ZPL Code:
^FO30,150^FDAct #: 12345^FS
^FO29,151^FDAct #: 12345^FS
^FO30,178^FDPicker: John Dow^FS
^FO29,179^FDPicker: John Dow^FS
^FO625,150^FDOrder #: 65785^FS
^FO626,151^FDOrder #: 65785^FS
^FO575,178^FDOrder Date: 8/15/17^FS
^FO576,179^FDOrder Date: 8/15/17^FS
^FO140,280^FDSamuel Johnson^FS
^FO420,250^FDShip to:^FS
^FO419,251^FDShip to:^FS
^FO420,280^FD51w56 South Main Street,^FS
^FO420,310^FDBlock # 14^FS
^FO420,340^FDAtlantic Beach, South Carolina,^FS
^FO420,370^FD89764 - USA^FS
^FO35,640^FR^FDItem #^FS
^FO150,690^FDDescription 1^FS
^FO150,720^FDDescription 2^FS
^FO150,750^FDDescription 1^FS
^FO150,780^FDDescription 1^FS
^FO150,810^FDDescription 1^FS
^FO150,840^FDDescription 1^FS
^FO70,1150^FDHave a Question? Call today: (888) 484-6872^FS
^FO200,1183^FD203 Blount Street, Fayetteville, NC 28301 - USA^FS
I have Zebra Technologies ZTC GC420t (EPL) printer connected thorough USB to my Mac.
I have 4 drivers :
Zebra EPL1 label Printer
Zebra EPL2 label Printer
Zebra EPL3 Label Printer
Zebra ZPL label Printer.
I have Selected Zebra ZPL label Printer.
I am new in ZPL.
What should be the extension of file which contains ZPL code?
What should be the proper driver of Zebra ZTC gc420t(EPL) to print ZPL code?
Is it possible that Zebra ZTC GC420t (EPL) can print ZPL code? If yes, then how?
Problem: I wanted the output of my ZPL code like this ZPL Viewer, but I am only getting text, not the output.
Any suggestion will be appreciated.
I believe a .zpl file extension is correct, but I think it should also work with a .txt extension.
Also, you should be able to print ZPL to a ZTC GC420t, because it's product page says that ZPL II is supported on this printer.
Lastly, to send a ZPL file to a printer via USB on a Mac, you have to use the CUPs driver. You can find tutorials on setting it up for a Zebra printer here:
If you just "Print" the ZPL on the mac, you'll just get a render of the text you're sending regardless of the driver. (but you should use EPL2 or ZPL for best output of a standard "Print") You should be OK to use the OS driver, no need for the CUPS stuff. You just send to the device using command line...
lpr -P <PRINTER_NAME> -o raw <FILENAME.zpl>
have a large text to print from ios
1.i use adobe flex to print ( i have made something called adobe native extension to connect and print to imz320 on ios)
2.it connects fine
3.if i print a small text it works file
now if i print a large text the blue light on the printer blinks but nothing happens
if i put the same text and try to print the text using zebra setup utilities by putting it in a file its prints well
the same text i use it to print from Android and its prints fine without any problems
See code below
i thing the problem is something with IOS bluetooth
i have traced the text that recived on the ios and what is sent to the printer its the same as the attached file
does anyone has an idea
^XA^LRN^CI0^XZ ^XA^MNN^LL1290^XZ^XA^JUS^XZ ^XA^CWZ,E:TT0003M_.FNT^FS^XZ ^XA ^PA1,1,1,1^FS ^FX Enables Advanced Text ^FS ^FO200145^CI28^AZN,30,40^FD الوقت ^FS ^FO5,145^CI28^AZN,30,40^FD التاريخ ^FS ^FO200220^CI28^AZN,30,40^FD 16:51:01 ^FS ^FO5,220^CI28^AZN,30,40^FD 17/01/2017 ^FS ^FO150,295^CI28^AZN,60,30^FD شركة سنقرط للمنتوجات الغذائية ^FS ^FO170,370^CI28^AZN,60,40^FD Sami ^FS ^FO100,445^CI28^AZN,60,40^FD مشتغل مرخص رقم:562402552 ^FS ^FO170,520^CI28^AZN,60,40^FD Sami ^FS ^FO170,595^CI28^AZN,60,40^FD رقم الفاتورة :**** ^FS ^FO10,670^CI28^AZN,60,25^FD المطلوب من Sami ^FS ^FO05,705^CI28^AZN,30,30^FD ______________________________________ ^FS ^FO05,740^CI28^AZN,30,30^FD التعبئة ^FS ^FO90,740^CI28^AZN,30,30^FD سعر ^FS ^FO175,740^CI28^AZN,30,30^FD الكمية ^FS ^FO410,740^CI28^AZN,30,30^FD البيان ^FS ^FO490,740^CI28^AZN,30,30^FD المبلغ ^FS ^FO05,775^CI28^AZN,30,30^FD ______________________________________ ^FS ^FO05,810^CI28^AZN,30,30^FD ______________________________________ ^FS ^FO05,880^CI28^AZN,30,30^FD ______________________________________ ^FS ^FO340,915^CI28^AZN,30,30^FD المجموع :0.00 ^FS ^FO1500,950^CI28^AZN,30,30^FD المجموع الكلي يشمل قيمة تاضريبة المضافة ^FS^FS ^XZ
I would suggest you check the Multiplatform SDK from Zebra.
Check your zpl Text using this online viewer. The Text width seems to be wrong.
Maybe there are some differences between android and ios:
Anyway your zpl string width looks too big.