How to embed a live stream using the Youtube API on tvOS - youtube-api

I need the ability to embed a Youtube live stream into a tvOS app. Due to the lack of an UIWebView, this was not possible with all previous tvOS. I hoped, that this feature will be included in the current tvOS 10 or Swift 3 release but it seems to me, that it is still missing.
Nevertheless, does anybody know a trick / something that I missed out during my journey through the API documentation? I'm not allowed to use Youtube parsers like pod 'youtube-parser', etc. I have to be in full compliance with the terms and conditions of Youtube.

My solution so far is not good enough but it works fine
First, I find youtube playlist by using youtube-dl app
So, I can find link*****.m3u8 in this format. Then, I just embedded this link to TVOS application.


IOS 14 Admob ads implementation App Tracking Transparency

I'm using Unity and Google Mobile Ads 8.7.0 to implement ads in my game. I've read Google Prepare for IOS here But confused where and how to implement the required source codes.
The file states that we should place -void requestIDFA in our XCODE project. Few videos on YouTube has placed the code in their AppDelagate.h script.
But Admobs SDK 8.7.0 dosent include an AppDelagate.h file. Where should I place the -void (requestIDFA) script from Google. Will anywhere suffice or must there be a specific place you implement it.
You're probably the one who asked me on my YouTube video, and I answered you.
However the simplest solution is to use the Unity package iOS 14 Advertising Support, you find it in the package manager.

Convert a video into an IOS Live Photo format without an Apple device

I'm currently making live/animated wallpapers for Android phones, which is pretty easy with GIF/Mp4 files. But I would also like to make the live wallpapers compatible natively with ios/iPhones. I've seen many tutorials on how to convert a video to a Live photo but they all involve some kind of app you need to install on your IPhone. Issue is, I don't own an iPhone or any iOS device to do that and apparently iOS emulators are not a thing, so my question is :
Is it possible to convert a (mp4) video to an iOs Live photo through a 3rd party ? If so, how would you do it ?
I'm pretty inexperienced with the iOS environnement so thank you for your help !
Well, a live photo is a container that holds both a .jpeg and a H.264-encoded .mov file. More details here.
Do you have an Apple computer to do so, or do you want to create it independently from any apple hardware?
For the first case, there are a bunch of (demo) applications on github you could take a look into.
For the second case, I'm not sure if anything exists.

Azure Media Services - Captions on iOS - Native not AMP

I'm trying to get captioning working on iOS and Android. Android seems relatively straight forward but I can't seem to figure out how (nor do the docs really tell you) to setup WebVTT captions like you can easily do with Windows 10 UWP and AMP.
On Android I am just doing videoView.AddSubtitleSource and it appears to work. On iOS I'm at a loss. From what I can tell it appears that it's possible to load captions not embedded in the file, but I can't find any example of how it works with MediaSelectionOptions and specifying a stream or similar.
I've done this in my own custom renderer in Xamarin Forms but I'm fine converting it from swift or Objective C if needed.
Anyone get this working or know how?
If your interest is iOS native player, check this tutorial video from Apple: (about 20 min into it)
If your interest is Safari based player, check the examples here: (3 of the examples include webVTT)
The issue with iOS and Safari not playing back VTT side car files appears to be fixed now in the latest iOS release. Not sure exactly when it was fixed, but I'm on 14.7.1 and the following sample is working now,en,;Spanish,es,;French,fr,;Italian,it,

Programatically upload a video to Youtube

I am currently trying to programmatically upload a video from an iOS device to Youtube, but all of the information I am finding is incredibly dated.
I have explored the Google API Cocoapod, but the documentation around using it is rather weak, so I could not find a good starting point.
Other answers on here lead off to four year old projects that are now broken.
Hoping someone can point me to a current example, tutorial or other documentation on how to upload through iOS.
I have never done this but I m sure following link will help you.
1.Upload Videos to YouTube with iPhone custom App
2.Uploading Video with iPhone
3.YouTube Data API.
4. Upload Video on you tube.

Making an App with PhoneGap that operates without internet

I want to create a small App that just shows WebPage with link, video Playing and PDF Documents. The problem is that I expect the app to open Video, PDFs etc without accessing internet.
So, when I click on video, it should play even without internet.
Is it possible to do this in PhoneGap?
As long as they are in a format that the device can handle in the browser directly, you should be fine. A good way to think of PhoneGap is like an enhanced web browser.
You should be able to put the files into the resources, and PhoneGap should be able to access them completely fine. It essentially works by using the file:/// scheme, so you can probably try making something like you'd want to put on the iPad, and try it on your computer. If it doesn't work on there, it likely won't work on the iPad either.
In terms of video files, you'd probably want to use an .mp4, as these should be natively supported by the iOS WebView.
Now that being said, if you're trying to get your app in to the AppStore, you may want to look into the Apple User Interface guidelines. For example section 12.3 of the App Store Review Guidelines states that apps that are ... a collection of links, may be rejected.
You may also find the iOS Human Interface Guidelines helpful.
