MapBox swift 3 api - ios

I use MapBox api swift 2.3 and reading geojson. But after swift 3 dont work began to upgrade.
Swift 2.3 examples; its work
for location in locations {
nate2D(latitude: location[1].doubleValue, longitude: location[0].doubleValue)
Swift 3.0 dont work
if let feature = feature as? NSDictionary {
if let geometry = feature["geometry"] as? NSDictionary {
if geometry["type"] as? String == "Polygon" {
var coordinates: [CLLocationCoordinate2D] = []
if let locations = geometry["coordinates"] as? NSArray {
for location in locations {
for i in (0 ..< (location as AnyObject).count)
let coordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: ???, longitude: ???)
let shape = MGLPolygon(coordinates: &coordinates, count: UInt(coordinates.count))
DispatchQueue.main.async(execute: {
[unowned self] in
enter image description here

It ' s correct answer
for location in locations {
for i in (0 ..< (location as AnyObject).count)
let a = locations[0] as? NSArray
let b = a?[i] as? NSArray
var c = b?[0]
let coordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: b?[1] as! CLLocationDegrees, longitude: b?[0] as! CLLocationDegrees)


draw polyline in parallel with animation marker in google maps

I am using google maps in my application wherein I have to draw the polyline parallel along with the animation marker.Both should move simultaneous.,
Right now, my solution works like this ., First polyline is drawn with new coordinates, then animation marker is moved after.
I have tried few links in the stack overflow.. wherein the solution wasn't there.
This is the solution i'm looking for in swift iOS... the below link is for android.. which works perfectly
How to move marker along polyline using google map
Thanks if you can help me out in these..`
#objc func pocDrawPolyline() {
if poclastShownIndex < (vehicleLocationArray.count) {
let dict = vehicleLocationArray[poclastShownIndex]
if let lati = dict["latitude"], let logi = dict["longitude"] {
let lat = Double(lati as! String)
let log = Double(logi as! String)
let location = dict["location"] as? String
pocCreateVehicleMarkerWith(address: location ?? "School Bus", latitude: lat!, and: log!)
pocPath.add(CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(lat!, log!))
polyline.path = pocPath
polyline.strokeWidth = 3.0
polyline.strokeColor = = googleMapView
poclastShownIndex += 1
} else {
//No update from "NOW" API call
func pocCreateVehicleMarkerWith(address: String, latitude: Double, and Longitude: Double) {
// Creates a marker for Vehicle.
if == nil {
vechicleMarker.position = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: latitude, longitude: Longitude)
vechicleMarker.title = address
vechicleMarker.icon = UIImage(named: "bus1") = googleMapView
} else {
vechicleMarker.position = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: latitude, longitude: Longitude)
vechicleMarker.title = address
vechicleMarker.icon = UIImage(named: "bus1")
if poclastShownIndex > 0 {
if let oldLatitude = vehicleLocationArray[poclastShownIndex-1]["latitude"],
let oldLongitude = vehicleLocationArray[poclastShownIndex-1]["longitude"],
let newLatitude = vehicleLocationArray[poclastShownIndex]["latitude"],
let newLongitude = vehicleLocationArray[poclastShownIndex]["longitude"] {
let oldLat = Double(oldLatitude as! String)
let oldLon = Double(oldLongitude as! String)
let newLat = Double(newLatitude as! String)
let newLon = Double(newLongitude as! String)
let oldloc = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: oldLat!, longitude: oldLon!)
let newloc = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: newLat!, longitude: newLon!)
let distanceInMeters = distance(from: oldloc, to: newloc)
if distanceInMeters > 0 {
print("Rotation Degree ------ \(CLLocationDegrees(getHeadingForDirection(fromCoordinate: oldloc, toCoordinate: newloc)))")
vechicleMarker.groundAnchor = CGPoint(x: CGFloat(0.5), y: CGFloat(0.5))
vechicleMarker.rotation = CLLocationDegrees(getHeadingForDirection(fromCoordinate: oldloc, toCoordinate: newloc))
googleMapView.animate(toLocation: newloc)
}func timerMethod() {
pocTimer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 10.0, target: self, selector: #selector(pocDrawPolyline), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)

include local on map with firebase swift - error

I am encountering great difficulties in putting an integrated map based on firebase in my project, I am looking for expert knowledge to help me, even though I build run correctly at the time of running the system for, my code below:
#IBOutlet var mapView: MKMapView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
let locationsRef = Database.database().reference(withPath: "locations")
locationsRef.observe(.value, with: { snapshot in
for item in snapshot.children {
guard let locationData = item as? DataSnapshot else { continue }
var locationValue = locationData.value as! [String: Any]
var location: CLLocationCoordinate2D!
if let lat = locationValue["lat"] as? String {
let lng = Double(locationValue["lng"] as! String)!
location = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: Double(lat)!, longitude: lng)
} else {
let lat = locationValue["lat"] as! Double
let lng = locationValue["lng"] as! Double
location = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: lat, longitude: lng)
func addAnnotations(coords: [CLLocation]){
for coord in coords{
let CLLCoordType = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: coord.coordinate.latitude,
longitude: coord.coordinate.longitude);
let anno = MKPointAnnotation();
anno.coordinate = CLLCoordType;

Swift Firebase Sort By Distance

I am trying to sort my array by distance. I already have everything hooked up to grab the distance's but unsure how to sort from closest to furthest from the users location. I've used the below code for MKMapItem's yet unsure how to apply to my current array.
func sortMapItems() {
self.mapItems = self.mapItems.sorted(by: { (b, a) -> Bool in
return self.userLocation.location!.distance(from: a.placemark.location!) > self.userLocation.location!.distance(from: b.placemark.location!)
Firebase Call
databaseRef.child("Businesses").queryOrdered(byChild: "businessName").observe(.childAdded, with: { (snapshot) in
let key = snapshot.key
if(key == self.loggedInUser?.uid) {
print("Same as logged in user, so don't show!")
} else {
if let locationValue = snapshot.value as? [String: AnyObject] {
let lat = Double(locationValue["businessLatitude"] as! String)
let long = Double(locationValue["businessLongitude"] as! String)
let businessLocation = CLLocation(latitude: lat!, longitude: long!)
let latitude = self.locationManager.location?.coordinate.latitude
let longitude = self.locationManager.location?.coordinate.longitude
let userLocation = CLLocation(latitude: latitude!, longitude: longitude!)
let distanceInMeters : Double = userLocation.distance(from: businessLocation)
let distanceInMiles : Double = ((distanceInMeters.description as String).doubleValue * 0.00062137)
let distanceLabelText = "\(distanceInMiles.string(2)) miles away"
var singleChildDictionary = locationValue
singleChildDictionary["distanceLabelText"] = distanceLabelText as AnyObject
self.usersArray.append(singleChildDictionary as NSDictionary)
func sortMapItems() {
self.mapItems = self.mapItems.sorted(by: { (b, a) -> Bool in
return self.userLocation.location!.distance(from: a.placemark.location!) > self.userLocation.location!.distance(from: b.placemark.location!)
//insert the rows
self.followUsersTableView.insertRows(at: [IndexPath(row:self.usersArray.count-1,section:0)], with: UITableViewRowAnimation.automatic)
}) { (error) in
First make these changes in your code
singleChildDictionary["distanceInMiles"] = distanceInMiles
Then you can sort it like this:
self.usersArray = self.usersArray.sorted {
!($0["distanceInMiles"] as! Double > $1["distanceInMiles"] as! Double)

Loop through coordinates and find the closest shop to a point Swift 3

Idea :
App lets drivers see the closest shop/restaurants to customers.
What I have :
Coordinates saved as strings
let clientLat = "24.449384"
let clientLng = "56.343243"
a function to find all the shops in my local area
I tried to save all the coordinates of a shop in my local area and I succeeded:
var coordinates: [CLLocationCoordinate2D] = [CLLocationCoordinate2D]()
func performSearch() {
let request = MKLocalSearchRequest()
request.naturalLanguageQuery = "starbucks"
request.region = mapView.region
let search = MKLocalSearch(request: request)
search.start(completionHandler: {(response, error) in
if error != nil {
print("Error occured in search: \(error!.localizedDescription)")
} else if response!.mapItems.count == 0 {
print("No matches found")
} else {
print("Matches found")
for item in response!.mapItems {
// need to sort coordinates
// need to find the closest
let annotation = MKPointAnnotation()
annotation.coordinate = item.placemark.coordinate
annotation.title =
What I need:
I wish to loop through the coordinates and find the closest shop (kilometers) to the lat and long strings then put a pin on it.
func performSearch() {
let request = MKLocalSearchRequest()
request.naturalLanguageQuery = "starbucks"
request.region = mapView.region
let search = MKLocalSearch(request: request)
search.start(completionHandler: {(response, error) in
if error != nil {
print("Error occured in search: \(error!.localizedDescription)")
} else if response!.mapItems.count == 0 {
print("No matches found")
} else {
print("Matches found")
for item in response!.mapItems {
let pointToCompare = CLLocation(latitude: 24.741721, longitude: 46.891440)
let storedCorrdinates ={CLLocation(latitude: $0.latitude, longitude: $0.longitude)}).sorted(by: {
$0.distance(from: pointToCompare) < $1.distance(from: pointToCompare)
self.coordinate = storedCorrdinates
let annotation = MKPointAnnotation()
annotation.coordinate = self.coordinate[0].coordinate
Thank you #brimstone
You can compare distances between coordinates by converting them to CLLocation types and then using the distance(from:) method. For example, take your coordinates array and map it to CLLocation, then sort that based on the distance from the point you are comparing them to.
let coordinates = [CLLocationCoordinate2D]()
let pointToCompare = CLLocation(latitude: <#yourLat#>, longitude: <#yourLong#>)
let sortedCoordinates ={CLLocation(latitude: $0.latitude, longitude: $0.longitude)}).sorted(by: {
$0.distance(from: pointToCompare) < $1.distance(from: pointToCompare)
Then, to set your annotation's coordinate to the nearest coordinate, just subscript the sortedCoordinates array.
annotation.coordinate = sortedCoordinates[0].coordinate
I would like to share my solution :)
1) In my case, I upload data from the API, so I need to create a model.
import MapKit
struct StoresMap: Codable {
let id: Int?
let title: String?
let latitude: Double?
let longitude: Double?
let schedule: String?
let phone: String?
let ukmStoreId: Int?
var distanceToUser: CLLocationDistance?
The last variable is not from API, but from myself to define distance for each store.
2) In ViewController I define:
func fetchStoresList() {
NetworkManager.downloadStoresListForMap(firstPartURL: backendURL) { (storesList) in
self.shopList = storesList
let initialLocation = self.locationManager.location!
for i in 0..<self.shopList.count {
self.shopList[i].distanceToUser = initialLocation.distance(from: CLLocation(latitude: self.shopList[i].latitude!, longitude: self.shopList[i].longitude!))
self.shopList.sort(by: { $0.distanceToUser! < $1.distanceToUser!})
print("Closest shop - ", self.shopList[0])
3) Don't forget to call the function in viewDidLoad() and import MapView framework :)

Remove Object From Array Using Enumeration

I have an array of dictionaries. Each dictionary contains latitude and longitude so I'm getting the distance of each item from the current user location. If the distance in miles is greater than 20, that particular dictionary should be removed from the array. If the dictionary is not removed from the array, an annotation is created and added to an annotation array which is then used to add annotations to a map once the enumeration is finished. I'm only getting one annotation added when I should be getting three so I know I'm doing something wrong in my enumeration.
func checkDistanceAndAddPins() {
for gym in gyms {
var index = 0
let gymLatitude = gym["latitude"]!!.doubleValue
let gymLongitude = gym["longitude"]!!.doubleValue
let gymLocation = CLLocation(latitude: gymLatitude, longitude: gymLongitude)
let distance = gymLocation.distanceFromLocation(myLocation!)
let distanceInMeters = NSNumber(double: distance)
let metersDouble = distanceInMeters.doubleValue
let miles = metersDouble * 0.00062137
if miles > maxDistance {
} else {
let location = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: gymLatitude, longitude: gymLongitude)
gymAnnotation.title = gym["Name"] as? String
gymAnnotation.subtitle = gym["Address"] as? String
gymAnnotation.coordinate = location
gymAnnotation.gymPhoneNumber = gym["Phone"] as? String
if let website = gym["Website"] as? String {
gymAnnotation.gymWebsite = website
index += 1
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
