How to make Visual Studio Intellisense recommend "" Include? - visual-studio-2019

In VS2019, when I have the possibility to include a class, Intellisense only suggests includes with angled brackets (<>). But in most cases I want quote includes ("").
Is there a way to customize it/ let Intellisense suggest both?

Actually, VS does not have such option to automatically switch to realize your requirements. I think this behavior depends on how you reference the header file into the project. So you have to change the way which you import these header files.
Note: <> searches the header files under include directories or additional include directories
while "" searches the header files under your project folder first and then search under include directories or additional include directories.
So the solution is that:
Please remove the path of these header files under include directories and additional include directories.
Then, right-click on the Header Files folder of your c++ project-->Add-->Existing Item to add these header files into your project.
Then, you can see that Intellisense will recommend "" rather than <>.
This is my test result:
I have a header file called header.h and I configured its path into additional include directories, and when I call its variable, you can see:
If I removed the path from additional include directories and add it into the Header Files folder.


How do you allow Neovim CoC to see include directories

Coc in Neovim seems to be unable to see #include <avr/io.h> since I'm guessing that it's include path isn't known by coc. How can I allow coc to see this include path?
A solution was found to be the following:
In the root of your project directory (the base of compilation) add a file called compile_flags.txt.
To the compile_flags.txt file, for the AVR includes, add -I/usr/avr/include.
NOTE: The compile_flags.txt file only accepts a single argument per line, so the actual contents of this file should be
JSON Compilation Database Format Specification

Flume "Spooling Directory Source" recursive-look for the the files within subdirectories

I am looking for the Flume "Spooling Directory Source" recursive-look for the the files within subdirectories.
There are some references here
however since then multiple versions have come out, is there any way we can have recursive directory lookup within subdirectories for the files in Spooling Source.
I think you can use the patch FLUME-1899-2.patch directly.
set the "recursiveDirectorySearch" as ture in your config file.
NOTE: the regex in ignorePattern of config file will also affect the recursiveDirectory folder name. so you might need to modify the code in org/apache/flume/client/avro/ if you want to ignore the folder name.

Default syntax in case of conflicting file extensions in the Atom text editor

In the Atom text editor, when two language packages define syntax and snippets for files with the same file extension, what determines the precedence?
For example, both language-ruby and language-ruby-on-rails are available by default, as they are included in the so-called Core Package set, and the two packages share the .rb file extension.
How can I make sure that Atom will by default treat .rb file as, say, source.ruby.rails instead of source.ruby files in my projects?
In your config.cson file you can specify filename regexes and a related grammars, like so:
".rb?$": "source.ruby.rails"

tfignore wildcard directory segment

Is it possible using .tfignore to add a wildcard to directories? I assumed it would have been a case of just adding an asterisk wildcard to the directory segment. For example:
However this does not work and I am unsure how I would achieve such behaviour without explicitly declaring every reference that I need excluding. .
# begins a comment line
The * and ? wildcards are supported.
A filespec is recursive unless prefixed by the \ character.
! negates a filespec (files that match the pattern are not ignored)
Extract from the documentation.
The documentation should more correctly read:
The * and ? wildcards are supported in the leaf name only.
That is, you can use something like these to select multiple files or multiple subdirectories, respectively, in a common parent:
What may work in your case--to ignore the same file in multiple directories--is just this:
That is, specify a path-less name or glob pattern to ignore matching files throughout your tree. Unfortunately you have only those two options, local or global; you cannot use a relative path like this--it will not match any files!
The global option is a practical one because .tfignore only affects unversioned files. Once you add a file to source control, changes to that file will be properly recognized. Furthermore, if you need to add an instance of an ignored name to source control, you can always go into TFS source control explorer and manually add it.
It seems this is now supported
As you see I edited tfignore in the root folder of the project such that any new branch will ignore its .vs folder when being examined for source control changes
Directory/folder name wildcarding works for me in VS2019 Professional. For example if I put this in .tfignore:
The above will ignore any folder named ending with "uncheckedToTFS", regardless of where the folder is (it doesn't have to be top level folder, can be many levels deep).

How to use precompiled header for many sub-directories in qmake?

I've read
My source directory is like
common # here will generated common.pch/
I'm trying to let my srcdir1 srcdir2 srcdir3 use the common precompiled headers, but how to write the correct .pro files?
You could use something like this from the project root where there is a
CONFIG += ordered
TEMPLATE = subdirs
SUBDIRS = common srcdir1 srcdir2 srcdir3
from the documentation:
When using the subdirs template, this option specifies that the directories listed should be processed in the order in which they are given.
Variable values then will be preserved so what you set in common should be available in srcdir1, and so forth.
Even if that was not working, you could still put the PRECOMPILED_HEADER = foo.h definition into a precompiled-header.pri project include file which is included from several places.
Does this help?
