How to change url from m3u8 to .ts - url

I'm trying to make an iptv link work on my receiver
this is the original link that i want to convert
and this is the format that i want to reach in the end.

An m3u8 file is just a text file that acts as an index for media streams - it will contain 'pointers' to the location of video and audio streams themselves.
A TS file is a 'container' that contains the video and audio streams themselves - i.e. the actual video and audio data.
You can't simply convert any m3u8 to a ts file or stream, but you can extract from the m3u8 file a ts file URL, which maybe is what you want.
If you look at the overview section of the m3u8 definition there is a very simple example which is maybe the best way of understanding this:
The m3u8 file includes the ts references and can be seen in this extract from the above document:
The numbers here refer to the length of the stream. More complex examples allow you have multiple variants of a particular stream, to allow different bit rate versions of a video for Adaptive Bit Rate (ABR) streaming for example.


Can Google's Speech API accept an external Video URL?

I recently figured out that Google's Vision API can accept an external image URL and I was curious if anyone knew if Google's Speech could accept an external video URL such as a YouTube video?
The code I have in my mind would look something like this:
def transcribe_gcs(yotube_url):
"""Asynchronously transcribes the audio file specified by the gcs_uri."""
from import speech
from import enums
from import types
client = speech.SpeechClient()
audio = types.RecognitionAudio(uri=youtube_url) # swapped out gcs_uri with youtube_url
config = types.RecognitionConfig(
# sample_rate_hertz=16000,
operation = client.long_running_recognize(config, audio)
print('Waiting for operation to complete...')
response = operation.result(timeout=90)
# Each result is for a consecutive portion of the audio. Iterate through
# them to get the transcripts for the entire audio file.
for result in response.results:
# The first alternative is the most likely one for this portion.
print(u'Transcript: {}'.format(result.alternatives[0].transcript))
print('Confidence: {}'.format(result.alternatives[0].confidence))
I was curious if anyone knew if Google's Speech could accept an
external video URL such as a YouTube video?
It needs to be a local path to your audio file (less than 1 min audio file) or GCS URI for audio file longer than 1 minute. What you're thinking is not possible, the audio/video file needs to be in GCS.
I think you can achieve this by streaming same video (for example on wowza or on any server of your choice.) and then simply extract audio using lets say ffmpeg and pass this to google. It should work. use StreamingRecognizeRequest instead of RecognitionAudio.

how to set video quality for ios 270 360 480 720 1080

To set video quality for ios.
I have tried to load m3u8 video url from server and i downloaded the m3u8 file & i segregate all RESOLUTION from video quality & AFTER SEGMENTS get the bandwidth of url in array.
When i load base url sample.m3u8 it has video & audio after that i set the base url of before segments and i have append the bandwidth url from array it was loading video as per quality selected but no audio came.
To achieve this i have made some solutions will work
I make separate to run original url which contains both video & audio and i run separately low bandwidth url which contains no audio to make sync
ex: RESOLUTION=1280x720,SAMPLE_720p_v4.m3u8
Use the preferredPeakBitRate property on your playeritem you need to pass a valid bandwidth value.
Not sure why you are downloading the m3u8 file AVFoundation manage this for you.

How to save just raw PCM to file with iOS SDK (Core Audio)?

I'm converting an MP3 file into raw PCM, and I need to save it as just raw PCM. (Note, am using Java/RoboVM to port to iOS.)
I'm using the coreaudio package, and the relevant part of my code looks like this:
// Define the output PCM format.
AudioStreamBasicDescription outputFormat = new AudioStreamBasicDescription();
// ...
outputFile = ExtAudioFile.create(outputFileURL, AudioFileType.CAF, outputFormat, null, AudioFileFlags.EraseFile);
I then run through a loop, reading from the MP3 file and writing to the output file.
Upon importing this raw file into Audacity, I notice it always has a spike at the start, indicating that it's not actually a raw PCM file but instead is inside of a wrapper with a header (whether it be WAV or CAF headers, etc).
I understand I can just take the file and strip the header off and get the raw PCM data, but in terms of space/performance of this part of my app, I'd love if I can just keep it simple and save the raw PCM data as-is without a wrapper, but I don't know how to go about doing that.
The issue arises here:
outputFile = ExtAudioFile.create(outputFileURL, AudioFileType.CAF, outputFormat, null, AudioFileFlags.EraseFile);
There aren't many choices for AudioFileType, I've tried WAVE and CAF. Ideally there would be a PCM or RAW option but there's not. Is there a specific AudioFileType I should choose, or do I need to go about this another way?
The extended audio file services framework doesn't support a "raw" PCM format.
For an application to understand a PCM format it needs to know data stuff like:
How many channels are there
Are they interleaved or not
What is the sample rate
Is the data floating point or not
What is the bit depth
In fact, on iOS and OS X the AudioStreamBasicDescription is a struct which tells you what is required to interpret a PCM stream. For this reason, a "raw PCM" format doesn't really work, it needs at least some metadata. The closest formats to raw PCM are WAV, AIFF and CAF. If these don't serve your purposes you'll have to create a custom file format. But this doesn't need to be difficult.
The extended audio file services APIs are quite configurable. After opening an audio file to read (ExtAudioFileOpenURL) you can set various properties on the ExtAudioFileRef handle.
In your case consider setting kExtAudioFileProperty_ClientDataFormat. This property controls the format of the PCM data read from the file. As ExtAudioFileRead decodes the input file, it will convert the data it sends back to the format you specify. There are some limitations to this method. IIRC, it does not support doing sample rate conversion and things like that.
As you read the properly decoded data, you can then use something like NSOutputStream to write the "raw PCM" format of your choice directly to a file with no metadata at all.

How can I find out the current TS segment during a HLS(m3u8) playback in iOS?

An HLS (m3u8) file references mpeg-ts files. During its playback in iOS' AVPlayer, how can i determine the currently playing mpeg-ts URI?
If your looking for a reference to the URI of the currently downloading TS, it's not available. You can get the URI of the stream for the current bit-rate by looking at the current AVPlayerItem's -accessLog.
[[[player currentItem] accessLog] events]
It's an NSArray of AVPlayerItemAccessLogEvent's.
But it's not going to give you the URI of the TS per se. You may just have to calculate the current TS by where the playhead is currently at in relation to the duration as well as the segment size.

How to extract the song name from a live audio stream on the Blackberry Storm?

I am new to Blackberry.
I am developing an application to get the song name from the live audio stream. I am able to get the mp3 stream bytes from the particular radioserver.To get the song name I add the flag "Icy-metadata:1".So I am getting the header from the stream.To get the mp3 block size I use "Icy-metaInt".How to recognize the metadatablocks with this mp3 block size.I am using the following code.can anyone help me to get it...Here the b[off+k] is the bytes that are from the server...I am converting whole stream in to charArray which is wrong, but how to recognize the metadataHeaders according to the mp3 block size..
b[off+k] = buffers[PlayBuf]PlayByte];
String metaSt = httpConn.getHeaderField("icy-metaint");
for (int i=0;i<b[off+k];i++)
metadataHeader+=(new String(b)).toCharArray();
Blackberry has no native regex functionality; I would recommend grabbing the regexp-me library ( and compiling it into your code. I've used it before and its regex support is pretty good. I think the regex in the code you posted would work just fine.
