Cant load context Menu in Here map 3.0 . Retuns "nokia is not defined " - contextmenu

When I try to load context menu in here map, it shows error in firebug as "ReferenceError: nokia is not defined"
What's it that I'm doing wrong.
Imported js files:
The code that creates the bug is:
function createContextMenu(map) {
contextMenu = new;
/* Add Custom Context Menu Items */
//This adds three items with a menu separator
menuItems1 = function (contextMenuEvent, group) {
group.addEntry("Menu Item 1",
function (activationEvent) {alert("Menu Item 1 clicked"); });
group.addEntry("Menu Item 2",
function (activationEvent) {alert("Menu Item 2 clicked"); });
group.addEntry("Menu Item 3",
function (activationEvent) {alert("Menu Item 3 clicked"); });
Currently working on jquery 1.9.1
Firefox 48

HERE Javascript API have moved to the namspace "H" with version 3.X onward hence "nokia." would not work any more. With respect to context menu functionality, it can achieved by adding an event listener on the map
* Adds context menus for the map and the created objects.
* Context menu items can be different depending on the target.
* That is why in this context menu on the map shows default items as well as
* the "Add circle", whereas context menu on the circle itself shows the "Remove circle".
* #param {H.Map} map Reference to initialized map object
function addContextMenus(map) {
// First we need to subscribe to the "contextmenu" event on the map
map.addEventListener('contextmenu', function (e) {
// As we already handle contextmenu event callback on circle object,
// we don't do anything if target is different than the map.
if ( !== map) {
// "contextmenu" event might be triggered not only by a pointer,
// but a keyboard button as well. That's why ContextMenuEvent
// doesn't have a "currentPointer" property.
// Instead it has "viewportX" and "viewportY" properties
// for the associates position.
// Get geo coordinates from the screen coordinates.
var coord = map.screenToGeo(e.viewportX, e.viewportY);
// In order to add menu items, you have to push them to the "items"
// property of the event object. That has to be done synchronously, otherwise
// the ui component will not contain them. However you can change the menu entry
// text asynchronously.
// Create a menu item, that has only a label,
// which displays the current coordinates.
new H.util.ContextItem({
label: [
Math.abs( + (( > 0) ? 'N' : 'S'),
Math.abs(coord.lng.toFixed(4)) + ((coord.lng > 0) ? 'E' : 'W')
].join(' ')
// Create an item, that will change the map center when clicking on it.
new H.util.ContextItem({
label: 'Center map here',
callback: function() {
map.setCenter(coord, true);
// It is possible to add a seperator between items in order to logically group them.
// This menu item will add a new circle to the map
new H.util.ContextItem({
label: 'Add circle',
callback: addCircle.bind(map, coord)


Vaadin 8 using an image as a button. Doesn't fire click event

I'm building a Vaadin 8 app ( first one for me ). I am using the designer to generate the UI. I've added several buttons to the dashboard which should fire a function when clicked. For some reason nothing fires when the image is clicked. Below is all the code that is involved. Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong?
This is the code from the .html file:
<vaadin-horizontal-layout responsive width-full margin>
**<vaadin-image icon="theme://images/properties.png" style-name="my-image-button" responsive alt="" _id="imagePropertyInfo"></vaadin-image>**
<vaadin-image icon="theme://images/occupants.png" responsive alt="" _id="imageOccupants"></vaadin-image>
<vaadin-image icon="theme://images/vendors.png" responsive alt="" _id="imageVendors"></vaadin-image>
Here is the scss
cursor: pointer;
Here is the code from the Dashboard UI
public DashboardHomeView( OnCallUI onCallUI )
this.onCallUI = onCallUI;
// Make it disabled until a property is selected
**imagePropertyInfo.setEnabled( false );
imagePropertyInfo.setStyleName( "my-image-button" );**
protected void fetchPropertyBasicInfo()
List<PropertyProfileBasic> listOfPropertyProfiles = new ArrayList<PropertyProfileBasic>( OnCallUI.myStarService.fetchAllPropertyProfileBasicInformation() );
comboBoxGeneric.setCaption( "Select a Property" );
comboBoxGeneric.setItemCaptionGenerator( aProperty -> aProperty.toString() );
comboBoxGeneric.setItems( listOfPropertyProfiles );
comboBoxGeneric.addValueChangeListener( event -> fetchOccupantBasicInfo( event ) );
protected void fetchOccupantBasicInfo( ValueChangeEvent<PropertyProfileBasic> event )
// Fetch all the occupants for the selected property
if( event.getValue().getPropertyNo() != null )
// Fetch a list of occupant basic info for the selected property
List<OccupantProfileBasic> listOfOccupantProfiles = new ArrayList<OccupantProfileBasic>( OnCallUI.myStarService.fetchOccupantProfileBasicByPropertyNo( event.getValue().getPropertyNo() ) );
// Clear the existing grid et al
// Add the occupant grid
occupantGrid = new OccupantProfileBasicGrid( listOfOccupantProfiles );
// Show the grid
gridContainer.addComponents( new Label( "Occupants" ), occupantGrid );
// Set the dashboard buttons to enabled now a property is selected
**imagePropertyInfo.setEnabled( true );
// Add the property info button
imagePropertyInfo.addClickListener( e -> fetchPropertyInformation() );**
protected void fetchPropertyInformation()
{ "Yo!", "You clicked!", Notification.Type.HUMANIZED_MESSAGE );
I assume you are using GridLayout. I am recommending another approach. Use Button, and set the button style to be borderless (apparently you want something like that. The icon of the button can be image from your theme, using ThemeResource. "Pseudo code" is something like this:
ThemeResource icon = new ThemeResource("/images/properties.png");
Button imagePropertyInfo = new Button(icon);
imagePropertyInfo.addClickListener( e -> fetchPropertyInformation() );
Note also, JavaDoc of Image component says.
"public Registration addClickListener(MouseEvents.ClickListener listener)
Add a click listener to the component. The listener is called whenever the user clicks inside the component. Depending on the content the event may be blocked and in that case no event is fired."
I think it does not like your way of setting image with theme, without using Resource.
If you want to remove the focus highlight of the button, it should be possible via this CSS rule:
.v-button-link:after {
content: none;
Also it is worth of mentioning that Image is not Focusable, while Button is. This means that even that Image can have click listener, it is not reached by keyboard navigation, Button is Focusable and is reached by tabbing etc. So using Button instead of Image makes your application more accessible.

OL interaction - mousedown

I see that there is ol interaction that can be done upon click or single click or pointer move - however, is there one that can be done with mousedown/mouseup? In short, we want the user to be able to edit a feature as long as the mouse button in clicked but saved/stopped upon mouse button release.
featureRotateDown = new ol.interaction.Select({
featureRotateUp = new ol.interaction.Select({
featureRotateDown.on('select', function(event) {
$.each(event.selected, function (index, feature) {
featureRotateUp.on('select', function(event) {
$.each(event.selected, function (index, feature) {
In other words, imagine a marker placed on a map that is an arrow. I want to ability to rotate it around as much as I want while the cursor is on the marker and the mouse button is pressed down.
Try pointerdown and pointerup:
map.on('pointerdown', function (event) {
// doStuff...
// ALTERNATIVE 1: get a feature at click position (with very small tolerance)
map.forEachFeatureAtPixel(event.pixel, function(feature, layer){
// doStuff with your feature at click position
// ALTERNATIVE 2: get the closest feature
closestFeature = yourVectorSource.getClosestFeatureToCoordinate(event.coordinate);
map.on('pointerup', function (event) {
// doStuff...
In the functions you can access the features using forEachFeatureAtPixelor getClosestFeatureToCoordinate.
Also see this JSFiddle

Kendo Sortable - Leave item in list

I am playing with using a Kendo Sortable. I would like to drag an item from one list in order to populate another, but I need to leave that item in the original list. Does anyone have an idea on how to do this?
An alternative to sortable might be draggable & dropTarget.
Have a look at Moving items from one list to another.
dragenter: addStyling,
dragleave: resetStyling,
drop: function(e) { //apply changes to the data after an item is dropped
var draggableElement = e.draggable.currentTarget,
dataItem = listA_DS.getByUid("uid")); //find the corresponding dataItem by uid
//--- Change --- listA_DS.remove(dataItem); //remove the item from ListA
listB_DS.add(dataItem); //add the item to ListB; //reset visual dropTarget indication that was added on dragenter
Modified Example from that page

Create new jquery ui tab panel with close button inside the panel?

I've got a function worked out that creates a new query ui tab panel when a user clicks a button. It also creates a new tab with a close button in it, like so:
$(function newTab() {
var $tabs = $('#nav-tabs').tabs();
$('.add-tab').click(function (e) {
var tabName = $(this).text(),
tabLink = $(this).attr('href'),
tabNumber = -1;
$tabs.find('.nav-tab-menu li a').each(function (i) {
if ($(this).text() == tabName) {
tabNumber = i;
if (tabNumber >= 0) {
$tabs.tabs('option', 'active', tabNumber)
} else {
$("<li><a href=" + tabLink + " class='ui-icon-tab-add'>" + tabName + "</a><span class='ui-icon-close' role='presentation'><span class='sr'>Remove Tab</span></span></li>")
$('#nav-tabs').tabs('option', 'active', -1);
return false
It works great, but this client is a total pain in the ass, and one close button isn't good enough for them - they also want one in the newly created panel as well. I've tried cloning the button and appending it to the panel, but it doesn't seem to work. Any ideas? I should mention that the content of the current tab is replaced when the user clicks a link, so the button probably needs to be inserted before the active tab panel, rather than inside it so it doesn't get removed when the content is updated.

filter in kendoUI drag and drop

I have a splitter. In this splitter, I am implementing drag and drop functionality for the list view. Each list view is loaded in "table" format.
I want to drag my list view from left to right.
For the 1st list view, I have this code :
var listViewOptions = {
template: kendo.template(
dataSource: listdatSource,
var sourceListView = $("#First").kendoListView(listViewOptions).data("kendoListView");
var draggableOptions = {
filter: "table",
hint: function (e) {
return $('<div class="new">' + e.html() + '</div>');
In the filter, if I give "table" / "tbody" the whole content of list view is dragging in a row format and after dropping it is in the right side of splitter and is displaying in a single row. I want to display in the same format as in the leftside.
Can you tell me how to do this?
somejQueryElement.html() gives you the inner HTML code of your element. Thus, if you filter on table elements, your argument e of the hint function is the table and e.html() is the content of the table.
If you want to have your table, you have to add reencapsulate the element in table tags :
var draggableOptions = {
filter: "table",
hint: function (e) {
return $('<div class="new"><table>' + e.html() + '</table></div>');
