How to convert array to UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeRawPointer?> Swift 3.0? - ios

Here was my workable code in the previous version of Swift:
let imageOptionsDictKeys = [ kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey, kCVPixelBufferWidthKey, kCVPixelBufferHeightKey, kCVPixelBufferOpenGLESCompatibilityKey, kCVPixelBufferIOSurfacePropertiesKey]
let imageOptionsDictValues = [ cvPixelFormatType, frameW, frameH, boolYES]
var keyCallbacks = kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks
var valueCallbacks = kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks
let imageOptions = CFDictionaryCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, UnsafeMutablePointer(imageOptionsDictKeys), UnsafeMutablePointer(imageOptionsDictValues), 4, &keyCallbacks, &valueCallbacks)
After changes in the Swift 3.0 I have to convert my keys and values arrays into UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeRawPointer?> for creating CFDictionary.
This way:
let imageOptionsDictKeysPointer = UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeRawPointer?>.allocate(capacity: 1)
imageOptionsDictKeysPointer.initialize(to: imageOptionsDictKeys)
gives an Bad Access error.
And after reading documentation I am trying to compile this code:
let imageOptionsDictKeys = [kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey, kCVPixelBufferWidthKey, kCVPixelBufferHeightKey, kCVPixelBufferOpenGLESCompatibilityKey]
let imageOptionsDictKeysRawPointer = Unmanaged.passUnretained(imageOptionsDictKeys).toOpaque()
let imageOptionsDictKeysPointer = UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeRawPointer?>.allocate(capacity: 1)
imageOptionsDictKeysPointer.initialize(to: imageOptionsDictKeysRawPointer)
let imageOptionsDictValues = [ cvPixelFormatType, frameW, frameH, boolYES]
let imageOptionsDictValuesRawPointer = Unmanaged.passUnretained(imageOptionsDictValues).toOpaque()
let imageOptionsDictValuesPointer = UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeRawPointer?>.allocate(capacity: 1)
imageOptionsDictValuesPointer.initialize(to: imageOptionsDictValuesRawPointer)
let imageOptions = CFDictionaryCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, imageOptionsDictKeysPointer, imageOptionsDictValuesPointer, 4, &keyCallbacks, &valueCallbacks)
but error Generic parameter 'Instance' could not be inferred appears in the lines Unmanaged.passUnretained(array).toOpaque()
I have no idea how to create CFDictionary programmatically now.

I just solved a similar issue converting arrays to UnsafeMutablePointer< UnsafeMutablePointer<T>> which you can find here:
Swift 3 UnsafeMutablePointer initialization for C type float**
To convert swift arrays using the same scheme, use UnsafeMuTablePointer as suggested here:


Loop through NSArray and copy to new swift Array

Hey guys im very new to swift and im trying to loop through an NSArray imported from a plist which I then want to populate a 2D swift array with a list of CGPoints.
My plist is set out for with each letter of the Alphabet, within each letter I have an array[][] first row is strokes and second row then holds x,y coordinates.
My variables:
var letterPoints: NSDictionary?
var letterPointsArray: NSArray?
var letterCGPoints = [[Any]]()
My code:
letterPoints = NSDictionary(contentsOfFile: Bundle.main.path(forResource: "LetterPoints", ofType: "plist")!)
letterPointsArray = (letterPoints?.value(forKey: image)) as? NSArray
var i = 0
for strokes in letterPointsArray! as! [[Int]]
for points in strokes
let x = strokes[i][0] // Error Value of type 'Int' has no subscripts.
let y = strokes[i][1]
letterCGPoints[i].append(CGPoint(x: x,y: y))
i = i+1
Im getting an error when assigning x and y - Value of type 'Int' has no subscripts.
I originally had this working when I had it set up without the extra row for each stroke but after turning it into a 2D array I'm now struggling to work with it and am quite lost finding the correct way of going about it from my online searches and looking through stackoverflow. Please excuse my ignorance and complete lack of knowledge in swift, would really appreciate some advice on the best way solve this. Thanks :)
Declare your array correctly from the start
var letterPointsArray: [[[Int]]]?
and then cast it directly
letterPointsArray = (letterPoints?.value(forKey: "image")) as? [[[Int]]]
or even better in one line
let letterPointsArray = (letterPoints?.value(forKey: "image")) as? [[[Int]]]
And by using enumerated() you can then iterate over the array
if let letterPointsArray = (letterPoints?.value(forKey: "image")) as? [[[Int]]] {
for (i, strokes) in letterPointsArray.enumerated() {
Check your strokes array. The following code might work.
let points: [[Int]] = [[10, 20], [30, 40]]
var i = 0
var j = 1
for point in points {
let a = point[i]
let b = point[j]

What is the equivalence in swift 3

In java I am using the following code
string value = "b:0001"
byte[] bytes = value.getBytes("US-ASCII");
Does anyone know the equivalent in Swift 3 but instead of passing to bytes [] pass to Data?
This gives you Data back:
let str = "b:0001"
let bytes = .ascii)!

Swift 3.0 stringFromStringNumberOrNil replacement not found. App gives error "Ambiguous reference to member 'value' or Ambiguous use of 'value'"

In my previous app , we have used
let value = String.stringFromStringNumberOrNil(myProperty?.value)
valueLabel.text = value
In above code 'myProperty.value' was kind of 'Any' Class
When i am trying to convert the same code to swift 3.0 app cause error
I have wrote :
var value1 : Int = myProperty.value as Int
var value1 : String = aylaProperty.value as! String
App Gives error :
Ambiguous reference to member 'value'
What should i do for this ?
Use Strings initializer
let myPropertyValue:Any = 6
let x = myPropertyValue as! Int
let value = String(x)
let valueLabel = UILabel()
valueLabel.text = value

NSData to Data swift 3

var dataFile: NSData = NSMutableData.init(data: wav.subdataWithRange(NSRange.init(location: currentByte, length: wavDataSize)))
How to me convert this code to using Data with Swift 3? Or how to parseNSRange to Range
Separating Data into smaller Data instances
This answer is the Swift 3 & 4 equivalent of the code in the question. It will produce the same result, dataFile, given the same input values: wav, currentByte and wavDataSize assuming none of the surrounding code changes.
I did not make assumptions about what the variables: wav, dataFile, currentByte or wavDataSize mean. To avoid the variable names implying things not stated in the question, I will use the following names instead: sourceData, subdata, rangeStartByte and subdataLength. I assume the code (not shown in the question) surrounding this would assure that rangeStartByte and subdataLength were in a valid range to avoid an error.
Converting NSRange to Range<Int>
The Swift 2 implementation from the question uses an NSRange defined by a start point and a length like this:
NSRange.init(location: rangeStartByte, length: subdataLength)
The Swift 3 & 4 implementation I propose creates an equivalent Range<Int> defined by a start point and end point like this:
rangeStartByte ..< (rangeStartByte + subdataLength)
I converted an app from Swift 2.2 to 3 which used similar code to upload a photo in smaller chunks. During conversion we missed this nuance and used the Swift 2 implementation's length in place of the Swift 3 & 4 implementation's end point. This caused a defect that was tricky to resolve. The first iteration succeeded but subsequent iterations failed.
Another answer implements the issue I just described as the solution. It uses subdataLength from the length of the Swift 2 range as the end point of the Swift 3 & 4 range. This will produce the same result in the special case where currentByte is 0 and subdataLength is <= the length of the NSData instance (which is why the first iteration succeeded in the issue I described). That assumption was not explicitly stated in the question and yields a less flexible solution for others.
Swift 3 & 4 equivalent
var subdata = sourceData.subdata(in: rangeStartByte ..< (rangeStartByte + subdataLength))
Swift 2.2
(code from question with updated variable names)
var subdata: NSData = NSMutableData.init(data: sourceData.subdataWithRange(NSRange.init(location: rangeStartByte, length: subdataLength)))
Runnable sample code
I've included sample code you can run in a playground demonstrating how this line of code could be used to separate a Data instance into smaller Data instances. The source Data instance is created from a string "ABCDEFGHIJKL". This instance is separated into smaller Data instances of length 5.
Swift 3 & 4 with context
import UIKit
var sourceString = "ABCDEFGHIJKL"
let sourceData = String.Encoding.utf8)! // sourceData is equivalent to "wav" from question
var rangeStartByte = 0 // rangeStartByte is equivalent to "currentByte" from question
let maxSubdataLength = 5
let dataLength = sourceString.lengthOfBytes(using: String.Encoding.utf8)
precondition(maxSubdataLength <= dataLength, "maxSubdataLength must be <= to dataLength")
while rangeStartByte < dataLength {
// subdataLength is equivalent to "wavDataSize" from question
let subdataLength = min(maxSubdataLength, dataLength - rangeStartByte)
// subdata is equivalent to "dataFile" from question
let subdata = Data(sourceData.subdata(in: rangeStartByte ..< (rangeStartByte + subdataLength)))
let subdataString = String(data: subdata, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8) ?? ""
rangeStartByte += subdataLength
The result is:
Swift 2.2 with context
import UIKit
var sourceString = "ABCDEFGHIJKL"
let sourceData = sourceString.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)! // sourceData is equivalent to "wav" from question
var rangeStartByte = 0 // rangeStartByte is equivalent to "currentByte" from question
let maxSubdataLength = 5
let dataLength = sourceString.lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)
precondition(maxSubdataLength <= dataLength, "maxSubdataLength must be <= to dataLength")
while rangeStartByte < dataLength {
// subdataLength is equivalent to "wavDataSize" from question
let subdataLength = min(maxSubdataLength, dataLength - rangeStartByte)
// subdata is equivalent to "dataFile" from question
let subdata: NSData = NSMutableData.init(data: sourceData.subdataWithRange(NSRange.init(location: rangeStartByte, length: subdataLength)))
let subdataString = String(data: subdata, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding) ?? ""
rangeStartByte += subdataLength
The result is:
Swift 3 & 4 using NSRange
pedrouan's answer uses NSRange like this:
var subdata: Data = Data(sourceData.subdata(with: NSRange(location: rangeStartByte, length: subdataLength)))
I could not get this to compile initially so I disregarded it. Now I realize that it works if sourceData is declared or cast at NSData and not Data
If you want to run this approach within the "Swift 3 & 4 with context" sample code above, replace the corresponding code in that sample with this:
// subdata is equivalent to "dataFile" from question
let sourceNSData = sourceData as NSData
let subdata = sourceNSData.subdata(with: NSRange(location: rangeStartByte, length: subdataLength))
I'm trying not to use "NS" classes like NSRange where possible so I favored the solution using a Swift Range.
Some 'little' changes in Swift 3.0
var dataFile: Data = Data(wav.subdata(with: NSRange(location: currentByte, length: wavDataSize)))
In Swift 3 your code will be like this one:
var dataFile = sourceData.subdata(in: currentByte..<currentByte+wavDataSize)

How do I save dictionary (map object) to DynamoDB using Swift

I’m trying to save a dictionary to my DynamoDB table field using low-level API. I couldn’t figure out how to do it with object mapper. There is no example for this in AWS iOS documentation and I’ve tried to research and implement Java / .NET examples of the same subject unsuccessfully.
I want to update only the dictionary field in the row using updateExpression.
I stumbled to this question while searching for answer, but it didn't help: Best way to make Amazon AWS DynamoDB queries using Swift?
Here’s the function to update dynamoDB-table:
func saveMapToDatabase(hashKey:Int, rangeKey:Double, myDict:[Int:Double]){
let nsDict:NSDictionary = NSDictionary(dictionary: myDict)
var dictAsAwsValue = AWSDynamoDBAttributeValue();dictAsAwsValue.M = nsDict as [NSObject : AnyObject]
let updateInput:AWSDynamoDBUpdateItemInput = AWSDynamoDBUpdateItemInput()
let hashKeyValue:AWSDynamoDBAttributeValue = AWSDynamoDBAttributeValue();hashKeyValue.N = String(hashKey)
let rangeKeyValue:AWSDynamoDBAttributeValue = AWSDynamoDBAttributeValue(); rangeKeyValue.N = String(stringInterpolationSegment: rangeKey)
updateInput.tableName = "my_table_name"
updateInput.key = ["db_hash_key" :hashKeyValue, "db_range_key":rangeKeyValue]
//How I usually do low-level update:
//let valueUpdate:AWSDynamoDBAttributeValueUpdate = AWSDynamoDBAttributeValueUpdate()
//valueUpdate.value = dictAsAwsValue
//valueUpdate.action = AWSDynamoDBAttributeAction.Put
//updateInput.attributeUpdates = ["db_dictionary_field":valueUpdate]
//Using the recommended way: updateExpression
updateInput.expressionAttributeValues = ["dictionary_value":dictAsAwsValue]
updateInput.updateExpression = "SET db_dictionary_field = :dictionary_value"
self.dynamoDB.updateItem(updateInput).continueWithBlock{(task:BFTask!)->AnyObject! in
//do some debug stuff
return nil
I solved it, the problem was that AWS requires dictionary keys to always be in the form of String, any other type is not allowed.
The working solution snippet:
updateInput.tableName = "my_table_name"
updateInput.key = ["db_hash_key" :hashKeyValue, "db_range_key":rangeKeyValue]
let dictionaryInRightFormat:NSDictionary = ["stringKey":dictAsAwsValue]
updateInput.expressionAttributeValues = updateInput.updateExpression = "SET db_dictionary_field = :stringKey"
