Update ios Appstore app to allow only iPhone - ios

I have my application in apple app store supporting, iPhone,iPad and iPod (Universal), Now I want to have my app compatible with only iPhone, How to achieve that.(In xcode device family I can check only iPhone and sumbit app sotre, will this make my app only supporting iphone ) Please help

It is not possible with the original Bundle ID.
Citing from the doc below:
Bundles must continue to support any devices previously supported.
The only option for you is to create a new bundle ID and submit your app with it.
Removing your app from the store, and uploading the update with a
different bundle ID, will allow you to narrow the range of devices
your update supports. However the update will be listed on the store
as a separate app.


Universal iOS app with HealthKit not showing up in iPad App Store

We have an iOS application that uses healthkit but we handle all cases of it gracefully for our iPad Application. After a successful submission we are not able to download it from the App Store directly on an iPad, but we can download it through iTunes. Is there something we need to do to make it appear on the iPad's App Store as well?
Does you plist contain healthkit under the required device capabilities? If it does, I'm guessing it won't show up on the iPad on the store, since the device doesn't fulfill the requirements. Downloading through iTunes won't filter out apps based on the requirements.
The fix would be to remove healthkit from the required capabilities and resubmit. The app should show up in the store for iPad then.
Found that we needed to weak link HeathKit in the Link Binary With Libraries section by making the Framework "Optional".

App Store Review and Watchkit

I've uploaded an app that got approved with an apple watch version. But in the latest version, I want to upload it without the apple watch version. Does anyone have any information on this?
V1 = iOS + Watchkit
V2 = iOS only
Does anyone know if Apple would allow this? I've tried contacting them, no response yet.
iTunes Connect does not allow uploading an updated version of an app when the update runs on fewer devices than the version of the app currently in the App Store. This is by design.
An update to an app must work for every customer who has already
purchased the app, and is running a current version of iOS.
Developers who wish to issue updates, but remove device support, have three choices:
Fix their app so that it can work on the devices they originally set out to support.
Target a newer version of iOS that requires a newer device.
Remove their app from the store, and upload the new app with a different bundle ID.
↳ https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/qa/qa1623/_index.html

Making Ipad only app to universal without resubmitting

I have submitted my app for iPad only on app store. Is it possible to revert it to universal allowing to downloads on iPad as well as iPhone without resubmitting.
I did some googling but couldn't find anything useful.
FYI: It an app created using meteorJs
No, you will need to submit an update to your app in the App Store as the app type is embedded in the file you submit.
Apple will need to review your changes (i.e. Validate that it works correctly on iPhone).

Testing app on iphone via xcode replaces my app (which is downloaded from app store)

I want to be able to have 2 versions of my app on my phone. The one that is published on the App Store and the one that i use to test on my iphone via xcode. Unfortunately when i run my app on my iphone with xcode, it replaces the one i downloaded from the app store.
Is it possible to have both versions?
Change Bundle identifier of your project to something else. You can find it at info.plist

Removing iPad support from app

I uploaded an app to the App Store a while ago, but I have to delete the iPad support for different reasons. I am not talking about removing the app from the iPad App Store, only removing the iPad support. The Developer website states the following:
Developers who wish to issue updates, but remove device support, have three choices:
Fix their app so that it can work on the devices they originally set out to support.
Target a newer version of iOS that requires a newer device.
Remove their app from the store, and upload the new app with a different bundle ID.
The problem is that if I remove the app from the app store and upload it again, I can not use the same app name. That is not an option.
Is there any way out of this mess?
Answering my own question - no, there is no other way! I ended up creating a decent looking iPad app to fix the problem.
Apple will not allow you to remove support for iPad if you ever offered it on a given app name. Further, the app has to be well enough designed for iPad that Apple likes it enough to allow it to pass. We had an app rejected for this reason.
