How To add slash between seo friendly url in opencart - url

When i add seo friendly url on opencart like 'abcd-test' or 'abcd-test.htm' it worked.
but when i added 'abcd-test/22123.htm', IT redirected to '' but it displayed
The page you requested cannot be found!
I already have a website in another framework other than opencart which is doing well on google ranking. but i need to move this website on opencart and i need to make same url for most of the pages. during that process my existing website have url like "
so will any one facing same problem and any one have the solution for this situation.

You are not able to due to the way that OpenCart's router works. It takes the URL and delimits it on the forward slash. It then matches the key that is between the slashes to a variable value and ultimately routes based on that variable value.
For example: would be equivalent to something like
Note: This example is not based on an OpenCart page it is merely explaining how OpenCart's router translates to raw PHP.
By including forward slashes in your SEO URL aliases OpenCart thinks that it needs to match keys that just don't exist and because it can't route to a valid page it simply redirects you to a default 404 page.

I found the answer:
In opencart To dayplay
Here we need to have category or manufacturer with seo keyword test-abc and
12234.htm in product seo url.
so if I am in,
it is category page and if I am in, it means It is product page which beloigs to test-abc category.
it work me


Are URLs with & instead of & treated the same by search engines?

I'm validating one of my web pages and its throwing up errors as below :
& did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
This is because on my page I am linking to internal webpages which has &'s in the URL as below:
My question is that if I change the URLs in the a hrefs to include & as below:
Will Google and other search engines treat the 2 URLs above as separate pages or will they treat them both as the one below:
I dont want to loose my search engine rankings.
There is no reason to assume that search engines would knowingly ignore how HTML works.
Take, for example, this hyperlink:
The URL is not!
It’s just the way how the URL is stored in attributes in an HTML document.
So when a conforming consumer comes across this hyperlink, it never visits

Add # hashtag before parameters in URL

I'm creating a dynamic website which is displaying many products. There are also filters like price (from - to), year (from-to) etc. I need to put # symbol before the filter parameters in URL because of Googlebot indexing. But I have no idea how to do it and found no documentation on the internet.
I think it could be done with AJAX script but I don't know where to start.
The question is:
How do I insert a # hash symbol before parameters in URL?
I've got this:
and I need to make it look like
Why do you want to replace the "?" with "#". For well optimised url to seo, you can leave them unchanged. You can also use Google Webmaster Tool to declare your url parameters. Here is another resource for you to optimize your url :Faceted navigation

several urls to the same page in Joomla

I have a page (item in k2 terms) in joomla with alias "sprite creator", whitch has url:
then I've changed alias name of corresponding item onto "animator" and my url became:
the problem is that now both urls are exist! (the worstets thing is that the first one is indexed by google and the second one is not!)
How can I delete first url? I want to have only a unique link to this page.
Thanks for any assistance.
Joomla 2.5
k2 2.6
Possible answer is coming from is to set in the frontend the robots value to "no-index no-follow"
the list of all existing (NOT including possible copies) urls you can get from online sitemap builder
But how to get old urls?
didn't check it yet...
any other suggestions?

Can I redirect b c/test.html to with MVC3

I am changing the way links show on my web site. I changed from allowing space in the URL to a new format where the URL has dashes where spaces used to be.
This effects only ONE string in the middle of the URL.
Google has indexed many of my pages with the old spaces in the URL but now they show up as 404s. Is it possible for me to put some code in place (temporary) that can redirect those URLs with spaces to the ones with dashes. I think it's a 403 redirect. A permanent redirect.
We wen't through the same thing recently. We ended up creating a LegacyController, which basically called into RedirectToActionPermanent or RedirectToRoutePermanent. (HTTP 301 - Moved Permanently).
Ideally, you should let IIS7 do the redirects, but we couldn't, because we needed to call our DB in order to figure out where to go.
If your redirect is as simple as you say it is (e.g no "dynamic" info in the URL), then you should use IIS.
Why don't you try to configure you routing to support both: legacy and new routes?
Basically /a b c/page and /a-b-c/page should be mapped to the same action of controller.

URL Slugs: Redirects or 404s?

Some sites, like here at SO, allow 'bogus' slugs in the URL. Before implementing URL slugs on my site, I have a question of 'best practices'...
Given a structure like, if my site allows bogus slugs by querying on the ID -
Should I ...
just do a redirect to the appropriate/canonical URL (verifying the slug, and redirecting in case of a mismatch)?
return a 404, since technically doesn't exist?
Neither. Leave it as it is. Google will figure out the canonical url and keep them in their index.
You could do redirect (301 Moved Permanently of course) only if you wish to punch Google to update the changed url in their index more quickly. If it's not important, no need to bother.
P.S. I basically did the same thing in my blog. Once I changed the title of some entry and after a while (a few weeks) Google updated their index in accordance to the new canonical url that was specified in the page. Simple and works.
