Why won't my iOS beta app connect to network / internet? - ios

I'm facing a weird problem.
While I was testing my app on xCode, everything was working like a charm, even internet accessing.
I uploaded my build to Testflight and my testers won't be able to connect.
Even more surprising : I realize that the one I'm using on my phone is the xCode build, not installed via testflight, and still wont be able to access the internet while it was perfectly able to do so while connected to xCode...
EDIT : tested my web service which works as well
Did any one of you already face this problem ? How should I solve this ?
Thanks very much in advance

I Had a deeper look into it after #Ladislav and #Losiowaty suggestions.
The problem was actually elsewere. The app behavior was like if there was a network problem. I didn't remember about it but I changed one line in the returned jSon use, which caused a non fatal error and the results not showing, which couldn't be seen without reading logs.
Thank you all for your time anyway !


Flutter app crashes on launch only during Apple FlightTest

I had completed a Flutter app, which seems to work well in simulator. I then went on to release the initial version of the app to AppStore Connect and sent it to beta testers via TestFlight and they were able to test it without any issue and sent me some feedback.
I made a few changes to the app based on the feedback (nothing too drastic) and tested it throughly in the simulator which seems to work fine. But now when the users download the app via TestFlight it crashed while opening and I cant seem to fix it no matter what I try. Any help would be really appreciated
So far I have tried,
Followed this article letter to letter
Modify optimisation parameters in Build Settings as mentioned here
Tried this SO answer
Crash report from XCode is not much of use since it is not very readable (as attached in the picture).
Can't yet seem to find any reliable answer, Any help on this would be much appreciated.

Apps using firebase crash after 3-4 days of installing them on a device/simulator (iOS)

I am somewhat new to developing apps for iOS and I have been creating a few demo projects in Xcode. My problem is the following:
I have been following a few tutorials from Udemy.com and I created an app using firebase, the app works fine for about 3-4 days of use. But after more time passes by, the application does not launch on my device or the simulator. I thought I must have done something wrong when I did the tutorials, so I did them again but the same thing happens after 3-4 days of installing the app. They immediately close after I try to launch them. However, they do work if I rebuild the app on my phone or on the simulator. I do not seem to understand why this happens. has anyone else come across this problem? Or is this a normal thing that happens until you upload the app via the app store? Thank you guys, hope someone here knows. Cheers!
in such case you can check your GoogleService-Info.plist file or get idea about what's wrong by check the App terminate reason printed in your output Console.

Charles proxy push back buffer is full

My use case I am trying to decipher an api call through charles proxy but on an IPhone. Now some of these IPhone's I am getting a wierd error message
IO:Push Back Buffer is full
It happens only on one of the Phones and rest of the phones work perfectly fine. And they are specific to only some of the API calls. I had the same issue on Android and I had to reset the Android to get it to work. Not sure if anyone had an issue like this with Charles.
Phone: Iphone 6S
OS: 10
Screenshot of the error
I posted the same in google SDK help forum, you guys can go through the response here
detailed answer here:
ok now looks like one of my colleague found a solution for this problem . So lot of us were effected with this issue every now and then and problem with come and go away on its own and more over this seemed to effect only the Ad related Api calls.
Solution: We just deleted the all the cache and data from the Play Store App in the Device Settings -- Applications Manager --> Delete all the cache data in the pay services.
This basically took care of the problem immediately although it did crash the App for 2-3 times but worked like a charm after that. So now this does point to a Bug in the Ad mobs SDK where it builds this cache overtime and starts complaining about it when it cannot handle it.

Verifying assets with the App Store in Application Loader

I am trying to submit my app to the app store using Application Loader , but the submitting process stuck at Verifying assets with the App Store. I have been trying to submit my app for two days and and it still stuck there. I know that maybe a common issue , but I tried the solutions written in the other question but nothing worked with me :/ my app is built using corona sdk , does anyone have an idea ? :/
I have the same problem and in my case it seems to be related to the LAN network restrictions of my company. The only solution I've found is to use my phone connection (via tethering) and it worked.

Failed to Make ipa file

When I try to achrvie the Xcode showing the message " Fetching list of teams from the Developer portal " . It always timed out. Can't fetch the team.
I Accounts it Showing Apple Id not having any Development Teams. I have added the Apple Id
I have just tried to make same and it's working properly for me. So, problem is not from Apple Side.
Please check your internet connection properly and try again.
Apple is facing some big problems for last two weeks and due to iTunesConnect Outage they are facing some problem in uploading the new application on AppStore. But here you can also check if your internet connection is good and make sure it is not low internet connectivity.
Here there is also some issue with Xcode 6.2 so better you delete the team and add them again and try to upload the application via Xcode.
In case you are still facing the same issue then better export the .ipa file and upload with "Application Loader" software from Apple.
It's because of low internet connectivity. If your internet connection is not proper then you cannot get an apple account through which you can make an IPA.
July 2015
I'm using XCode 6.4, and today, its been happily building Ad-Hoc .ipas for me all day, but now, on the same MacBook Pro, it's timing out every time on this same "Fetching list of teams from the developer portal" message.
Sometimes, it (eventually) returns a "The request timed out" message, sometimes I just get this...
And no, this isn't an internet problem...
This issue has been reported on several StackOverflow threads over the past few months. Usually it works, but sometimes it doesn't, and, in usual Xcode fashion, it gives no hint as to the cause/solution.
(How can the same company produce such a fantastic OS and hardware, yet their development environment is so consistantly bad, year after year...?)
Out of desperation, I rebooted my MacBook, and now, it happily manages to load the list of teams.
(Just closing all Xcode instances wasn't enough to fix the issue.)
Welcome to the 1990s, folks.
I've tried everything that been said. Nothing works, what I do is try and cancel every moment that you know it will fail. Like a traffic that cant continue because of load of request.
