add custom files in extjs6 application build - extjs6

With ExtJs 5, I used to add custom files int the "resources" section of app.json
"resources": [
But in extjs6, if I put pathes into "resources" section of app.json, there're put into the resources folder (and a folder's files are put right into resources, not into resources/folder_name
I've tried to hack into "build" section to add another destination directory, but I did not succeed, nor I found any documentation.
Is there a way to achieve previous behaviour ? (other than write a script to be ran after sencha app build ?)

So,you can put your folders in the resources folder manually and then use something like this to copy them on build
"resources": [
personally, i put the files that aren't in a folder (like your php files) in a folder them selves. (like my json folder, that contains about 15 jsons) So you can import them only requiring a folder.
Other possibilities in this discussion


How to make Visual Studio Intellisense recommend "" Include?

In VS2019, when I have the possibility to include a class, Intellisense only suggests includes with angled brackets (<>). But in most cases I want quote includes ("").
Is there a way to customize it/ let Intellisense suggest both?
Actually, VS does not have such option to automatically switch to realize your requirements. I think this behavior depends on how you reference the header file into the project. So you have to change the way which you import these header files.
Note: <> searches the header files under include directories or additional include directories
while "" searches the header files under your project folder first and then search under include directories or additional include directories.
So the solution is that:
Please remove the path of these header files under include directories and additional include directories.
Then, right-click on the Header Files folder of your c++ project-->Add-->Existing Item to add these header files into your project.
Then, you can see that Intellisense will recommend "" rather than <>.
This is my test result:
I have a header file called header.h and I configured its path into additional include directories, and when I call its variable, you can see:
If I removed the path from additional include directories and add it into the Header Files folder.

Flume "Spooling Directory Source" recursive-look for the the files within subdirectories

I am looking for the Flume "Spooling Directory Source" recursive-look for the the files within subdirectories.
There are some references here
however since then multiple versions have come out, is there any way we can have recursive directory lookup within subdirectories for the files in Spooling Source.
I think you can use the patch FLUME-1899-2.patch directly.
set the "recursiveDirectorySearch" as ture in your config file.
NOTE: the regex in ignorePattern of config file will also affect the recursiveDirectory folder name. so you might need to modify the code in org/apache/flume/client/avro/ if you want to ignore the folder name.

ASP.NET MVC: Two output file names resolved to the same output path

I have an ASP.NET MVC project (SomeProject) with Resources folder in the root folder.
Inside of my resources folder I have such folders and files: PageA\Index.resx and PageB\Index.resx.
After building the project I should have such classes in code: SomeProject.Resources.PageA.Index and SomeProject.Resources.PageB.Index.
However when I try to build, I get such error: Two output file names resolved to the same output path: .....\Index.resources
Is there a way to workaround this problem?
P.S. Please do not offer to rename PageB\Index.resx to something else, as this is not the desired solution.

Update File Name on Amazon S3 with IOS

I know there is no folder or directory concept on Amazon S3, but I want to update or delete a folder according to my app's users needs.
To Delete folder I guess I have to delete all the files one by one in a folder with:
- (S3DeleteObjectResponse *)deleteObjectWithKey:(NSString *)theKey withBucket:(NSString *)theBucket
But there is no documentation to update a object name
Lets say my folder name is photos and there are two files in that folder image.png and image2.png that means I have
I want to change folder name to photos1 that means I have to change image.png and image2.png to:
How can I accomplish this?
Is this the closest I can get? (copyObject)
Your thinking is correct. You can't rename a 'folder'. You must process each file individually by creating a copy with the desired name and deleting the original.
Also, be aware that according to the docs ( the copy operation does not preserve the ACL, so if the moved files are public you need to explicitly mark the copies as public as well.
Related: How to rename a folder inside a bucket using the sdk

Groovy-Ant Preserve File Structure in Zip Archive

I am working with Ant in Groovy, and I want to operate on all files in a directory that match certain criteria. I have the following:
def fileSet = ant.fileset(dir: srcDir, id: "files", includes: pattern){
date(datetime: time when: "before", pattern: datePattern)
} "$destDir/$newZipFileName"){
fileset(refid: "files")
This works great on the files in the source directory. But how can I get it to also archive the directories in the source location, while maintaining the directory structure in the archive?
"**/*" as my pattern got all the files, but flattened them into one directory
I've tried using a dirset instead of a fileset, but to no avail.
How can I zip everything up while mirroring the existing directory structure in the archive?
(To clarify, I define the fileset outside of my task because I have several tasks that might use the same fileset, and it gets passed around).
