several urls to the same page in Joomla - url

I have a page (item in k2 terms) in joomla with alias "sprite creator", whitch has url:
then I've changed alias name of corresponding item onto "animator" and my url became:
the problem is that now both urls are exist! (the worstets thing is that the first one is indexed by google and the second one is not!)
How can I delete first url? I want to have only a unique link to this page.
Thanks for any assistance.
Joomla 2.5
k2 2.6

Possible answer is coming from is to set in the frontend the robots value to "no-index no-follow"
the list of all existing (NOT including possible copies) urls you can get from online sitemap builder
But how to get old urls?
didn't check it yet...
any other suggestions?


EnEncodeNameReplacements is not working in sitecore

When I create new page with the name containing spaces for eg: My Page in sitecore cm and try to navigate to that page in the browser the space is replaced by %20 like this My%20Page.
I have even added the EncodeNameReplacements in sitecore.config for replacing whitespace with - but its still not working. Someone please give a solution for this.
Very first thing is, we have to make our page URL SEO friendly. So, in Sitecore, we have the freedom to create an item with a name to be used as URL and DisplayName for human understanding. So, I would advise you that you should create pages with a naming convention like 'my-page' or 'contact-us' and set the Display name for that page.
So, using the above approach your URLs will be neat and clean, and SEO friendly.

How To add slash between seo friendly url in opencart

When i add seo friendly url on opencart like 'abcd-test' or 'abcd-test.htm' it worked.
but when i added 'abcd-test/22123.htm', IT redirected to '' but it displayed
The page you requested cannot be found!
I already have a website in another framework other than opencart which is doing well on google ranking. but i need to move this website on opencart and i need to make same url for most of the pages. during that process my existing website have url like "
so will any one facing same problem and any one have the solution for this situation.
You are not able to due to the way that OpenCart's router works. It takes the URL and delimits it on the forward slash. It then matches the key that is between the slashes to a variable value and ultimately routes based on that variable value.
For example: would be equivalent to something like
Note: This example is not based on an OpenCart page it is merely explaining how OpenCart's router translates to raw PHP.
By including forward slashes in your SEO URL aliases OpenCart thinks that it needs to match keys that just don't exist and because it can't route to a valid page it simply redirects you to a default 404 page.
I found the answer:
In opencart To dayplay
Here we need to have category or manufacturer with seo keyword test-abc and
12234.htm in product seo url.
so if I am in,
it is category page and if I am in, it means It is product page which beloigs to test-abc category.
it work me

Is the format of URLs imported to IP4.1 from IP3.9 correct?

I have now successfully imported the text, pictures and pages from IP3.9 to IP4.1.
IP4.1 on localhost has truncated URLs.
For example URL in IP3.9
when imported to IP4.1 becomes
Is this normal ? If IP4 changes the format of the URLs then I think all the Google links will be lost.
Since v4.x we removed requirement to have language, zone or parent page in the path of pages. Which means that each page (despite its location in the menu tree) can have any URL starting from the root. You can put URL with slashes, too.
You have two options:
Manually change back all paths to the format you need (you can do that in the archive before import, too).
Create required redirects for search engines to understand what happened.

Custom URL format for news in Expression Engine

Our site is migrating from MovableType to ExpressionEngine, and there is one small issue we are having. MT uses a date based URL structure, e.g., while EE uses a category based structure, e.g. The issue is that our MT page used Disqus for comments, and as such comments are tied to a specific URL, meaning that we'd lose all of our comments if we were to migrate. I am wondering if there's a way to change the URL structure in EE to match MT's, thus allowing us to keep the comments. Thanks in advance.
Correction: EE uses a Template Group/Template based structure for URLs, not categories - just to clarify.
You've got a couple of options here.
One is to create an .htaccess rule which internally redirects all requests matching YYYY/MM/ to your EE template which displays your posts (say, /news/entry/). I don't know exactly what those rewrite rules would look like off the top of my head, my mod_rewrite-fu is pretty shallow. But it could definitely work.
Another is to export all of your comments from Disqus via their XML export tool, then do a grep-based find and replace using something like BBEdit, replacing all /YYYY/MM/ strings in that file with /news/entry/; delete all of your existing comments on Disqus; then import your newly-modifed XML file.

how to remove sitecore folder name in the url?

I created a sitecore year/month/day folder structure in the content tree, when i view each article under the folder node, the url could be http://local/landing/year/month/day/article1.aspx, how could I make the url like this: http://local/landing/article1.aspx?
just remove the year/month/day structure in the url.
Is there some function in sitecore like remove or hide special templates in the frontend url ?
Any help , Thanks .
You can do it in 2 ways:
Use IIS 7 Url rewrite module to change the url. This way the url will be rewritten before it gets to sitecore and you don't need to change any code. You can find more info at the iis website
You can create a custom Item resolver and add it to the RequestBegin sitecore pipeline. Alex Shyba wrote about it here.
It sounds like you may have thousands of these items, but even so, you may want to use the built in functionality of Sitecore and consider creating aliases for each of these items. Programmatically creating an the alias on an ItemSaved event or ItemCreated is probably easiest.
As #marto and #seth have said, you can use URL rewriting or aliases to solve this.
There is, however, a drawback to doing this, irrespective of how you choose to do it.
If you have very many items (your structure makes it sound like you may do) then either method will require that the URL is unique. Removing the date structure from the URL means that all items in your landing section will require unique URLs (whether inherited from their item names or by some other means). This can impact on SEO for your site, as authors may have difficulty finding an unused name that is also human readable and good for SEO. It's unlikely you want to use ugly GUIDs in your URLs.
2 options
Change Bucket configuration and the set the required folder structure, bucket configuration can be found in Sitecore.Buckets.config file
Extend GetFromRouteValue Item Resolver and overwrite the ResolveItem() method to get the bucket item.
The default GetFromRouteValue class reference can be found in Sitecore.MVC.config file and replace this with your own customized implementation.
We have implemented with customized routing and getting the exact item if the route path matches.
