ZPL Code:
^FO30,150^FDAct #: 12345^FS
^FO29,151^FDAct #: 12345^FS
^FO30,178^FDPicker: John Dow^FS
^FO29,179^FDPicker: John Dow^FS
^FO625,150^FDOrder #: 65785^FS
^FO626,151^FDOrder #: 65785^FS
^FO575,178^FDOrder Date: 8/15/17^FS
^FO576,179^FDOrder Date: 8/15/17^FS
^FO140,280^FDSamuel Johnson^FS
^FO420,250^FDShip to:^FS
^FO419,251^FDShip to:^FS
^FO420,280^FD51w56 South Main Street,^FS
^FO420,310^FDBlock # 14^FS
^FO420,340^FDAtlantic Beach, South Carolina,^FS
^FO420,370^FD89764 - USA^FS
^FO35,640^FR^FDItem #^FS
^FO150,690^FDDescription 1^FS
^FO150,720^FDDescription 2^FS
^FO150,750^FDDescription 1^FS
^FO150,780^FDDescription 1^FS
^FO150,810^FDDescription 1^FS
^FO150,840^FDDescription 1^FS
^FO70,1150^FDHave a Question? Call today: (888) 484-6872^FS
^FO200,1183^FD203 Blount Street, Fayetteville, NC 28301 - USA^FS
I have Zebra Technologies ZTC GC420t (EPL) printer connected thorough USB to my Mac.
I have 4 drivers :
Zebra EPL1 label Printer
Zebra EPL2 label Printer
Zebra EPL3 Label Printer
Zebra ZPL label Printer.
I have Selected Zebra ZPL label Printer.
I am new in ZPL.
What should be the extension of file which contains ZPL code?
What should be the proper driver of Zebra ZTC gc420t(EPL) to print ZPL code?
Is it possible that Zebra ZTC GC420t (EPL) can print ZPL code? If yes, then how?
Problem: I wanted the output of my ZPL code like this ZPL Viewer, but I am only getting text, not the output.
Any suggestion will be appreciated.
I believe a .zpl file extension is correct, but I think it should also work with a .txt extension.
Also, you should be able to print ZPL to a ZTC GC420t, because it's product page says that ZPL II is supported on this printer.
Lastly, to send a ZPL file to a printer via USB on a Mac, you have to use the CUPs driver. You can find tutorials on setting it up for a Zebra printer here:
If you just "Print" the ZPL on the mac, you'll just get a render of the text you're sending regardless of the driver. (but you should use EPL2 or ZPL for best output of a standard "Print") You should be OK to use the OS driver, no need for the CUPS stuff. You just send to the device using command line...
lpr -P <PRINTER_NAME> -o raw <FILENAME.zpl>
How to print myanmar unicode(myanmar3.TTF) on zebra printer with using zpl language?
I tried to test so many times. i still got problems with zpl code.
here, my code:
^FO10,50^CI28^APN,30,30^FDZebra Technologies^FS
^FO10,100^CI14^APN,30,30^FD- CI 14:ရသာမွန်^FS
^FO010,150^CI33^APN,40,40^FD- CI 33:ရသာမွန် ^FS
^FO010,200^CI34^APN,40,40^FD- CI 34:ရသာမွန် ^FS
^FO010,250^CI35^APN,40,40^FD- CI 35:ရသာမွန် ^FS
^FO010,300^CI36^AMN,40,40^FD- CI 36:ရသာမွန် ^FS
^PA1,1,1,1^FS ^FX Enables Advanced Text ^FS
^FO010,350^CI28^AMN,40,40^FD- CI31:ရသာမွန် ^FS
This is my printing out.
How do you communicate with your Zebra printer?
You should be ensured that you send Unicode-encoded text to printer.
For example, if you open Zebra Setup Utilites (Open Communication With Printer) and copy-paste ZPL text to it - it will NOT work.
Try create Unicode encoded text file in your text editor, save it, and then send it to the printer via printer driver (right click on printer -> Print setup -> Tools -> Send file action command)
Also, try to use the ^CI command (see ZPL docs) at the beginnig of the label (just after ^XA, before any other command).
For example, ^CI28 works for UTF-8 encoded texts.
You may try ^CI29 or ^CI30 for UTF-16.