Find our versions of ALL dependencies installed by Carthage - ios

How to know which versions of dependencies do I have installed via Carthage?
Cartfile.resolved does inform only about the dependencies of my project but not about dependencies of dependency of my project..?

In case anyone is still wondering:


How to override version of pod dependency in flutter ios project

I am using flutter_facebook_auth and facebook_app_events plugins.
One requires FBSDKCoreKit with version 13.0.0 and the other one with 13.1.0.
When I want to run my app it fails because of this version conflict.
Is there a way to override the version all packages use in my project or do I have to update the version in the dependencies themselfes?

Using VSCode and Paket to add file to `.fsproj`

I'm using VSCode and Paket to add libraries from Nuget to an F# project/.fsproj file.
From VSCode, I use ctrl+shift+p and use the command Paket: Add Nuget Package (to current project) and enter
FsVerbalExpressions version 0.4.0
Unfortunately, Paket fails with the following error:
Paket version
Adding FsVerbaExpressions 0.4.0 to
c:...\paket.dependencies into group Main
Resolving packages for group Main:
- FsVerbaExpressions is pinned to 0.4.0
Package not available.
Message: Couldn't get package details for package FsVerbaExpressions 0.4.0 on
Paket failed with:
Could not find versions for package FsVerbaExpressions on
I know that FsVerbalExpressions is available on Nuget. I need the older version because the project I'm working on is targeted at .NET 4.5 and the newer version of FsVerbalExpressions will only work with .NET 4.6.1.
Typos happen. Make sure you proofread your error messages before looking for answers that are already in front of you.

How does grails/gradle download the dependencies without version specification

In Grails 3 project we are using some dependencies as below. For the plugin or dependencies which has version it downloads as per version specification from remote repository. We assumed it is downloading the latest dependency available when we did not mention version, but when we checked the hibernate dependency it is downloading '' version in the project whereas remote repository has latest version. So how does grails or gradle download dependencies without version?
compile "org.grails.plugins:hibernate"
compile "org.grails.plugins:cache"
compile "org.hibernate:hibernate-ehcache"
compile "org.grails.plugins:scaffolding"
compile "org.webjars:bootstrap:3.3.5"
compile "org.webjars:bootstrap-tagsinput:0.5"
Note : We don't have any errors or issues with this in our project
If no version is specified, Gradle will use transitive dependency management, starting with the Gradle version number, and the packages that that Gradle version depends on. If transitive dependency management doesn't care. Then Gradle will search through the hierarchy of repositories and flat files and flat trees and dependent projects and take the latest version.

Resolution Bower versions conflict

Situation I have is described here: How to resolve Bower dependency version conflicts?
The problem is that proposed solution does not work. Adding a resolution section to bower.json does nothing and it still requires to choose package version manually on each installation.
But, surprisingly, when I install bower packages though Grunt (with grunt-bower-task), it just works, even without resolutions.
I have the latest bower version (1.4.1 for now).
Does anybody know what's going on and is it possible to make bower to install without manual resolution?
You can use "--save" or "--save-dev" when you install and resolve these conflicts - in this way, bower will update accordingly the json file. Next time when you run bower install, bower will read the written sections and will not ask you any more.
No need for manual edits - unless you know what you're doing.

xcode maven plugin install prebuilt

We are evaluating xcode-maven-plugin from for handling iOS library dependencies using maven. It looks really promising but we are using some prebuilt third party libs we don't have the source code from that we would like to also install in maven and resolve as maven dependencies but we don't know how to achieve that with the plugin.
We have already used the maven-android-plugin for Android to upload third party binaries and we manage to do that playing with the headerFilesDirectives and nativeLibrariesOutputDirectory parameters but we haven't found anything similar for the xcode plugin.
Does anyone know if it is possible to install prebuilt iOS libraries with the latest(1.14.0) xcode-maven-plugin version?.
We are new to Maven so maybe we are missing something obvious here.
Why do not you use a CocoaPods instead? It's a dependency manager for Objective-C projects. It's like iOS equivalent of Maven.
