How do I get the second Item in an Iteration? - foreach

I get the first item like this:
{foreach $sArticle.sBlockPrices as $blockPrice}
{if $blockPrice#first}
First element
How do I get the second/third item?

Use the index property of foreach referenced here:
Try something like this:
{foreach name=$sArticle.sBlockPrices item=$blockPrice name=blockPrices}
{if $smarty.foreach.blockPrices.index == 2}


How to scrape a span name in Nokogiri in Ruby?

I want to scrape data off a website. The data is in the text of a span.
The HTML looks like this:
<p class="text-muted text-small">
<span class="text-muted">Votes:</span>
<span name="nv" data-value="1564808">1,564,808</span>
<span class="ghost">|</span>
<span class="text-muted">Gross:</span>
<span name="nv" data-value="107,928,762">$107.93M</span>
I want to search the whole page and get the value of the data-value which is 1,564,808 not the 107.93M value.
I tried various ways to get the data, Like for instance:
#votes = []
html_content =
dt=&mod e=detail&page=1").read
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(html_content)
doc.css(".text-muted['span name=nv']").each do |i|
#votes << i.text.strip
Try this code:
doc.css('div.lister-item-content > p.text-muted > span[name = nv]:nth-child(2)').map(&:text)
Which results in:
["1,564,941", "373,745", "2,004,624", "1,077,404", "887,189", "305,554", "207,904", "1,074,609", "748,393", "789,255", "1,224,753", "754,008", "634,752", "1,056,328", "1,604,158", "1,438,194", "629,504", "1,158,452", "517,609", "539,263", "1,443,979", "1,290,159", "161,981", "830,992", "1,427,193", "299,532", "289,184", "705,138", "615,264", "1,147,650", "1,030,826", "1,018,932", "921,730", "524,568", "557,482", "1,973,773", "813,743", "367,587", "342,800", "188,210", "649,467", "1,068,455", "547,990", "527,123", "805,964", "420,447", "441,780", "318,295", "1,004,742", "446,096", "203,977", "581,108", "1,754,019", "616,804", "484,534", "265,048", "958,244", "289,190", "651,605", "503,185", "320,564", "660,685", "476,016", "432,155", "588,572", "374,705", "378,561", "337,801", "463,467", "508,822", "187,810", "1,128,184", "221,361", "261,529", "322,314", "324,435", "116,258", "318,628", "1,334,595", "222,651", "1,155,754", "228,713", "205,956", "271,162", "293,774", "33,136", "80,385", "703,048", "195,712", "274,244", "233,133", "121,874", "208,462", "513,797", "485,112", "120,750", "135,232", "57,411", "125,431", "297,193"]

How to loop through 1 to 5 in thymeleaf?

I want to loop through 1 to 5 in the thymeleaf, similar to jsp code:
<c: forEach begin = "1" end = "5" varStatus = "V"> </ c: forEach>.
<th:block th:each="i: ${#numbers.sequence(1, 5)}"></th:block>

Pattern matching with tag in Lua

I'm trying to parse a text, and based on tags to do actions.
The text is:
<caption>My window
function parse_tag(chunck)
for start_tag,tag_name in string.gfind(chunck,"(<(.-)>)") do
if (child_obj[tag_name]) then
for data,end_tag in string.gfind(chunck,"<" .. tag_name ..">(.-)(</" .. tag_name ..">)") do
for object_prop,value in string.gfind(data,"<(.-)>(.-)") do
print("setting property = \"" .. object_prop .. "\", value of" .. value);
print("</" .. tag_name ..">");
elseif(findInArray(main_obj,tag_name)) then
print("Invalid data");
for key,tag in ipairs(main_obj) do
for start_tag,tag_name,chunck,end_tag in string.gfind(data,"(<(" .. .. ")>)(.-)(</" .. .. ">)") do --> searching for window/panel start and end tags
if (findInArray(main_obj,tag_name)) then
parse_tag(chunck); --> parses the tag with child tag
It seems to fail getting the value, as I get the following output:
setting property = "caption", value of
setting property = "position", value of
setting property = "color", value of
How can I use match the string after the first <%tag%> until the next <%tag%> or end of the chunk.
Here, you try to match the value with .-. However, - is lazy, i.e, .- will try to match as little as possible, in this case, an empty string.
Try telling it to match until the next <:
Tried different type of captures.
Seems to work

Rails auto increment print

I have the following piece of code which print the list of items in separated columns.
- if #product.type_id == 2
- #product.products.each do |p|
But all the columns are named item, item, item. now if I want to have number mentioned like item1 item2 item3 and so on. how can I do this.
I don't know, what your #{l(:item)} doing. but you can Use this:
- if #product.type_id == 2
- #product.products.each_with_index do |p, index|
= "item #{index + 1}"
It will give you item 1, item 2 and so on... Thanks
Use each_with_index instead. So you can do #product.products.each_with_index do |p,index|

Conditionally adding class

<span class=#Model.TotalSent<0?"small":"big">show me only if #Model.TotalSent >0 </span>
The above line is a code that I expect class="big" will be rendered if #Model.TotalSent>0
else class="small" will be rendered.
But is not happening
What is the real syntax to do this?
Try this:
<span class='#(Model.TotalSent < 0 ? "small" : "big")'>show me only if #Model.TotalSent >0 </span>
Try surrounding your expression in parentheses, and make sure you put quotes around your class.
<span class='#( Model.TotalSent < 0 ? "small" : "big" )'>...
class="#(Model.TotalSent < 0 ? "small":"big")"
