Uniquely identify MSConversation in iMessage - ios

What would be the best way to uniquely identify an MSConversation when developing an iMessages application?
In my case I want to give to a game object an ID of the conversation where it belongs to.

Take the localParticipant ID, add to it the remoteParticipants ID ;)
Something like that :
var conversationID = yourConversation.localParticipantIdentifier
for participant in yourConversation.remoteParticipantIdentifiers {
conversationID += participant
As noticed in comments, by doing so, you could end up with a very long ID. So the idea is to apply an hash to it, to have a constant size (MD5 is suffisant, we don't need something secure here). If it is still too long, you could crop that hash, but be aware that in that case there is a small probability for two conversations to have the same ID (depending on how much your crop).

The current top answer has a corruption issue in that if a new person is added to a group chat (or if someone is removed) your hashed ID will change.
A more elegant solution in my opinion is to just create your own serial number at the time of the first message being created and add it as meta-data to your message itself. (Using NSURLComponents of course). Then just grab that anytime a message is opened (thus launching your message app) and use that ID. Just keep it in the header of any message sent/received.
But, it depends on what you are trying to do really. The solution I've provided is great for turn-based multi-player games. It might not be good for other scenarios.


Are Firebase queries scalable

In my app to check for if an email (and username) is taken when signing up I use queries like this...
let emailRef = Firebase(url: "https://photocliq5622144.firebaseio.com/users")
emailRef.queryOrderedByChild("email").queryEqualToValue(email.text!.lowercaseString).observeEventType(.Value, withBlock: { email in
Would this work well with hundreds or even thousands of users (is this scalable)?
Hundreds: yes
Thousands: yes
Tens of thousands... probably (and congratulations on the success of your app)
Hundreds of thousands... you're likely better off with a non query-based data model. For example: if you want to access some data for the user by their email address, store a map from email address to uid:
"HelixProbe#stackoverflow,com": "uid6479958"
"puf#stackoverflow.com": "uid209103"
With such a simple list, you can read the user's data from their email address with two direct lookups, instead of one query (which will get slower as more and more items are added).
Scalable or not is determined by your user.
Behind the scene Firebase library is just downloading JSON string and you know exactly what happen if the string is too long and the file size to be downloaded reach (for example 3MByte)
If your user is able and okay with 3MByte for a request, than you can go with it. But I don't if I am your user.

Picking the "server" in a Game Center match

I am developing a social game that uses Game Center and had a question about informing one of the player's client that it will be used as the "server". At first I thought to send a data packet to the GKPlayer which was returned with the method:
- (void)chooseBestHostingPlayerWithCompletionHandler:(void (^)(GKPlayer *player))completionHandler
The only issue I can see with using this method is if it is possible for another player in a match to pick someone else who their client thinks would be the best "server". At the moment I am assuming since this method is under GKMatch that it already takes into consideration all current players in the game and each application that runs this match should get the same GKPlayer object returned. Is this true?
All players in the match must call chooseBestHostingPlayerWithCompletionHandler, as per the documentation. If that is done, all players receive the same answer: either a specific GKPlayer or nil.

Users who have performed an action in Mixpanel

In Mixpanel you can track each action, like:
[mixpanel track:#"Watched Movie" properties:#{#"Movie ID”:#“1234", #"Movie Name”:#”Rocky 3"}];
And you can set user properties, like:
[mixpanel.people set:#{#"Eye Color":#"Blue"}];
When I want to send an email to a subset of users, I can narrow things down by asking for user properties - Eye Color:Green for instance.
But how do I get a subset of users who have performed a certain action - for instance "Watched Movie" with "Movie Name" "Rocky 3"?
As you have probably noticed, notifications can only be sent based on People Profile Properties. To segment people by events/send notifications based on events, you need to pass event data over to People by adding an extra line of code that sets the event as a people property. As of now, People and Engagement are two separate data sets. We're working on tying these data sets together more tightly, but for the moment they are not seamlessly integrated.
In your example, we would need to fire a people.set as the user watched a movie called Rocky 3
An example of this for iOS would be the following:
[mixpanel.people set:#{#"Rocky 3 Viewed":#"True"}];
Please feel free to write into support#mixpanel.com if you have any other questions!

Google Contacts: Unique Contacts?

I am building an application that I will need to distinguish the Google Contacts from each other. I am just wondering, as long as google sends contacts as First Name/Last Name/mail.. etc (Example) without a unique ID, what will be the first approach to distinguish each contacts?
1) Should I create an ID based on the user's fields? -> by a minimal change, it can break down.
2) Should I create an ID based on First Name + Last Name? -> but most people can have duplicate contacts on their page, would that be a problem? Or married contacts, which can create a little mess.
The reason I am asking this I am trying to create relations and I need to store the data somewhere like that [person=Darth Vader, subject=Luke Skywalker, type=father(or son)], so I need a fast algorithm that can make a mapping for each contact and retrieve the related contacts fast.
I believe they do send back an ID. From the return schema:
<link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href='https://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/userEmail/full/contactId'/>
You could use the full HREF value as the ID, or parse out the contactID from the end of the URL, whichever you like better.

RavenDB ID for child documents

I like how cleanly an object is stored in ravenDB, but have a practical question for which I'm not sure of the best answer.
Lets say i have a quote request:
int Id;
dateTime DateCreated;
List<Quotes> Quotes;
int ProviderId;
int Price;
int ServiceDays;
int ServiceTypeId;
when someone hits a page, i spit out a list of quotes from which they can choose. These quotes are only related to an instance of the quote request.
My question is, since a child object, such as a quote in the list, doesnt have an Id generated by the database, how do I generate a querystring to let the next page know which quote the user wants to buy?
There could be multiple quotes by one providerId.
My thoughts were either add a QuoteId and increment it based on this.Quotes.Count, but that seems a little hacky, or generate a random number, also a little hacky.
How do people generally handle something like this?
Do you really need to associate the purchase (what the user chose to buy) with the original quote? I'm guessing that you take the quote and then convert it to a purchase.
If that is so, then don't worry about an id at all. Just pass along the constituent values to the next step. In other words, treat quote like a Value in the DDD sense.
However, if you do need to store an association to the purchase... well, then it depends on what you really need to track. For example, you could just update the QuoteRequest, marking the selected quote. (Add an IsSelected or something similar to the quote class Quote.) Then the purchase could be linked back to the quote request, and you could identify the quote by way of the flags.
Again, all this depends on the context (and I'm just making guesses about that).
Since no one has answered this yet I'll just say how I would do it;
Why add a Id at all? just use the index of the List? It the request is "?quote=0" they get the quote at position 0?
Not really sure If I'm not getting something here though...
One option is to have the parent object store the last used id. When adding a new child object you increment the id-counter and add that to the child. When the object is saved the id-counter is automatically incremented.
Lets say you have blog post with comments:
public class Post
public int NextCommentId;
public List<Comment> Comments;
var comment = new Comment { Id = post.NextCommentId++ };
The code above might not be 100% correct, but should give you an idea of how to do it at least!
