Charles proxy push back buffer is full - ios

My use case I am trying to decipher an api call through charles proxy but on an IPhone. Now some of these IPhone's I am getting a wierd error message
IO:Push Back Buffer is full
It happens only on one of the Phones and rest of the phones work perfectly fine. And they are specific to only some of the API calls. I had the same issue on Android and I had to reset the Android to get it to work. Not sure if anyone had an issue like this with Charles.
Phone: Iphone 6S
OS: 10
Screenshot of the error

I posted the same in google SDK help forum, you guys can go through the response here
detailed answer here:
ok now looks like one of my colleague found a solution for this problem . So lot of us were effected with this issue every now and then and problem with come and go away on its own and more over this seemed to effect only the Ad related Api calls.
Solution: We just deleted the all the cache and data from the Play Store App in the Device Settings -- Applications Manager --> Delete all the cache data in the pay services.
This basically took care of the problem immediately although it did crash the App for 2-3 times but worked like a charm after that. So now this does point to a Bug in the Ad mobs SDK where it builds this cache overtime and starts complaining about it when it cannot handle it.


Why won't my iOS beta app connect to network / internet?

I'm facing a weird problem.
While I was testing my app on xCode, everything was working like a charm, even internet accessing.
I uploaded my build to Testflight and my testers won't be able to connect.
Even more surprising : I realize that the one I'm using on my phone is the xCode build, not installed via testflight, and still wont be able to access the internet while it was perfectly able to do so while connected to xCode...
EDIT : tested my web service which works as well
Did any one of you already face this problem ? How should I solve this ?
Thanks very much in advance
I Had a deeper look into it after #Ladislav and #Losiowaty suggestions.
The problem was actually elsewere. The app behavior was like if there was a network problem. I didn't remember about it but I changed one line in the returned jSon use, which caused a non fatal error and the results not showing, which couldn't be seen without reading logs.
Thank you all for your time anyway !

iOS app wake up with BLE not working as before on iOS9.3?

There are previous topics about waking up an application from the background with BLE advertisement (e.g. How to wake up iOS app with bluetooth signal (BLE), Android / iOS - BLE - wake up a terminated application when a BLE device connects).
However my question is not about that since we had this feature working fine up to iOS 9.2 included.
Coming iOS 9.3 the feature doesn't work as it used to work before, it seems that the terminated by user swiping off the application is not woken up. Nothing changed on the BLE advertisement originator.
After a recheck of various parameters and reading of Apple documentation, nothing springs to our minds. Neither Apple documentation mention any change, unless we missed something.
Have other people notice this issue? Are you aware of a solution?
We wrote to Apple and we are pending on an answer but maybe somebody here has the correct tip.
Many thanks in advance for the attention.
UPDATE: After more testing, it seems that only when the user swipes the application out the wake up doesn't work like it used to in iOS 9.2
Initial testing were more manual and gave us the impression that there was an underlying issue. However not sure why this change took place without any notification from Apple. - Above text was amended based on the update -
UPDATE 2: This issue is not present anymore in iOS 10.
It turns out after a reply from Apple that this is a (new) intended behaviour.
didEnterRegion/didExitRegion events stopped working from the background after update to 9.3
I have an app that has been working almost perfectly for the last 6 months, and after the update these events are no longer getting called. I started this app over last year when I heard about iOS9 coming out, and when I couldn't get the old one working, I started a new one using Swift instead.
After some time and a LOT of driving in and out of my Region, I got the app to work more reliably than it ever had before. I have several devices using the app, and when all of them updated to iOS9.3/9.3.1, the app stopped calling didEnterRegion/didExitRegion events completely.
I have a ticket open with Apple, but I am getting a lot of push back about the service, and that 9.3 didn't change background location at all.
My devices use AT&T of Verizon, we have tried wi-fi assist on and off, I even wiped a system, formatted the HD, installed El Capitan, and XCode 7.3, and it's hasn't helped.
I also found an issue with the Devices Tool, and when you download the Container, and open package, the Documents folder is empty. I'm not getting a warm fuzzy feeling for Apple right now, and I am sure someone is feeling my MEGA MIND WEDGIE at this moment.

How do you access the all of the NSLog statements?

I have an application which is producing an error very intermittently, I am trying to run it down with an NSLog statement in swift. However, after I have noticed the bug has occured, when I hook up my iPhone to review the logs in the Devices window. I only see about 5 minutes worth of statements from various applications. Is there a way to get the history past what automatically comes up? Is there a way to get your applications NSLog statements only?
I haven't tried it from Swift, but we sometimes use NSLogger from Obj-C. It will log to a local Mac application instead of the console on the device. Alternatively, we sometimes log to a file and then transfer the file via email.
You can take a look at Bugfender, it's a product we have built to solve this problem. We had the same problem, especially when delivering beta apps to our customers, so we decided to make a product to solve this problem.
With Bugfender you will be able to get the device logs without any need to connect the device to your computer.
It's easy to integrate and you can choose which devices you want to get the logs from. Our service works offline and online, we have spent a lot of time to make it reliable and easy to use.

Web App worked last week, works fine on Ipad and Android, but now clogs on Iphone? NOTHING changed but SSL layer for push

I just launched an IPHONE app...approved to apple store.
(marion IL official app) if you want to try
and it works fine on my ipad. Client says their iphone takes forever to load, and doesn't run right.
last week's version worked fine. Funny thing is I changed NO CODE (it's a web app with push notification) all I did is re-compress the IPA with the SSL Layer certificate for push.
Any thoughts?
I faced a similar issue before. Two possibilities come to my mind:
There is some memory pile up (you are storing something in an array/object), which is not being cleared time and again. For e.g. if you are getting something via GPS, but not clearing it over time. You'd only notice over time, as it takes a while to build up the data.
-The hosting company (GoDaddy in my case), enabled mobile websites, which were redirecting all calls from mobile device to a mobile site. This may not be in you case as you said it's working well on your ipad.

Recently released iPhone app update hangs at splash screen

I submitted my app update for review a week or so ago and it worked fine for me when i submitted it (on multiple devices and emulator). Apple reviewed it and approved it and now whenever users download it, the app just hangs at the splash screen forever. On iOS 6 beta it immediately crashes. I believe it must be something wrong with the package that Apple put on the store for download, but i honestly have no idea. Anybody had this happen before or anyone have any ideas on how you can debug a problem like this?
This is maybe the 30th or so time i've submitted something to Apple and this is the first time anything like this has ever happened. I have used a technical support incident to contact apple and no response so far from that. I also used the contact us page on the itunesconnect portal to ask about it and no response from that either. Both of those were done on Friday. As a secondary question, does anyone know how long it takes to hear back from Apple when you submit questions in either of those ways?
I faced the same issue. It was a DNS issue. It drove me mad for months, since I could not reproduce the issue. However one poorly configured WiFi helped me reproduce the issue by chance.
iOS tries to perform DNS lookup at the beginning of the app lifecyle. This is even before a single line of code is executed. If the DNS lookup is performed on the main thread synchronously, it blocks the UI. This issue arises only in cases where its trying to resolve the DNS for about 30s while blocking the UI. Hence the iOS watchdog kills the app due to a timeout. Apple also has a doc for this-
You can search for DNS lookup in your code and check its execution. In my case it was a 3rd party C-library that was causing an issue.
I know its been really long since this question was asked, hope it helps someone.
