IOS - failed to start the app - ios

I just tried to run my test app and I got this error:
2012-06-16 09:09:10.737 BusinessPlan[832:f803] Failed to instantiate the default view controller for UIMainStoryboardFile 'MainStoryboard_iPhone' - perhaps the designated entry point is not set?
How do I set the designated entry point? And what is that?
Also, when I was going through their intro tutorials, the last time I ran the simulator was on the color-change step, and that worked for me.

In your story board file select the viewController you want to assign as first controller and check on is initial View Controller check the image

I've not done an immense amount with storyboards yet, mostly with the older nib/xib based flow.
This looks like: When the app launches it creates an instance of UIApplication. This instance then needs to know what storyboard to go and connect to in order to create the user interface.
Looks like that link is missing in your app.
In the olden days you would either explicitly tell the app, in code, which nib to load or else you would have the link specified in interface builder.
I believe in the world of storyboards it is now more abstract and disconnecting the interface from the app by mistake is not easy to determine and fix.
I would recommend first going through the programming guide for storyboards on Apples developer site, or else start looking in the story board file for missing connections to it's delegate.
This isn't an answer per se, apologies, more of a guide to where to find one.


How to get rid of "perhaps the designated entry point is not set?"

I'm using Xcode version 12.0.1. Well currently I'm working on coordinator and I found this error
Failed to instantiate the default view controller for UIMainStoryboardFile 'Main' - perhaps the designated entry point is not set?
To solve this error I tried from this also iOS 7 - Failing to instantiate default view controller
created new story board but still can't able to solve.
Well, the reason for this error would come if you have not ticked the initial view controller checkbox.

Can I make ViewController inactive in storyboard?

I made a ViewController for my app that turned out to be more work than I can deal with right now. However I want to save the work for a future version.
My problem is that right now I'm getting the warning:
".../Main.storyboard: warning: Unsupported Configuration: “Calendar“ is unreachable because it has no entry points, and no identifier for runtime access via -[UIStoryboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:]."
Is there any way to make this warning go away without outright deleting the View Controller? I looked for an attribute to simply deactivate / disable the ViewController, but it doesn't seem possible. Can I then trick Xcode into thinking that it's accessible even when it's not?
Adding any text value for "Storyboard ID" in the view controller -> Identity inspector -> Identity seemed to do the trick.
(thanks to whoever suggested that in a now deleted comment; it didn't work at first for some reason, but now it does)

How to stop an instance of GCDWebUploader - Objective-c iOS

In my app I have successfully started an instance of GCDWebUploader and I can upload files into my App's documents directory.
What I would like is to give the users the ability to stop the web sever whenever a button is pressed.
I've tried to set the instance to nil but this has no effect. Does there is a way to do this ? I've looked into the GCDWebUploader's header files but with no success !
Any help is greatly appreciated !
Have a nice day
GCDWebUploader subclasses GCDWebServer, so be sure to also look for methods in the super class. The one you would likely want is -stop.

iOS App Internal Control Transfer

I am a novice to iOS app development. While using the StoryBoards for creating the iOS app, the control transfers from applicationDidFinishLaunchingWithOptions() methods to the viewDidLoad() method directly without any code been mentioned in the applicationDidFinishLauching() method.
What is the internal process that occurs in this scenario.
I have seen in the main.m file that there is a piece of code which calls the AppDelegate.class, but nothing such is present in the applicationDidFinishLaunching() method.
You have a default storyboard with initial controller (the arrow incoming to controller). this controller is initiated first after Application initialization is done. I mean, there is no explicit code for this, the Cocoa makes it for you.

Why do I get `missing proxy for identifier <some external object>` messages?

I have an app with a tab bar controller which supervises two view controllers, each with it's own nib. Each nib has some external objects (the view controller in each case, plus some singletons in the other case). When this thing launches, I get messages in the console which say "missing proxy for identifier" followed by the name of one of the external objects. It looks to me like this is just a message as the app seems to run fine. The nib and objects all seem to be hooked up fine.
My question: is this message a problem, and if so, what is it trying to tell me? I feel like it may mean something is not hooked up correctly.
You are doing the following
you are using two rows in a table with same reusable identifier in a tableView or table view controller
Sometimes it might be due to some kind of conflict with a previous version if the app being installed, my problem was solved after deleting the app a reinstalling it.
