How to stop an instance of GCDWebUploader - Objective-c iOS - ios

In my app I have successfully started an instance of GCDWebUploader and I can upload files into my App's documents directory.
What I would like is to give the users the ability to stop the web sever whenever a button is pressed.
I've tried to set the instance to nil but this has no effect. Does there is a way to do this ? I've looked into the GCDWebUploader's header files but with no success !
Any help is greatly appreciated !
Have a nice day

GCDWebUploader subclasses GCDWebServer, so be sure to also look for methods in the super class. The one you would likely want is -stop.


Xcode wont suggest or autocomplete or connect

Hi from this morning i've got a weird thing !
Xcode won't Suggest ,
won't AutoComplete ,
won't give color to my codes ,
wont give me any Errors and won't find out my properties or methods or anything !
But indexing compelete with success
Build compelete with success
Run compelete with success
I Had same problem , and i have solutions for that :
1.DerivedData :
Xcode caches some files that cause this problem
Go to --> YourUserName/Library/Developer/Xcode/
Then remove the DerivedData directory in the Xcode directory
if you didnt saw Library folder because it is a hidden directory
Here is a good Resource of how to show hidden files in macOS
clean up some memory , on devices that have
8GB of RAM this problem Occurred more
I suggest you to use CleanMyMac3 it also free a lot of Storage
You can download it from here
3.Code Clean !
I suggest you to code clean first !
a few things that i used to do in my Projects :
For every method that only belongs to body of that class use fileprivate which means this method is available for the class and extenstions which just private is only available to the body of the class
Any property that belongs only to body of the class should mark with fileprivate
Avoid of declaring variables outside of the class ! this will get memory all the time
Deinit() the Models after you end up working with them
Avoid of doing Notification Center because you forget to dispose them ! instead of that i suggest you to start RxSwift that works better you can find it here
4. Code Completion
go to the Xcode->Preferences->TextEditing
Check that is your code completion options is checked to true
Restart your Xcode.
If still not work, restart your computer.

Magento Dataflow error: Method "parse" not defined in adapter

I have a method to import products, what I do is this, I create a new file in local/Mage/Catalog/Model/Convert/Adapter and I override saveRow functions, this files class is a extension of Mage_Catalog_Model_Convert_Adapter_Product.
And Everythings works fine IN LOCAL. No problems in my pc, in my local server. So it’s time to test it in the client server, I upload de file, the csv as well and when I execute at dataflow Advances profiles, I have this error:
Method “parse” not defined in adapter catalog/convert_adapter_productconfigurable
I repeat, I check it on local and it works, but not at the server.
I disable, flush then enable again cache, reindex data and I do not what more do. For a reason in the server do not find the class or something like that.
Thanks in advance !
There Must be some error in defining class name of the "local" code file please check classname of local file's product.php.
1) instead of uploading the file i think you should explicitly write your new adapter class on the client server magento...and before that please check out the version conflicts
2) if still the problem persists try calling the parent class parse method explicitly or override it...
hope this helps it....actly without knowing the code its hard to predict what you should do...
Best way to get to the bottom of problem is to check logs which are located in your magento root folder:
My guess is that you haven't compiled the plugin. Please run in your admin panel System -> Tools -> Compile

IOS - failed to start the app

I just tried to run my test app and I got this error:
2012-06-16 09:09:10.737 BusinessPlan[832:f803] Failed to instantiate the default view controller for UIMainStoryboardFile 'MainStoryboard_iPhone' - perhaps the designated entry point is not set?
How do I set the designated entry point? And what is that?
Also, when I was going through their intro tutorials, the last time I ran the simulator was on the color-change step, and that worked for me.
In your story board file select the viewController you want to assign as first controller and check on is initial View Controller check the image
I've not done an immense amount with storyboards yet, mostly with the older nib/xib based flow.
This looks like: When the app launches it creates an instance of UIApplication. This instance then needs to know what storyboard to go and connect to in order to create the user interface.
Looks like that link is missing in your app.
In the olden days you would either explicitly tell the app, in code, which nib to load or else you would have the link specified in interface builder.
I believe in the world of storyboards it is now more abstract and disconnecting the interface from the app by mistake is not easy to determine and fix.
I would recommend first going through the programming guide for storyboards on Apples developer site, or else start looking in the story board file for missing connections to it's delegate.
This isn't an answer per se, apologies, more of a guide to where to find one.

Is there an equivalent of the Reachability class for Actionscript 3?

In iOS dev it is common practice to use the Reachability class to check that you can hit a web service or other network path. I need to do something similar to check that an asset path that is being passed into a Flash SWF exists.
I don't want to run a test to load a transparent image cause this will take time to return a fault or result.
Any ideas?
Have a look at ServiceMonitor.

UITableViewController crashes silently without error

I am new to iPhone app development so please be patient with me.
I have an UITableViewController which fetches an array of private messages threads using an API call.
I'm fetching the threads in viewDidLoad() and it has successfully stored into my class property of PMThreads. However the app just crashes silently after that without loading each thread into tableView.
This is the code I have:
Please advise. Thanks in advance.
You should not release the data that you receive from the NSURLConnection request.
Try that!
So I've figured it out. It wasn't anything to do with ownership or retaining data.
I did my xib file improperly.
In my case, I put a UITableViewController, instead of a UITableView in the xib file. So in case anyone who share a similar experience, check your data ownership, as well as your xib file.
Run your app with Build and Debug. When the crash happens, open up the the debugger console (Cmd-Shift-R) and type bt. Copy the backtrace (everything after you typed 'bt') from the debugger console. Edit your message here and paste the backtrace.
As posted you're sending the release message to data and you don't even own the object. its currently in an autorelease pool. with no owner (ie. nothing has retained).
Read up on:
your releases should be equal to your (retain/alloc/copy).
