, just compare it against your list and handle it however you need:
// Sample text.
NSString *text = #"a 😁";
// Get the UTF-16 representation of the text.
unsigned long length = text.length;
unichar buffer[length];
[text getCharacters:buffer];
// Initialize array to hold our UTF-32 values.
NSMutableArray *array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
// Temporary stores for the UTF-32 and UTF-16 values.
UTF32Char utf32 = 0;
UTF16Char h16 = 0, l16 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
unichar surrogate = buffer[i];
// High surrogate.
if (0xd800 <= surrogate && surrogate <= 0xd83f) {
h16 = surrogate;
// Low surrogate.
else if (0xdc00 <= surrogate && surrogate <= 0xdfff) {
l16 = surrogate;
// Convert surrogate pair to UTF-32 encoding.
utf32 = ((h16 - 0xd800) << 10) + (l16 - 0xdc00) + 0x10000;
// Normal UTF-16.
else {
utf32 = surrogate;
// Compare the UTF-32 value against your list of code points, and handle.
// Just demonstrating with the code point for 😁.
if (utf32 == 0x1f601) {
NSLog(#"It's an emoji!");
Additionally, you'll need to handle Variation Selectors if you don't want false positives, and zero-width joiners if you need to be able to handle sequences, but just looking at the first character in a sequence will tell you whether the string contains an emoji, so I won't go further into this.


Objective-C how to convert a keystroke to ASCII character code?

I need to find a way to convert an arbitrary character typed by a user into an ASCII representation to be sent to a network service. My current approach is to create a lookup dictionary and send the corresponding code. After creating this dictionary, I see that it is hard to maintain and determine if it is complete:
__asciiKeycodes[#"F1"] = #(112);
__asciiKeycodes[#"F2"] = #(113);
__asciiKeycodes[#"F3"] = #(114);
__asciiKeycodes[#"a"] = #(97);
__asciiKeycodes[#"b"] = #(98);
__asciiKeycodes[#"c"] = #(99);
Is there a better way to get ASCII character code from an arbitrary key typed by a user (using standard 104 keyboard)?
Objective C has base C primitive data types. There is a little trick you can do. You want to set the keyStroke to a char, and then cast it as an int. The default conversion in c from a char to an int is that char's ascii value. Here's a quick example.
char character= 'a';
NSLog("a = %ld", (int)test);
console output = a = 97
To go the other way around, cast an int as a char;
int asciiValue= (int)97;
NSLog("97 = %c", (char)asciiValue);
console output = 97 = a
Alternatively, you can do a direct conversion within initialization of your int or char and store it in a variable.
char asciiToCharOf97 = (char)97; //Stores 'a' in asciiToCharOf97
int charToAsciiOfA = (int)'a'; //Stores 97 in charToAsciiOfA
This seems to work for most keyboard keys, not sure about function keys and return key.
NSString* input = #"abcdefghijklkmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890!##$%^&*()_+[]\{}|;':\"\\,./<>?~ ";
for(int i = 0; i<input.length; i ++)
NSLog(#"Found (at %i): %i",i , [input characterAtIndex:i]);
Use stringWithFormat call and pass the int values.

Will this unicode encryption fail?

I'm not needing any serious security, I just need to stop 11 year olds with plist editors from editing their number of coins in my game with ease.
I created a function that takes a string, for each unicode value of a character it raises this unicode value by 220 plus 14 times the character number that it is in the string.
Obviously this will fail (I think) if the string was like a million characters long because eventually you run out of unicode characters, but for all intents and purposes, this will only be used on strings of 20 characters and less.
Are there any unicode characters in this range that will not be stored to a plist or will be ignored by Apple's underlying code when I save the plist so that when I retrieve it and decrypt the character will be gone and I can't decrypt it?
+(NSString*)encryptString:(NSString*)theString {
NSMutableString *encryptedFinal = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];
for (int i = 0; i < theString.length; i++) {
unichar uniCharacter = [theString characterAtIndex:i];
uniCharacter += +220+(14*i);
[encryptedFinal appendFormat:#"%C", uniCharacter];
return encryptedFinal;
+(NSString*)decryptString:(NSString*)theString {
NSMutableString *decryptedFinal = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];
for (int i = 0; i < theString.length; i++) {
unichar uniCharacter = [theString characterAtIndex:i];
uniCharacter += +220+(14*i);
[decryptedFinal appendFormat:#"%C", uniCharacter];
return decryptedFinal;
It works for a range of a string of length 20 characters or less if you are encrypting one of the first 26+26+10+30 characters in the unicode index at any given point along the 20 character line. It probably works higher, I just didn't test it any higher.
This is the code I created to test it, all unicode characters were stored in an NSString and stayed valid for counting later.
int i = 0;
NSMutableString *encryptedFinal = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];
NSString *theString = #"a";
int j = 26+26+10+30;//letters + capital letters + numbers + 30 extra things like ?><.\]!#$
int f = 0;
int z = 0;
while (f < j) {
while (i < 220+220+(14*20)) {
unichar uniCharacter = [theString characterAtIndex:0];
uniCharacter += +f;
uniCharacter += +220+(14*i);
[encryptedFinal appendFormat:#"%C", uniCharacter];
z += i;
i = 0;
NSLog(#"%#", encryptedFinal);
NSLog(#"%i == %i?", z, encryptedFinal.length);
There are two thing that you can do:
Save the number of coins using NSData rather than using
NSNumber. Then use
to encrypt it. You can even encrypt your entire .plist file to
ensure that no other fields are changed.
Security through obscurity. Just save the number of coins as an important sounding field. e.g.:Security Token Number. You can also create a bogus number of coins field whose value is ignored. Or maybe save the same value in both the fields and flag the user for cheating if the two values don't match.

NSString's method 'getCString' return false for Arabic text

I am generating QR code and everything is working fine if text is only in English. When i want to generate QR code with some Arabic text then it fails at NSString's method "getCString:maxLength:encoding:".
Suppose, I have two strings:
NSString *englishText = #"Some text English";
NSString *englishArabicMixText = #"Some text بالعربي";
char strEng [[englishText length] + 1];
char strArb [[englishArabicMixText length] + 1];
1- [englishText getCString:strEng maxLength:[englishText length] + 1 encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
2- [englishArabicMixText getCString:strArb maxLength:[englishArabicMixText length] + 1 encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
At Case#1 'getCString' return true and QR code is generated and at Case#2 it return false and failed to generate code.
What should I do, so that in case#2 it should also return true ? Thank you
length returns the number of Unicode characters. You have to use lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding:, which returns the number of bytes required to store the receiver in a given encoding.
NSUInteger arbLength = [englishArabicMixText lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] + 1;
char strArb [arbLength];
[englishArabicMixText getCString:strArb maxLength:arbLength encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
2 is returning false for either 2 possible reasons:
1) the string cannot be converted with the specified encoding.
2) the buffer to hold the encoded string is too small.
I'd guess (or at least I suggest you to start investigating) problem is nr. 2.
Because as you're converting to UTF8 a single un-encoded character may result in more than one encoded character. An 'A' is a single byte with value 65 but an arabic character or some kind of symbol may require more bytes.
You are assuming your destination buffer requires the same number of bytes as the same number of characters of your NSString
So you should do something like that:
NSUInteger size = [englishArabicMixText lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding : NSUTF8StringEncoding];
strArb = malloc(size); // NOTE: you should allocate space for your string at runtime!!
[englishArabicMixText getCString:strArb maxLength:size encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
You should do the same for the plain english string too.
And I'd reccomend to allocate dinamically at runtime the space for the C string with malloc and then free it when you don't need it anymore.

iOS - XML to NSString conversion

I'm using NSXMLParser for parsing XML to my app and having a problem with the encoding type. For example, here is one of the feeds coming in. It looks similar to this"
\U2026Some random text from the xml feed\U2026
I am currently using the encoding type:
NSData *data = [string dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
Which encoding type am I suppose to use for converting \U2026 into a ellipse (...) ??
The answer here is you're screwed. They are using a non-standard encoding for XML, but what if they really want the literal \U2026? Let's say you add a decoder to handle all \UXXXX and \uXXXX encodings. What happens when another feed want the data to be the literal \U2026?
You're first choice and best bet is to get this feed fixed. If they need to encode data, they need to use proper HTML entities or numeric references.
As a fallback, I would isolate the decoder away from the XML parser. Don't create a non-conforming XML parser just because your getting non-conforming data. Have a post processor that would only be run on the offending feed.
If you must have a decoder, then there is more bad news. There is no built in decoder, you will need to find a category online or write one up yourself.
After some poking around, I think Using Objective C/Cocoa to unescape unicode characters, ie \u1234 may work for you.
Alright, heres a snippet of code that should work for any unicode code-point:
NSString *stringByUnescapingUnicodeSymbols(NSString *input)
NSMutableString *output = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:[input length]];
// get the UTF8 string for this string...
const char *UTF8Str = [input UTF8String];
while (*UTF8Str) {
if (*UTF8Str == '\\' && tolower(*(UTF8Str + 1)) == 'u')
// skip the next 2 chars '\' and 'u'
UTF8Str += 2;
// make sure we only read 4 chars
char tmp[5] = { UTF8Str[0], UTF8Str[1], UTF8Str[2], UTF8Str[3], 0 };
long unicode = strtol(tmp, NULL, 16); // remember that Unicode is base 16
[output appendFormat:#"%C", unicode];
// move on with the string (making sure we dont miss the end of the string
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (*UTF8Str == 0)
if (*UTF8Str == 0)
[output appendFormat:#"%c", *UTF8Str];
return output;
You should simple replace literal '\U2026' on a quotation, then encode it with NSUTF8StringEncoding encodind to NSData

Objective-C - Remove last character from string

In Objective-C for iOS, how would I remove the last character of a string using a button action?
In your controller class, create an action method you will hook the button up to in Interface Builder. Inside that method you can trim your string like this:
if ([string length] > 0) {
string = [string substringToIndex:[string length] - 1];
} else {
//no characters to delete... attempting to do so will result in a crash
If you want a fancy way of doing this in just one line of code you could write it as:
string = [string substringToIndex:string.length-(string.length>0)];
*Explanation of fancy one-line code snippet:
If there is a character to delete (i.e. the length of the string is greater than 0)
     (string.length>0) returns 1 thus making the code return:
          string = [string substringToIndex:string.length-1];
If there is NOT a character to delete (i.e. the length of the string is NOT greater than 0)
     (string.length>0) returns 0 thus making the code return:
          string = [string substringToIndex:string.length-0];
     Which prevents crashes.
If it's an NSMutableString (which I would recommend since you're changing it dynamically), you can use:
[myString deleteCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange([myRequestString length]-1, 1)];
The solutions given here actually do not take into account multi-byte Unicode characters ("composed characters"), and could result in invalid Unicode strings.
In fact, the iOS header file which contains the declaration of substringToIndex contains the following comment:
Hint: Use with rangeOfComposedCharacterSequencesForRange: to avoid breaking up composed characters
See how to use rangeOfComposedCharacterSequenceAtIndex: to delete the last character correctly.
The documentation is your friend, NSString supports a call substringWithRange that can shorten the string that you have an return the shortened String. You cannot modify an instance of NSString it is immutable. If you have an NSMutableString is has a method called deleteCharactersInRange that can modify the string in place
NSRange r;
r.location = 0;
r.size = [mutable length]-1;
NSString* shorted = [stringValue substringWithRange:r];
