Swipe between UITableViews like Livescore app - ios

I am trying to expand my application that is currently in the App Store. I found an interesting way to change between two UITableViews by swiping and I want to implement something similar. I tried searching but had no luck, most of the searches ended up in swiping UITableViewCells or what Android uses "fragments"
What I want to achieve looks like this. I will show you in three different pictures taken from the livescore app. Since I can't upload images here I will give you dropbox url:
View2 (starting to swipe, can see the data on the other view already)
View3 (finished swiping)
Can't post the link since im restricted to two links...
Any ideas what they are using for technique? What it is called and/or if you have a good tutorial for it would be appreciated.


Which Controls do I have to choose in iOS development

an iOS app page, which descirbes some item's detail
This is kind of what I want to make
This is exact what I want
Actually I am not an iOS developer.
But a member of our team lacks of knowledge of consisting of iOS app Page(Scene)
I think he usually use table view all the time. which I guess he can't handle very well.
He always struggle about height of UITableView in dynamic pages.
As you see in the picture, page has two views, which I don't know how to call it.
If round button on the right side of a woman is pressed those two views switches.
I guess it's kind of "TAB".
Is it normal that using UITableView in this kind of page. or Which is best practise?
Thanks in advance and sorry for my english.
The first image can be made using a UITableView or UICollectionView(UITableView will do the job with lesser hassle). For second image, you'd wanna use a segmented control.
The third can be built using UICollectionView, however, there are plenty of third party libraries out there on github for the same and you might wanna check them out.
Last but not the least, have some faith in your developer. He seems to be a newbie if he's facing troubles with tableviews but believe me, we've all been there some day.Encourage him to ask questions on various communities. If he's curious enough, he'll be just fine after a while.

Tabbed iOS WebKit Browser with Swift

In short I am trying to build some typical browser functionalities in a Swift iOS app with WKWebViews (WebKit). I already have a functioning browser based on a WKWebView, which already has a menu bar with a URL input, navigation buttons, a share button, page title etc.
What I am struggling with is creating tabs for the browser. At first this seemed trivial as surely WKWebViews would support this in some way. Well, as far as I can tell they do not (looked at and tried multiple tutorials incl. hackingwithswift, Ray Wenderlich etc. + I checked Apple's documentation + stackoverflow)
This is what I have come up with so far:
1) Creating a new tab/opening a new URL should create a new UIView + WKWebView programmatically (I'll have to make a subclass out of my current browser view)
=> this should create a separate thread for each WKWebView/tab according to Apple's documentation
2) I need something like a Collection View (or Stack Views etc.) to store screenshot images of the already open tabs as a preview page of all tabs. The cells should be linked via a delegate to the corresponding WkWebView and they should have a close button to close (= delete) the tabs.
Am I overthinking this? If I go down this path I have to find a way to wire up (and subsequently delete) multiple delegates and views to the Collection View dynamically and I have to store & delete screenshots every time the user interacts with the tabs. It seems VERY messy. But given that Chrome on iOS is based on WebKit as of late, it's obviously doable.
How would you tackle this problem?
PS I didn't include a mockup because you all know how the tabs in Chrome, Safari etc. on iOS look like.
I am just looking for a clean and sensible way to add/remove and show the multiple WKWebViews, which are created by opening new tabs - just like in Chrome for iOS or Safari etc.
Ok, I have solved this today :) I will have a main UIView and then multiple WKWebViews, which can be "zoomed in" in order to enter full screen mode. No need for screenshots etc.

Replicate iOS Pattern: Instagram Search-Style Swiping Tabs

I'm starting a new iOS project in Swift, and my experience programming native iOS applications is minimal, so please bear with me if I use some whacky terminology or overlook some simple solutions.
I'm looking to replicate a pattern in the Instagram application, as seen here:
Selected Tab
Swiping Transition
For those who don't use Instagram, what's essentially going on here is something like a UIPageViewController (with swiping functionality), but with the tabs on top indicating the selected page.
Like in Instagram, I'm planning to have this functionality within a child UIViewController of a UITabBarController (you can see the "main" tabs on the bottom).
What I started out doing was creating static tabs and adding left and right gesture recognizers to the child UIViewController, which would change the page and update the indicator of the selected page on the tabs.
This works but I'm not really loving the way it looks, nor the way it's written. I don't like the idea of needing 2 instances of the tabs, and that certainly doesn't seem to be the way Instagram is doing it, because as shown in the second image, the indicator slides between the tabs.
I've searched a fair bit, but all references to replicating Instagram patterns seem to be outdated and don't address this specific element. Like I said, though, I haven't been programming native iOS for very long (I'm an Android developer and have used Xamarin for iOS), so it's possible I'm just not using the right keywords.
I'd appreciate any help y'all can offer!

Using PageViewController for a large number of pages like camera roll image view?

I am trying to create an app for which I need a way to swipe through views. For example, while swiping through images in photo stream or camera roll. I DO NOT need to swipe through images however, I need to swipe through UIViews. I have been looking at PageViewController. However, setViewControllers:direction:animated:completion: suggests that I need a ViewController for every UIView. This doesn't seem to be what I want since I will have over 40 views that I will need to scroll through. I think I'm missing an obvious ios feature here since even iBooks has a way to go through pages of books.
I was thinking maybe having 3 ViewControllers and changing their content whenever I swipe across. But that seems very roundabout.
Please help me out!
Apple has provided a fairly robust example of doing this kind of thing with photos called "PhotoScroller" at http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#samplecode/PhotoScroller/Introduction/Intro.html. It uses UIScrollViews and CATiledLayers to recreate the experience of the Photos app. You may be able to modify it to work with your UIViews instead of images.

Any potential issues using uitableview and uiwebview to show mini google map

Im looking into having a tableview and a custom cell that has a webview control. The purpose of the webview would to show a google map inside the webview at some lat/long.
Could there be problematic with this approach? Memory issues?
Another approach would be having a uiimage and use the google map static api to generate the image and store the image on my server and have the app request the image via a URL.
I was hoping to avoid generating the images and storing them on my server and using directly the google map in a web view, but not sure what kind of issues i could run into with this approach?
The only problem is speed. If your table view consists of rows and rows of MKMapViews, it will take time for each one to load as the user scrolls through them. However, if there is only one it shouldn't be a problem.
The static image approach has the same problem but I think it might be slightly faster.
I have an app in the App Store for a local festival that had many events at different venues. Given that the audience was from all over the world, and thus unknown in town, the app showed a map for each event. I solved this using an MKMapView inside a custom UITableViewCell and using an accessory disclosure button that would push a detailed map view onto the navigation controller. It worked well, but was a little slow. I would not recommend it for many such cells.
Screen shot:
