NSLog statements not showing for iOS 10 in apple Configurator - ios

I have an app built using XCode 7.3 and it works fine with iOS 10.But, the NSLog() statements that I had used for debugging earlier aren't showing up.I could see them earlier inside apple configurator and now all I can see are so many kernel process messages.The same is still working when I test an iOS 9.x device.Kindly, update if this is resolved or is there any workaround.

If you have use XCode 8 then solution is below...
Goto -> Product -> Scheme -> Edit Scheme -> Run -> Arguments -> Environment Variables
In the Environment Variables: Perhaps you once added the Name "OS_ACTIVITY_MODE" and the Value "disable" and check it. But this way can lead to the Console cannot NSLog when the real iPhone debugging.
I solve it in this way: Only add "OS_ACTIVITY_MODE" and check it(Don't add the Value)
You can also see in below image
For XCode 7 You don't have any solution.
Alternative for this problem: I can't see NSLog output in real iOS 10 device neither. If you're using real devices, you can open Devices window from Xcode (Shift + Command + 2) and see device logs there, but it's hard to look at your app's logs because the console shows logs from system and all apps.
NOTE: If you check the Xcode 8 beta release notes, you'll find that it says:
When debugging an app running on Simulator, logs may not be visible in the console. Workaround: Use command + / in Simulator.app to open the system log in the Console app to view NSLogs. (26457535)


Xcode Error on Simulator: MGIsDeviceOneOfType is not supported on this platform

I have a very simple application with a single view, containing several UILabels. Upon running in Simulator, the Xcode console returns the error:
libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:875: MGIsDeviceOneOfType is not supported on this platform.
The Simulator itself just shows a white screen. I've also tried running it on a developer device with the same white screen. I've searched documentation but can't find any reference to MGIsDeviceOneOfType.
The application is written in Swift in Xcode 10 beta on macOS 10.14. I am attempting to run it on the iPhone 7-X Simulators, as well as a development iPhone 7, all running the target software (12.0).
The libMobileGestalt.dylib provides a central repository for all of the iOS's properties. It can be analogous to OS X's Gestalt, which is part of CoreServices. OS X's Gestalt is documented for example Gestalt Manager and has been deprecated as of 10.8. MobileGestalt is entirely undocumented by Apple as it is a private library.
MobileGestalt allows for the testing of system properties that may or may not be compatible on different simulators.
Quite a few system processes and apps in iOS rely on MobileGestalt, which is located at /usr/lib/libMobileGestalt.dylib. It's more of a basic library, but its exposed APIs follow the Apple framework conventions and uses the MG API prefix for example MGIsDeviceOneOfType.
If you look for MobileGestalt on the iOS filesystem you won't find it - like all private frameworks and libraries, it has been prelinked into the /System/Library/Caches/...etc. If you like hacking and pen-testing then you can use tools to extract it.
MobileGestalt provides plenty of information - around 200 or so queries - on various aspects of the system. Here are a few.
//Answers to MG queries
There are hundreds more e.g. AirplaneMode, MobileEquipmentIdentifier, etc.
MobileGestalt maintains a table of OSType selector codes.
for example c:890 in the message: libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt.c:890: MGIsDeviceOneOfType is not supported on this platform. In this case MGIsDeviceOneOfType is a method/property of the MobileGestalt library.
Instead of checking the simulator version there is a separate selector for directly querying the capabilities of the simulator. The messages most likely indicate incompatibilities between simulator versions and Xcode versions and/or unsupported APIs on the simulator.
I've successfully dropped it with the disabling of the project garbage.
Go to <Name of your Project>->Scheme->Edit Scheme Then go to Run (menu to the left side) and add the following environment variable:
Name:OS_ACTIVITY_MODE, Value: disable
in my case: check your app delegate for method - didFinishLaunching. I had private and get the error. After remove "private" everything works fine
I just installed Xcode 10 Beta and had the same problem. Ran Xcode 9.4.1 and the problem went away.
This error will only occur when testing/debugging on simulators.
The newer the simulator the better.
Case: I run simulator iPhone 8 plus I got this message in the debugger.
Solution: I changed to a newer simulator no error message in the debugger.
Ran into this when opening some project from GitHub on Xcode 10.0.
The pragmatic solution was: just hit 'Continue program execution' multiple times and probably disable your exception breakpoint. Apparently the exception was recoverable.
It's not a real solution but it was good enough for me at that point.
In my case, the Target's Deployment Target was at iOS 8. When I pushed it up to iOS 10.3, it ran fine, both on the Simulator and the device.
Am seeing this problem. Using Xcode 10.1. Created a brand new project - doesn't do anything except show a white screen. Discovered it was showing up on simulator for older devices. For example, iPad Pro (12.9 inch) and iPad Pro (12.9 inch) (2nd generation) show the problem, but problem is gone for iPad Pro (12.9 inch) (3rd generation). Does not show up for iPhone XR simulator.
Basically seems annoying.
If you have fonts provided by the app, you need to add to Info.plist
And check if the file have the Target Membership selected
I had the same issue, but with MapKit, where a MapView did not show up, just the white screen and the same error, MGIsDeviceOneOfType is not supported on this platform.
Solved it by fixing "Ambiguous layout" warnings tied to the MapView object. Now it's working perfectly fine, and the errors went away.
The regular way when strange errors happens helped:
1) Clean project;
2) Shut down simulator;
3) Reinstall pods.
Xcode 10.
For me, with the simulator in question in focus, I selected Hardware->Erase all content and settings.
After the simulator restarted, launching my app worked again, as expected.
I went to XCode -> Preferences -> Components
Ticked all the simulators and the check box to install updates automatically, and then "check and Install now" and went away for a few hours while they all updated.
Now the problem is gone - so in fact, it's as mentioned. New XCode with Old - non-updated simulators.
What worked for me was to change within general > Deployment Info > Main Interface to CDVLaunchScreen and do the same within general > App Icons and Launch Images > Launch Screen File to CDVLaunchScreen as well.
I come from Ionic, so this might not be a problem for those who develop in Swift / Objective-C.
I have recently updated to Xcode 10.2 and when I tried to run a project created in earlier version, Same error occurred.
The problem was that simulator was running before updating Xcode.
Solution was very simple for me to quit Simulator and restart so that it can get the new changes. I don't think the model of the simulator (iPhone SE or iPhone X) matters. You just need to restart your simulator for it to take effect of new update.
I would recommend to quit both Xcode and simulator and restart your Mac.
I got this error by calling .sync on the main queue which caused a deadlock (DispatchQueue.main.sync {}). I meant to call .async.
I got this error, when trying to read a json file which is inside my project and it returned nil, due to that i got this error.
I got nil because of some spelling mistake in the font name, that json file was holding the font names, after copy pasting the font name i got data and the error fixed.
I tried allmost all of the solutions given above, nothing worked, So debug with patience, you will get to know which is causing this error and in some bad time xcode will play in our life :)
I was facing same problem but I've successfully dropped it with below things:
Shutdown simulator,
Shutdown Xcode,
Re-open Xcode and simulator
I hope it will help.

iPhone 7 device logs won't show up in the debugger in Xcode

When building and running my app from Xcode on our iPhone 7's, I can't get the logs to show up in the debugging area. I've tested both mine and my wife's iPhone 7's. It's completely blank. They show up for other devices (iPhone 5, iPad, etc.) and for the simulators but not for the 7's.
When I view logs in Window > Devices > (select device), or in the system's Console, I also don't see logs for my app. There's only references to the app from symptomsd, etc. But no process even appears with my apps name.
It seems there is some incompatibility between my app and these specific devices. I've been using and updating the same app since around 2012 so maybe there is some sort of cruft in there that is blocking logs on these very latest devices.
Things I've tried:
Building and running other apps (logs show up)
Testing other devices (logs show)
Re-powering iPhone and restarting Xcode
Setting a breakpoint and running a command in the debugger (I got response from that command)
Any other steps to try would be appreciated.
You can use alsodump to log. You may try this, maybe this one works. What may help you:
1. Create new building scheme.
2. Try running it on simulator. Use many iOS versions. Maybe the latest one have a bug.
3. Remove Derived data in this project.

How can I debug multi-player game using Firebase and Swift? [duplicate]

I'm planning out a game that requires multiple users and I was wondering if there's a way to fire up multiple instances of the iPhone Simulator. I didn't see anything in menus or in Google search results, but I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything.
It is possible but only with multiple users.
Read this: http://www.coderebel.com/2010/08/31/iphone_simulator
Assuming you have two projects (P1,P2) which you want to debug simultaneously, do as follows.
Steps to set up:
Create a new user (U2) on your Mac
Give it R/W access to P2, especially to its build folder.
Download the launcher app from the site above and copy it to Applications.
Steps to debug:
Close Xcode and the simulator if running
Launch the iPhone Launcher.app with U1.
Start Xcode with U1, load P1, start debugging.
Launch the iPhone Launcher.app with U2.
Start Xcode with U2, load P2, start debugging.
Unfortunately it's a P.I.T.A. having to change users every now and then but so far I haven't found any better solution. Hope this helps.
There is a way to do this easily without using multiple users. Keep in mind you will not be connected to the debugger though. Keep in mind the explanation below is for XCode 6+. You can skip this explanation and just scroll down to the wrapping-it-up section below.
From an answer here we can see that you can launch any simulator from command line:
open -a "iOS Simulator" --args -CurrentDeviceUDID
You can find the deviceID (as well as all your simulators) by running the xcrun simctl list command on console. It will generate a list like this. The device ID is the code in braces:
== Runtimes ==
iOS 8.3 (8.3 - 12F69) (com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.iOS-8-3)
== Devices ==
-- iOS 8.3 --
iPhone 4s (99Z06AC6-A2D6-46E7-B4F7-BA4F5F3F39C8) (Shutdown)
iPhone 5 (K262AF11-ADD2-4FDA-ACBA-8C80DD9D4AA1) (Shutdown)
iPhone 5s (337KDC51-0A4B-47DB-8966-83562FD92C93) (Shutdown)
iPhone 6 Plus (9GK714E2-F713-4F98-A96E-C72ACD6571A8) (Shutdown)
-- iOS 8.2 --
etc continued....
Therefore to run the simulator using above as example, run this command on console:
open -n /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Applications/iOS\ Simulator.app/ --args -CurrentDeviceUDID '99Z06AC6-A2D6-46E7-B4F7-BA4F5F3F39C8'
We use the -n flag instead because the -a flag specifies the application to use for opening the file, while the -n flag opens a new instance of the application(s) even if one is already running. Use the man open command to know all this stuff.
Also make sure you have the correct path for your simulator.
One more thing to note, if you run the simulator like this, chances are that you have limited simulators. And since its limited, you might want to launch it without interrupting one that's already on the screen. We can solve this from this answer here where he shows you how to create a new simulator and delete one.
So wrapping it all up, here's what you do to launch them.
A) First Create a simulator before launching it.
Usage: simctl create "name" "device type id" "runtime id"
xcrun simctl create "mynewsimulator" "iPhone 6" "com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.iOS-8-3"
You will find the runtime id from the command xcrun simctl list command I ran above. After running the above command, the deviceID will be printed on the console screen. Take note of it as you will need as the last argument to launch the simulator shown below. Let's assume this ID was 99Z06AC6-A2D6-46E7-B4F7-BA4F5F3F39C8
B) launch it
open -n /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Applications/Simulator.app/ --args -CurrentDeviceUDID '99Z06AC6-A2D6-46E7-B4F7-BA4F5F3F39C8'
C) delete it once you're finished with your simulator
xcrun simctl delete 99Z06AC6-A2D6-46E7-B4F7-BA4F5F3F39C8
All this can be placed in a single .sh file for easy running.
Please note to put wait or sleep commands after each command if you decide to put all this into a sh file.
[EDIT 2017]
I see that XCode 9 will now support multiple simulators. Awaiting to see how it will all work.
As near as I can tell, not only can you not have multiple instances of the simulator running, but when time comes for actual device testing you can't have multiple instances of the debugger running either.
This means to do multi-device apps, you'll need to have a single Mac assigned to a single iPhone/touch device (or simulator instance) each running your app.
I've started looking into whether VMWare or Parallels can somehow be brought into this, but there's not much that can be done without hacking the OS.
I suggest filing a feature request with http://bugreporter.apple.com.
Another option (albeit probably overkill) if you have a Mac OS X server license is to virtualize an instance of Mac OS X Server, and run a second simulator in the VM.
Hmm...I don't think you are missing anything here. As far as I know there is no technology within the SDK that is able to emulate multiple devices -- though that would be a useful feature to have. I think your only options would be to get a second iPhone OS device, or get a friend who also has an iPhone OS device to let you use it for testing.
In XCode 4 you can run multiple instances while having both be in debug mode.
What I did was create a duplicate of my target and ran both the original and the duplicate. If you're using the output window you can toggle which output you are looking at.
Follow these steps to test your app.
You have to do one thing for whole process first :
Go to Project - > Edit Project Settings -> tick on option - Build independent targets in parallel.
Debug code that will create your app in simulator For Example your App name is - Instance
Close Simulator
Go to Project->New Target -> Instance2
Add "Bundle display name : Instance2" in Instance2.info.plist file
Set Executable Name : Instance2
Select Instance2 Target -> Go to Project -> Set Active Target -> Instance2
Build with Instance2
Note : Do all carefully otherwise you have to reset your simulator
For Reset Simulator -> Run Simulator -> iPhone Simulator -> Reset Content & Settings...
Now You have two apps in simulator and you can test app on all instance.
Hope it will help you :)
I managed to get it to work combining answer by Ivsty with this one.
Basically, what you do is create two users (A and B), run simulators in each of them, run VNC server on user B, and then connect from user A to access screen B without needing to switch users.
Yes, now it's possible and is also quite easy.
The only thing you need is xctool, the build tools from Facebook and a ruby gem. The ruby gem helps to create/destroy the simulator needed during the test.
You can read the full documentation on this link:
I'm using this approach and I run my test on 4 iOS simulator on the same time.
Supported from Xcode 9 on.
(Source: WWDC 2017)

how to see NSLog in my SDK project under iOS 10

I have a SDK project which will compile and build a framework. Inside this project, I have my person NSLog shown there. I have another framework test app to using this framework to do my task. After upgrading to iOS 10 and Xcode 8, I notice all the NSLog are gone. I cannot find it anywhere.
I search and find this answer: iOS 10 doesn't print NSLogs, I gave a try for both my SDK project and my framework test app, adding OS_ACTIVITY_MODE "disabled", however, it is still not showing NSLog.
Update: I still have one device which is iOS 9, I gave a try on that one, NSLogs are still shown in device console. Using Mac's console app I can also see my own logs.
This is a MFI project so I cannot directly debug this project, because the lighting cable is always connected with my hardware. I can only use log to see what happened.
OS_ACTIVITY_MODE set as disable remove OS activity state which is printed during the when project is runs. OS_ACTIVITY_MODE is only printed only in the x-Code 8.0 but when you upgrade your x-codefrom 8.0 to 8.1 you can found that it does not print any console for OS. But in overall procedure I have found that NSLog is working properly.
For your confirmation i just update my old project and run it into x-code 8.1. Output as below images
Environment variable
Nslog Code
console print
I have checked your problem in multiple style with multiple project but I didn't found any problem. So I just suggest you
To update your x-code
Re-install x-code after removing previous x-code completely.
Because If it is x-code bug them i also have to face the same in my every experiment.
If you still have any query you can ask.
Apple did some changes the way NSLog works and I probably you might not be able to get them.
My recommendation is that you change your NSLog to something that prints to the output console without using NSLog.
I'm the co-founder of a product called Bugfender that might help you, what we do is that we provide a BFLog function that will print the logs to the console and also upload them to our servers, so you can always check the logs without any need to connect the device to your computer.
The only problem our product has is that it's not in real time, but usually there's a delay of a few seconds. Some of our customers are using it to debug the app instead of using the XCode console.
If you set this,you can not see any log in your device ,but you can see that in simulator.

How to debug iOS 8 extensions with NSLog?

- (void)viewDidLoad
NSLog(#"%s", __func__);
// ...
in viewDidLoad of an iOS 8 extension. the NSLog outputs nothing in Xcode. NSLog works as usual in the container app though.
How can I get output from debug messages from an extension?
Debugging works for app extensions.
It works on simulator too.
If your app ext crashes in the simulator, you may find it is not easy to restart your app ext. Restarting your simulator is a quick solution.
Steps to debug an app extension:
Run the container app. In this step, Xcode uploads the container app and app extension to the device or simulator.
Stop the container app. This step is important when you debug in simulator. If you don't do it, Xcode will tell you the simulator is in use.
In Xcode, press menu Debug -> Attach to Process -> By Process Identifer (PID) or Name..., input the app ext's identifier, e.g. com.abc.ContainerApp.MyExtension, to start debugging. Don't forget to set break points. (Update on Aug 25, 2014: you can input MyExtension(your extension's name) directly.)
In the device or simulator, open your app extension.
Updates on Aug 23, 2014:
I found the debugging steps above do not work well on Xcode 6 beta 6 with iOS 8 SDK beta 5 on the simulator.
Run your extension in the simulator.
Xcode menu Debug -> Attach to Process -> Choose "MyExtension(your extension's name)" in System section in the menu.
The breakpoints work. But I don't know why logs do not show in the output window.
I'm having this problem too. It works for me if you go in your Simulator under the menu Debug -> Open System Log...
From here you can see all the logs of the iPhone Simulator (included your extension's logs).
NSLog is working perfectly.
You just don't see what is being logged in the debug area of Xcode because the Xcode debugger isn't attached to your extension. Extensions are nearly completely independent from their containing app. They have separate bundle identifiers, for example, and they also are separate processes on the OS.
I have had varied success in getting Xcode to attach to extensions. Supposedly it seems it would attach automatically, and it appears in the debug navigator as "Waiting to attach", but never attaches.
Sometimes, I am able to run my extension target in Xcode:
And then have the option to choose what application to run my extension in. In this case, I would choose its recommendation of "today", which is notification center.
And then it would sometimes attach the debugger to my extension. Note this method only works on physical devices, it seems.
If it doesn't attach you can use the manual attachment method in #VinceYaun's answer,
I have also had varied success using other methods of attachment. Most have been unsuccessful, and it seems they are just bugs that will be fixed at a later date.
To view your log messages you go to Window -> Devices in the top bar and select your device. You can bring up the device log from the bottom of that window. If you are testing on a simulator, you can use #BalestraPatrick's answer.
Some of the bugs have been fixed in Beta 2, and my guess is that eventually the debugger will attach automagically when launching the extension.
Update: In the iOS 8 Beta 4 release notes:
Fixed in beta 4
Extensions sometimes fail to launch when debugging from Xcode.
When Extension with UI is killed, it relaunches and is not dismissed.
Sometimes your Sharing or Action extension can hang.
Redeploying an extension may disable it in Notification Center.
I'm having this problem too. Xcode never attaches my debugger to the extension or displays NSLog messages. If you attach your Xcode debugger manually to your extension process, at least breakpoints work like a charm:
Debug->Attach to process->Your extension name (mine was "com.example.MyExtensionApp.MyExtension")
Create scheme for your extension
Run scheme
In a dialog choose container app
It works for me :)
Xcode 8 is able to debug extensions:
Choose the extension scheme in the combo next to the stop button and run it.
Select the parent application in the dialog that appears.
Result: breakpoints and log work as usual.
What finally allowed me to see the log in the debugging area, based on Michael's suggestion and Apple's documentation, is:
Build & Run the app extension in the simulator and, when prompted for a host app, choose the specific app that you're going to call the extension from. In my case I was launching my Action extension from Safari by pulling up a share sheet on a PDF.
What wasn't working before was following other people's suggestions of using Today as the host but then leaving that app and going over to Safari to call my extension. I no longer even need to run my containing app first before running the extension.
From Apple's Documentation:
In your extension scheme’s Run phase, you specify a host app as the executable. Upon accessing the extension through that specified host’s UI, the Xcode debugger attaches to the extension.
I actually got the logs to run quite simply in Xcode 6.3. Firstly, build and run the containing app. Once the containing app is running on the device, build and run the app extension by changing the scheme to the app extension.
Apple has documentation directly related to debugging, profiling and testing your app extension.
A trick which works for me (although it is quite an ugly one) is to place a dummy UILabel somewhere in the bottom corner of my extension. I usually call it logLabel. It is then possible to update the text of this label with any log statement that you want to get logged. Such approach is not very good if you need to log statements from instances of different classes. And, obviously, it clutters your UI.
However, if you have a fairly simple widget and you don't mind about slight cluttering of the UI this does the trick. I have tried all other solutions outlined in this discussion and, sadly, none of them worked for me.
The only way debugging works for me is by selecting Debug->Attach To Process By PID or Name
Then enter the PID not the extension name.
You can find the PID by running the extension on a device, go to Window->Devices. Find your device and viewing the console. When you see the name of your extension, its followed by 5 digit number. That is the PID
I also put a bunch of NSLog's in the extension in order to find the PID as well.
This is on xCode 7
Encounter the same problem about extension for NSLog, and break points. I have fought it with many days.
Device log can be found as following image. It is at XCode -> Window -> Devices and Simulators.
After enter the Open Console, there is a search field at the top-right of dialog. I can apply filter rule in there. For example, a process name contains Notification key word, or process name must equal to the name of extension target, ex: equal to MyNotificationServiceExtension process name.
Clearly something is broken in Xcode6-B5.
If I try to run a Photo extension on the Simulator I cannot see any Photos.app as an option for the extension attaching process.
The same, running on a real device, give me the correct behaviour.
In the first case any breakpoint is not honorated. In the latter case, breakpoints work like a charm.
You should know that the container app and extension are totally two difference process in iOS while the LLVM debugs only a thread a time, so when you are debugging, the console never log the extension and never stop at breakpoint.
You can solve most of the problems by #Vince Yuan's method.
However, my problem is that Xcode debugger hardly hook on my keyboard extension on both iOS Simulator and devices, like 1 time in 7-8 runs, It's totally a matter of probability. #Vince Yuan's method also work for just sometimes.
My little experience is that when you run you debug scheme, if the debug Session in the left panel showing that 'No Debug Session', there is no need to open your extension and test it, the debugger didn't hook on, just run again for lucky.
but when you see com.xxx.xxx.xxx is waiting to Attach, the extension can definitely get debugged.
This is a little trick for whom cannot debug iOS extension, especially keyboard extension.
As of Xcode 6 Beta 5, I've been able to use an actual device running iOS8 to debug my extension. Try running it on a device and select Safari to launch into
To overcome all the states caused by ever changing IDE, I'm using iOS Console by lemonjar.com – it displays a console window for any connected iOS device rendering syslog messages regardless the process ID. You can see both app and extension debug log messages at once here.
I could debug my extension with the way I describe below:
Xcode : Debug -> Attach to process by PID or Name. Your extension scheme name.
Then select your main app target and run.
I hope it also works for you guys.
