Empty vars when calling method from singleton class - ios

So I have a singleton class in which I have implemented the delegate of my module. However when that delegate method gets executed in this singleton I call a method in another class of the App and it crashes because all the variables previously set in that class are empty.
class Player: Jukebox, JukeboxDelegate {
static let sharedInstance = Player()
func setDelegate(){
jukebox = Jukebox(delegate: self)
func play(Link: String) {
jukebox.setIT([JukeboxItem(URL: NSURL(string: Link)!)])
func audioPlayerDidFinishPlaying(player: Jukebox, successfully flag: Bool) {
if pltype == PlayerType.Playlist {
MyMusicVC.continuePlaying() { () -> () in
func jukeboxStateDidChange(state: Jukebox) {
func jukeboxPlaybackProgressDidChange(jukebox: Jukebox) {
func jukeboxDidLoadItem(jukebox: Jukebox, item: JukeboxItem) {
func jukeboxDidUpdateMetadata(jukebox: Jukebox, forItem: JukeboxItem) {
Any ideas on why could this be happening?

Its hard to understand what is going on. But you are subclassing a Jukebox class. Then making this subclass a delegate of the Jukebox itself. Then I also notice you're setting a Jukebox property that appears to be optional but not.
For example. Why in the play() function is jukebox. used twice but the last line is jukebox?. Is jukebox optional? Or implicitly unwrapped? And if thats the case, why are you using it unwrapped twice and then optionally the third time.
Have you tried not making this singleton a subclass of jukebox. Instead just make it conform to the JukeBoxDelegate protocol and see if that accomplishes the same goal?


method in protocol extension gets called instead of method implementation in View Controller

so I have a viewController which holds a custom view,
and that viewController class conforms to ViewProtocol
I expect when someAction method triggered in someCustomizedView
it will print " method in otherCustomizedClass called "
but it prints (" method in extension Called") instead.
The theNotOptionalMethod works just fine but not the optional method.
Is there anything that I misunderstand of protocol extension ?
Please help, been struggling for hours, thanks
protocol ViewDelegate: class {
func theNOTOptionalMethod()
extension ViewDelegate {
func theOptionalMethod(){
print (" method in extension Called")
class someCustomizedView: UIView {
weak var deleage: ViewDelegate?
#IBAction func someAction(sender: UIButton) {
class someCustomizedVC: UIViewController, ViewDelegate {
lazy var someView: someCustomizedView = {
var v = someCustomizedView()
v.deleage = self
return v
//...... someView added to controller
func theNOTOptionalMethod() {
// do nothing
func theOptionalMethod() {
print (" method in otherCustomizedClass called ")
That is how methods in extensions work. They hide the implementations in a class.
To create a protocol with optional methods, you need to put the optional method in the protocol definition:
protocol ViewDelegate: class {
func theNOTOptionalMethod()
func theOptionalMethod()
Alternatively, you can use #objc and optional modifiers:
#objc protocol MyDelegate : class{
func notOptionalMethod()
#objc optional func optionalMethod()
When you call optionalMethod, you need to unwrap the optional:

Weak delegate becomes nil

In my app I'm using delegates, so that I can read the data when ever it's ready.
I'm calling a delegate from two classes. Here is my code
protocol MyDelegate: class {
func getData()
class MyDelegateCalss {
weak var delegate: MyDelegate?
func loadData() {
// doing some actions
if(self.delegate != nil){
In one class I'm loading this method in tableview numberOfSections delegate method.
class A: UIViewController, MyDelegate {
func somefunc(){
let mydelegatecls : MyDelegateCalss = MyDelegateCalss()
mydelegatecls.delegate = self
func getData(){
// Doing some actions
This method I'm loading from another calss.
class B: UIViewController, MyDelegate {
open func testfunc(){
let mydelegatecls : MyDelegateCalss = MyDelegateCalss()
mydelegatecls.delegate = self
func getData(){
// doing some other stuff
class C: UIViewController {
func testfunc(){
let b : B = B()
Here from class A my delegate is working fine. and I'm able to see getData method is calling .
from Class B, the delegate becomes nil and unable to see getData method is called
If I make the delegate reference its working fine. But that will cause memory leak.
How can handle this case ?
Your delegate var is declared as weak. If nothing keep a strong reference on the object you assign as the delegate (implementing MyDelegate), your delegate will pass to nil as soon as the object is released (eg. the end of the scope where you instantiate it).
Some good read: https://cocoacasts.com/how-to-break-a-strong-reference-cycle/

Swift Delegate from Singleton not working

I'm trying to implement SharedInstanceDelegate in App class. I have no idea why the functions under the protocol are not being called.
This is my Protocol and class.
class App {
let sharedInstance = SharedInstance.shared
init() {
self.sharedInstance.delegate = self
extension App: SharedInstanceDelegate {
func1() { } // this is not executed
func2() { }
protocol SharedInstanceDelegate: class {
class SharedInstance {
static let shared = SharedInstance()
weak var delegate: SharedInstanceDelegate?
private init() { }
func method1() {
self.delegate?.func1() // this is executed
I believe you meant to make SharedInstanceDelegate a protocol, but you've made it a class. In either case, App does not conform/inherit SharedInstanceDelegate, so it's not clear how this would even compile.
Here is how I would implement your code to work with the delegate:
class App {
let sharedInstance = SharedInstance.shared
init() {
self.sharedInstance.delegate = self
extension App: SharedInstanceDelegate {
func func1() { } // this will run now
func func2() { }
protocol SharedInstanceDelegate {
func func1()
func func2()
class SharedInstance {
static let shared = SharedInstance()
var delegate: SharedInstanceDelegate?
private init() { }
func method1() {
self.delegate?.func1() // this is executed
Still no idea why this was happening, but cleaning the project fixed this. This is very strange. I have other delegates that call successfully.
Your code could work but it depends on how you are calling func1(). Calling it like this:
let testinstance = App().sharedInstance
will not work because you are not holding on to the App object. In this case the App object is the delegate, but because its a weak member and no one is retaining it, it gets released right away.
If you call it like this:
let testapp = App()
it works. In this case the App object is being retained and is still around when func1() is called.
Either way the way these classes are related is confusing to me. Why have a separate SharedInstance class at all?

Swift : Create a multi-function multicast delegate

I'm wanting to use a multicast delegate to inform multiple objects when things change. The tutorials I've read that explain this, have a protocol that only has one function that is called directly on the array of delegates. That works fine when there is only one function defined. My Protocol has 6 functions. I want to avoid creating 6 separate functions and reuse a single function that can be applied to my array of delegates.
Quick example: (I understand this is none working, but I just want to get my idea across.
protocol MyProtocol {
func method1()
func method2()
func method3()
class TestClass {
var delegates = [MyProtocol]()
func invokeDelegates(delegateMethod: () -> ()) {
for delegate in delegates {
The obvious problem is the compiler complains that "delegateMethod" isn't defined in the original protocol. Is there a way that I cast the method as being part of MyProtocol and the compiler will trust me?
Is this even possible?
Here is a gist of an Multicast Delegate pattern that I use in my projects. It also prevents from having strong reference cycles (memory leaks). WeakWrapper handles this.
Ok. In some of the solutions I see mistakes (strong retain cycles, race conditions, ...)
Here is what I combine based on 1 day research. For the stack of delegates I used NSHashTable, so all the delegates are having weak reference.
class MulticastDelegate <T> {
private let delegates: NSHashTable<AnyObject> = NSHashTable.weakObjects()
func add(delegate: T) {
delegates.add(delegate as AnyObject)
func remove(delegate: T) {
for oneDelegate in delegates.allObjects.reversed() {
if oneDelegate === delegate as AnyObject {
func invoke(invocation: (T) -> ()) {
for delegate in delegates.allObjects.reversed() {
invocation(delegate as! T)
func += <T: AnyObject> (left: MulticastDelegate<T>, right: T) {
left.add(delegate: right)
func -= <T: AnyObject> (left: MulticastDelegate<T>, right: T) {
left.remove(delegate: right)
How to set delegate:
object.delegates.add(delegate: self)
How to execute function on the delegates:
instead of
you use
delegates.invoke(invocation: { $0.delegateFunction })
You need to change the signature of invokeDelegates to take a closure of type (MyProtocol) -> (), and then you need to pass each delegate to the closure.
protocol MyProtocol {
func method1()
func method2()
func method3()
class TestClass {
var delegates = [MyProtocol]()
func invokeDelegates(delegateMethod: (MyProtocol) -> ()) {
for delegate in delegates {
The closure should just invoke the appropriate delegate method on its argument. Swift can infer the argument and return types of the closure, and you can use the shorthand $0 to refer to the argument, so the closure can be quite short:
let tester = TestClass()
tester.invokeDelegates(delegateMethod: { $0.method1() })
On the other hand, you could just use Collection.forEach directly on the delegates array (if it's accessible) and skip the invokeDelegates method:
tester.delegates.forEach { $0.method1() }

How to use #objc protocol with optional and extensions at the same time?

This code does not compile and might sound stupid as it is, but i'll explain why it's so important!
#objc protocol p {
optional func f1()
func f2()
extension p {
func f1() { }
func f2() { }
class foo: p {
Compiler says Type c does not conform to protocol 'p' and that's maybe because you can not use #objc optional and extensions at the same time (and does not make sence in this scenario either). But consider the following example:
I want to set a selector on a non-optional method defined in protocol in my extension (main reason i used #objc):
func f1() { } -> func f1() { ... #selector(Self.f2) ... }
And i also want my f2() function to have default behaviour. If i mark f2() as optional, it can not be used in #selector because compiler does not know if this method actually exists in the case of need. Sure there're lots of nasty workarounds like global methods, sending Selectors to methods as input and etc, but is there a clean way to achieve it?
This is the practical issue
protocol Refreshable {
weak var refreshControl: UIRefreshControl? { get set }
optional func setupRefreshControl()
func refresh()
protocol ContentLoader {
func load(reset: Bool)
extension Refreshable where Self: ContentLoader {
func refresh() {
delay(0.75) { [weak self] in
extension Refreshable where Self: UICollectionViewController {
func setupRefreshControl() {
let newRefreshControl = UIRefreshControl()
newRefreshControl.tintColor = UIColor.grayColor()
newRefreshControl.addTarget(self, action: #selector(Self.refresh), forControlEvents: .ValueChanged)
refreshControl = newRefreshControl
Now if a ViewController implements Refreshable and ContentLoader, it does not find the default refresh function, but it does find setupRefreshControl. So i figured let's mark refresh as optional too, but by doing that, you can not send it to selector any more.
I even tried this:
func refresh() -> optional func refresh()
let str = "refresh"
let sel = Selector(str)
It silents the compiler yes, but does not work either... rises unrecognized selector sent to instance....
I think this is not possible in swift (because of the way it bridges to #objc protocols). But this is a work around(using Obj-c associated objects) to solve the unrecognized selector sent to instance... problem.
fileprivate class AssociatedObject: NSObject {
var closure: (() -> ())? = nil
func trigger() {
// Keys should be global variables, do not use, static variables inside classes or structs.
private var associatedObjectKey = "storedObject"
protocol CustomProtocol: class {
func setup()
extension CustomProtocol where Self: NSObject {
fileprivate var associatedObject: AssociatedObject? {
get {
return objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &associatedObjectKey) as? AssociatedObject
set {
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &associatedObjectKey, newValue, .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN)
func setup() {
let object = AssociatedObject()
object.closure = { [weak self] in // Do not forget to use weak in order to avoid retain-cycle
let selector = #selector(object.trigger)
// Uncomment next line to test it's functionality
// Here, you must add selector to the target which needs to call the selector, for example:
// refreshControl.addTarget(object, action: selector, forControlEvents: .valueChanged)
self.associatedObject = object
func functionToCallIndirectlyWithSelector() {
print("Function got called indirectly.")
class CustomClass: NSObject, CustomProtocol {}
let instance = CustomClass()
I added Self: NSObject constraint to be able to test it's functionality in playground, I'm not sure if it's necessary or not.
