creating a (simple?) photo gallery - ios

I have started learning Swift and I created a very simple app - photo gallery, videos, webView for our website.
I'm following this tutorial on youtube: and combined a few other ones to get that nice 3 column layout for the photo gallery to go along with it.
This works well for now, but when I click an image, I've to go back and select another image. I've been trying to find a way to swipe across and found this tutorial:
Unfortunately I can't seem to figure out how combine both. Maybe I've been googling for the wrong things? Can anyone help or direct me to a tutorial that could bridge these 2 things together?
They want something that functions similar to the native Photos app. Not sure how to swipe.


Swipe between UITableViews like Livescore app

I am trying to expand my application that is currently in the App Store. I found an interesting way to change between two UITableViews by swiping and I want to implement something similar. I tried searching but had no luck, most of the searches ended up in swiping UITableViewCells or what Android uses "fragments"
What I want to achieve looks like this. I will show you in three different pictures taken from the livescore app. Since I can't upload images here I will give you dropbox url:
View2 (starting to swipe, can see the data on the other view already)
View3 (finished swiping)
Can't post the link since im restricted to two links...
Any ideas what they are using for technique? What it is called and/or if you have a good tutorial for it would be appreciated.

Developing Notebook carousel in iOs app

I want to create an iOS app to manage notebooks, i already know how to implement most of the functionality, but i would like to add a notebook carousel in the app like in the attached image. I have already googled for related terms searching for a way to do it with no avail.
It should animate on click and simulate the opening of a book, you can find this functionality in apps like penultimate, outliner and many others.
Can anyone put me in the right direction?

iOS - select images based on album

I have gone through several tutorials trying to get this through my thick skull with little luck. I am trying to allow users to select a photo album and be able to iterate through the photos in it. I have code going now to list the names of the various photo albums, but actually finding and selecting images from these using what I've found about the ALAssetsLibrary is driving me insane.
Looking for some direction or a pointer to a piece of sample code that does this on iOS5+, if anyone has any suggestions.
Take a look at the ELCImagePickerController project which shows both how to get the albums and how to get the images inside each album.

iOS custom gallery

Sorry, I've asked a similar question but I'm already suffering 3 days dealing with a simple photo gallery in my app. I just need a gallery with array of 1024x768 images, a gallery that will fit pictures properly into the screen.
I've tried
ATPagingView - worked fine but an 1024x768 image couldn't be resized properly for both orientations.
MWPhotobrowser - didn't managed to connect because i'm using ARC, even if I disabled arc for added files, there was a compile error I coudn't get rid of.
Custom UIScrollView with pages, with a scrollView for each page and imageview inside it, but it didn't help.
Please, help me somehow, did somebody make galleries like that?
Give Nimbus a try. It is an open source framework that is run by jverkoey, ex Three20 guy. It is not ARC'd yet, but you can turn ARC off for compilation and that works just fine, plus they are moving to ARC soon, already have a git branch of it. It has a photoviewer class but I've not used it yet, but I will need to, that's only one of the reasons I'm using it. Pretty happy with it so far!
I already found KTPhotoBrowser classes. They are nice and well-documented. I implemented the very simple photo browsing gallery very fast. Images are now resized properly, everything is okay. if you want a gallery, try this, for sure!

iOS iTunes Album Cover type (or similar) Image Display

Is there any tutorials that show how to make a Image display similar to the Album Art diaply in iTunes? Or anything similar. I followed code posted here, but I just cannot seem to get it working in the new XCode. Opening his project works fine, but using it in my own, the UIImageView renders the images beyond it's borders, making them appear over each other.
Any help would be appreciated.
I assume you're talking about CoverFlow?
I wrote a free, very easy to use CoverFlow library. It's modelled on the way that UITableView works, so if you can use that, you can use this. You can get it from here:
