Users who have performed an action in Mixpanel - ios

In Mixpanel you can track each action, like:
[mixpanel track:#"Watched Movie" properties:#{#"Movie ID”:#“1234", #"Movie Name”:#”Rocky 3"}];
And you can set user properties, like:
[mixpanel.people set:#{#"Eye Color":#"Blue"}];
When I want to send an email to a subset of users, I can narrow things down by asking for user properties - Eye Color:Green for instance.
But how do I get a subset of users who have performed a certain action - for instance "Watched Movie" with "Movie Name" "Rocky 3"?

As you have probably noticed, notifications can only be sent based on People Profile Properties. To segment people by events/send notifications based on events, you need to pass event data over to People by adding an extra line of code that sets the event as a people property. As of now, People and Engagement are two separate data sets. We're working on tying these data sets together more tightly, but for the moment they are not seamlessly integrated.
In your example, we would need to fire a people.set as the user watched a movie called Rocky 3
An example of this for iOS would be the following:
[mixpanel.people set:#{#"Rocky 3 Viewed":#"True"}];
Please feel free to write into if you have any other questions!


Uniquely identify MSConversation in iMessage

What would be the best way to uniquely identify an MSConversation when developing an iMessages application?
In my case I want to give to a game object an ID of the conversation where it belongs to.
Take the localParticipant ID, add to it the remoteParticipants ID ;)
Something like that :
var conversationID = yourConversation.localParticipantIdentifier
for participant in yourConversation.remoteParticipantIdentifiers {
conversationID += participant
As noticed in comments, by doing so, you could end up with a very long ID. So the idea is to apply an hash to it, to have a constant size (MD5 is suffisant, we don't need something secure here). If it is still too long, you could crop that hash, but be aware that in that case there is a small probability for two conversations to have the same ID (depending on how much your crop).
The current top answer has a corruption issue in that if a new person is added to a group chat (or if someone is removed) your hashed ID will change.
A more elegant solution in my opinion is to just create your own serial number at the time of the first message being created and add it as meta-data to your message itself. (Using NSURLComponents of course). Then just grab that anytime a message is opened (thus launching your message app) and use that ID. Just keep it in the header of any message sent/received.
But, it depends on what you are trying to do really. The solution I've provided is great for turn-based multi-player games. It might not be good for other scenarios.

Firebase data structure for iOS app with profiles and basic gamification

I am currently building out my iOS 10 app with user profiles, which should hold certain achievements and experience points (similar system to StackOverflow). I have already built my Facebook Login, FIRAuth etc. At the moment I am thinking about the data structure of Firebase's DB. I have read through the Firebase Guide for flat data structures and some general Firebase data guides like the one from Ray Wenderlich.
This is what users can already do:
login with Facebook (...) and get picture, name etc. (already handled via FIRAuth)
visit a profile page, which shows their name and profile picture (already handled in a ProfileViewController)
This is my to-do list:
basic achievements via badges/titles similarly to StackExchange/StackOverflow e.g. user has done action XY 20 times => badge for 20 times for action XY; I was thinking of either:
a) having an array/list in each of the users' profile, which holds all of the gathered badges (as strings) OR
b) having a single boolean var for each achievement within the user profiles
a second achievements tracker, which tracks the general usage of the app - something like a levelling system in RPG games with experience points so just an Int value for every profile in terms of the DB
My question:
How would you combine the FIRAuth profiles with the database to hold the aforementioned badges (could be up-to 50-60 achievements) and the separate levels/xp points of the users?
Keep in mind that I am new to the modelling of JSON DBs. I don't want a solution in terms of code etc. for the functions in question - just a helping hand for the data structure of the user profiles.
I would also be looking into the extension of the user profiles in the future (messaging etc.) and I should be able to send notifications to all users who have certain levels/achievements in the future (and this makes me lean towards b)) - so too much nesting is out of the question already.
Using the structure below, you can retrieve a particular user's achievements by observing the children of the user's achievements path. However this only get's you the keys of the achievements.
Given you have a user with the uid 1j6Ft1BT30TFG403obvGfjOHE4th, for each child in user-achievements/1j6Ft1BT30TFG403obvGfjOHE4th, you can use the child keys to observe the value of each achievement at achievements/-KQpsPExLsKdnVHMliiP.
"users": {
"1j6Ft1BT30TFG403obvGfjOHE4th": {
"username": "john"
"user-achievements": {
"1j6Ft1BT30TFG403obvGfjOHE4th": {
"-KQpsPExLsKdnVHMliiP": true
"achievements": {
"-KQpsPExLsKdnVHMliiP": {

Mixpanel funnels based on people properties

I'm successfully tracking events and creating people profiles using Mixpanel in Ruby.
I can create an event
tracker.track(123456712,'NewArrival', { gender: 'male', ad_version: 1 })
In this case, when I go into the Mixpanel analytics, I can segment my funnel based on the gender property above I passed in above.
I can also create a person profile:
tracker.people.set(1234560, {
'$first_name' => 'Stacy',
'$last_name' => 'Smith',
'$phone' => '5555555555',
'Favorite Color' => 'blue'
In which case I can go into the People tab and see some additional properties about Stacy such as her city and country data, which Mixpanel automatically takes care of.
What I'd like to do is access the city and country data from the funnel builder interface, so that I can see how my conversion funnels vary by geography. However, I can't see anyway to filter based on this data inside the funnel (the built-in properties do not appear).
Is there a way to do this easily? I guess I can implement my own geo-lookup and pass this data as properties, but given Mixpanel already has this this doesn't seem optimal. Thanks in advance.
People Properties are only for use in the People Analytics reports (bottom set of reports in Mixpanel).
Super Properties are what you use for the engagement (i.e. funnel/segmentation) reports.
You need to Register a Super Property at the same time as the People Property in order to have it show up in all reports.
See Mixpanel Documentation on this:

Pictures and videos in a tableview for each user

My app will have a tableview with a picture and a title on each row, when the user taps it, it will open another view with that title, some texts and some pictures.
Now, I want each user to have different items in the tableview. For making it easier, suppose it is going to be a todo list like this:
Wash the car (Picture1) (video1) (InstructionsText)
Go to the groceries store (Pic2) (Vid2) (instrText2)
Pay the Bills (Pic3) (Vid3) (instrText3).
Now, I want to assign these items differently for each user, and show in a tableview.
Wash the car (Picture1) (video1) (InstructionsText)
Pay the Bills (Pic3) (Vid3) (instrText3).
Pay the Bills (Pic3) (Vid3) (instrText3).
Wash the car (Picture1) (video1) (InstructionsText)
Go to the groceries store (Pic2) (Vid2) (instrText2)
Now, here's my idea: each of these tasks should open a view controller with pictures, videos and text related to them. Using Core Data, I could create a modal, a entity called TodoList and attributes like title, text. First question: Can I create attributes for videos and pictures as well and store them here?
Suppose I have 500 different tasks, I will have to create a view controller for each, right? How would I relate these tasks to each user, like the example above? So each user would have his own tableview with the tasks leading to view controllers.
Assuming it is possible to make this work, how could I change the tasks assigned to each user directly, without having to use xcode or doing it programatically?
Use Core Data to store all your required fields in which image and video can also reside in Core Data. Use predicate to fetch the data according to constraints imposed on each user. When he will open the app, app should be able to fetch data according to user condition. After this you can load your table.
Hope this helps.
If we consider TO-DO apps , if a user should be able to see his own content , he will have to enter his own content through the app.This data is then stored in some backend either Core Data , SqLite or even cloud backend like the user is able to fetch his data , and see the contents in any view tableView in your case.

Custom email notifications for "Digest" type of alert subscription

I am working on a custom email notification for a WSS 3.0 solution. I am using a custom class inheriting from IAlertNotifyHandler to generate the email. There is a great example here that shows how this is done for an Immediate alert. Here is some of the code related to the SPAlertHandlerParams, which is used to get information about the alert and the item that triggered the alert.
SPAlertHandlerParams ahp;
int id = ahp.eventData[0].itemId; //gets the itemId of the item triggering the notification.
SPListItem myItem = list.GetItembyId(id);
For immediate alerts, this works great as the item I want is always at the [0] position of the eventData object. For a digest event, I thought I could just loop through all of the items in the ahp.eventData. Two problems with this.
First, it gives me all of the events where it is sending notifications, not just the ones for me. Second the eventData[0].itemId no longer points to a valid id on the list. It is 6-7 digit number instead of a 3 digit number.
Does anyone know the correct way to get to the alert information for digest emails?
Please let me know if you have any additional questions about this.
Thanks for your help!
For my project, I created a custom timer job (using the post by Andrew Connell) that mimics the Alert functionality. It runs overnight and queries for any users subscribed to my list with daily alerts. It then packages all of the new tasks into a custom email message.
I left the custom alert in place to suppress any daily notifications from the system. I just return 'True' so that alerts are not sent for tasks assigned to only 1 person. I suppose looking back on this, I could have run the query code in the custom alert and not need a separate timer job.
