Having issue with installing this in my mac terminal - ios

I cannnot figure out why it's giving me this result.
Warning: Failed to create the file /Users/myname/.bash_profile: Permission
Warning: denied
curl: (23) Failed writing body (0 != 1968)
When I enter the second step see in the link below.
Instructions provided here that I was given from a bootcamp I am learning to code from.
If some one could take the time out their day to please answer my question. I would gladly appreciated.

Try appending "sudo" in the beginning of the command.
If that does not work, attempt to edit permissions for the directory by using chmod.
Be careful with using 777, but if it is on your local device, it should not mean a whole lot.
Usage: sudo chmod XYZ /di/rec/tory
Replace XYZ with chmod settings.
Read this if you are in doubt.


exec: does not exist (No such file or directory)

I'm using WSL with docker (with a complex pandoc configuration with latex, python and pandoc-filters) and trying a long command with --filter=filters/the_filter.sh that results in an error:
Error running filter filters/the_filter.sh: ./filters/the_filter.sh: createProcess: runInteractiveProcess: exec: does not exist (No such file or directory)
My filter is a .sh wrapper, mostly to make sure I'm using Python3 (which may not be needed, but I got the hint from here):
python3 filters/the_filter.py $#
Googling the error shows lots of GitHub issues, but no definitive explanation on Stack overflow.
It turns out that my .sh file had Windows line endings: \r\n.
I assume that the system was trying to find /bin/sh\r but the error message is not explaining it.
Correcting the line-endings using dos2unix filters/the_filter.sh, I was able to get rid of the error.
Here are more details of a related problem.

Apparmor aa-genprof /etc/apparmor.d//local/usr.lib.dovecot.anvil not found

Hi I`m new to using apparmor. So i created a simple script on my Debian 10 to look how apparmor works:
#! /bin/sh
echo "hi from Apparmor">/tmp/hi.txt
cat /tmp/hi.txt
rm /tmp/hi.txt
Then I saved the file as s.sh and try to generate a profile:
Please tell me how i can solve this problem.
Thank for any answer!
This is a known bug in Debian Buster.
You can solve this by creating missing files until it works.
Source :
In the following example, we will thus try to create a profile for /sbin/dhclient. For this we will use aa-genprof dhclient. In Debian Buster there is a known bug[6] that makes the previous command fail with the following error: ERROR: Include file /etc/apparmor.d/local/usr.lib.dovecot.deliver not found. To fix it create the missing files with touch file. It will invite you to use the application in another window and when done to come back to aa-genprof to scan for AppArmor events in the system logs and convert those logs into access rules. For each logged event, it will make one or more rule suggestions that you can either approve or further edit in multiple ways:

Problem with Jenkins running Robot Framework script

I am trying to automate the execution of Robot Framework using Jenkins.
But when I run Jenkins I am receiving the error "Permission denied". You can see bellow the error's print screen.
Despite several attenpts Im not able to identify where this restriction is.
I have already include the Jenkins user as SUDO user, but the error is still there.
I also applied o CHMOD 777 /home/eduardo/.local/bin/robot but did not solve.
Can someone please tell me how I can identify where this restriction (Permission denied) is.
Thank in advance.

"./setup.sh: Permission denied" error

I came across this problem that I am not sure where it's pointing. I have tried looking various sample codes but nothing that matches my problem. If anyone can look into it I will appreciate. The error is:
/Users/TMK/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Project-dfuciscypawvmsalewmxognechca/Build/Intermediates/Project.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/Mustage.build/Script-01D7EAEB1DA69C8000FF7607.sh: line 3: ./setup.sh: Permission denied
I guess it is seems like permission issue towards user.
When you trying to work with modified projects and scripts no neccessory of bin/sh any more.
Following are the steps to avoid this error.
Go to your script
Run the command chmod 755 your_script_name.sh
Another Way is as below
Suppose myTODO is my project name
Try this chmod a+x "/Users/TMK/Desktop/Your_FolderName/oDesk/myTODO/MyTODO_iPho‌​ne/Pods/Pods-resourc‌​es.sh"
if you not containing some folder hierarchy please avoid it from the given path
Hope this help you

Is TelosB mote compatible with Contiki-OS?

I found exp5438 and z1 motes, which have TI MSP430x as a MCU, in the Contiki code tree, and we know that TI MSP430 is the TelosB mote's microcontroller.
I would like to know if TelosB motes are compatible with Contiki ?
The telosB mote is compatible with Contiki OS, in fact I am using them with Contiki. To program them, in case you are using Instant Contiki, you will need to install the GCC for the MSP430 micro controller. You can use the next command:
sudo apt-get install gcc-msp430
On the other hand, I think to solve the problem of your answer I think you just need to be root. So try the next:
sudo -s
make TARGET=sky hello-world.upload
I hope that help you out.
currently I am using telosb to run contiki applications. I followed the official site tutorial and apparently if u do make TARGET=sky it compiles the source files. However, doing make TARGET=sky hello-world.upload does not work. Shows
make sky-reset sky-upload
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/user/contiki-2.6/examples/hello-world'
make -k -j 1 sky-reset-sequence
make[2]: Entering directory `/home/user/contiki-2.6/examples/hello-world'
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/user/contiki-2.6/examples/hello-world'
make -j 1 sky-upload-sequence
make[2]: Entering directory `/home/user/contiki-2.6/examples/hello-world'
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/user/contiki-2.6/examples/hello-world'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/user/contiki-2.6/examples/hello-world'
rm hello-world.ihex
which according to the official site tutorial means that the board is not connected. I am very certain it is connected. Also, make login never shows anything for me since the previous command didnt work.
Eventually, a friend of mine discovered a way to flash contiki applications into telosb. However, you need TinyOS development environment in your Instant Contiki. You can find information on setting up TinyOS environment in Ubuntu on www.eetutorials.com.
This doesn't seem like a proper way of doing it but well so far it works for me when running simple applications
Step 1:
Compile your applications by doing:
make TARGET=sky application-name
Step 2:
msp430-objcopy application-name.sky -O ihex application-name.ihex
sudo tos-bsl --telosb -c /dev/ttyUSB0 -r -e -I -p application-name.ihex
However, make login still doesn't show anything hence I have been seeing my printf outputs
via Serial Port Terminal application which need to be installed. My guess is that contiki supports sky but not really for telosb? I am no expert and I can't tell the difference between the 2 boards. However, hope this information help and hope a contiki expert can further clarify on this.
telosb mote is the same as a tmote sky or sky. The name is all the same platform.
I dont know from which vendor you have the board, but they have to work.
I am also using sky motes with contiki and i had no complications from the beginning.
Try to use the code in the following site: Unreadable output results when typing "make login"
This will print a message every second.
PS: Try to update your question if you found more information, dont add an answer since it confuses people.
