Struts won't pass parameter to jsp file - struts2

I have an action which (depending on the result) redirects to a suitable file:
<!-- /web/addaccount -->
<action name="addaccount" class="com.x.y.z.WebCreateAccountAction">
<result name="INVALIDLOGIN">/delete/confirm.jsp?err=SIGNIN</result>
<result name="ERROR">/delete/error.html</result>
For some reason, when redirecting to delete/confirm.jsp, the parameter erris not passed in. I'm at a loss to why this is happening. Is this an incorrect way of passing params to JSP via Struts?

Was just missing a:
<result name="INVALIDLOGIN" type="redirect">/delete/confirm.jsp?err=SIGNIN</result>
Note: This is advised against, it would redirect directly to a JSP, which would be considered an S2 anti-pattern. See comments below.


Struts 2 with same action but different method

I'm migrating my application from Struts1 to 2.5. All the navigation url is defined as per below :
In struts 1 we extend dispather action class and reading the method name from query parameter. Using action forward we are redirecting to particular method.
Is there any way in struts 2, we can define same action name in struts.xml and besed on method name in the url we will redirect to paricular method.
I tried below code. When I hit ../ it is going to last method of action class.
<action name="menumanager" method="adduser" class="X.Action">
<result name="login">Some JSP</result>
<result name="logout">Some JSP</result>
<action name="menumanager" method="deleteuser" class="X.Action">
<result name="login">Some JSP</result>
<result name="logout">Some JSP</result>

Attribute parameter from <action> element - equivalent in Struts 2

In Struts1 you can use the attribute parameter from element(struts-config.xml) and access it's value within the action class via the actionMapping.getParameter() method. For actions requiring multiple steps, the parameter is often used to indicate which step the mapping is associated
<action path="\something\Step1"
parameter="step1"> ...
<action path="\something\Step2"
parameter="step2"> ...
Which is the alternative solution for Struts2?
Parameters in the action configuration could be used instead
<package name="something" namespace="/something" extends="struts-default">
<action name="Step1" class="actions.SomethingAction">
<param name="step1" ...
<action name="Step2" class="actions.SomethingAction">
<param name="step2" ...

In Struts2 HOWTO handle a url with same namespace but with or without the trailing slash similarly

In struts2 I am writing an app where I need to make sure that the url redirection works the same whether or not there is a trailing slash at the end.
E.g. should behave same way as if user entered Currently I changed mapping in struts.xml like so -
<package name="default" namespace="/" extends="secure">
<interceptors> ... <interceptors>
<action name="app">
<result type="redirectAction">/app/</result>
<package name="app" namespace="/app" extends="secure">
<interceptors> ... <interceptors>
<action name="" class="" method="display">
<interceptor-ref name="store">
<param name="operationMode">RETRIEVE</param>
<interceptor-ref name="basic" />
<result type="redirectAction">home</result>
<result name="display">/jsp/base/content/login/loginForm.jsp</result>
But this seems hackish since if I go to it will show in the URL.
Any help appreciated.
Answer was derived in comments under the answer.
Personally I would write all my urls with out the trailing slash...
and then I would use something external to the application to rewrite
urls as appropriate, perhaps iptables could determine if there is a
trailing slash and if so always strip it.
Mohana Rao SV:
As suggested above follow without tailing slash. And override
StrutsPrepareAndExecuteFilter one of the filter job is from the url it
has to identify the namespace and action name and invoke respective
action. So here remove tailing slash from url.
In namespace "/" you have an action called app. That is all there is
to it to invoke CONTEXT_ROOT/app (that is what struts2 expects), you
don't ever expect to see a "/" on the end of the url, so you want to
find a method that parses the url before struts2 resolves the mapping.
What you have described only requires something to remove a trailing
"/" if it exists. I'd look to iptables because I've used it before or
some other url rewriter... Mahana would keep it all part of the web
app and use a filter, methods differ but the effect is the same.

Struts2 token interceptor always fails

Im trying to make it so that once i submit this form i cannot hit the back button, but with the current configuration I cannot even get the page/form to load. I can't seem to figure out why "invalid.token" is always being triggered thus redirecting me to index.jsp no matter what I have the token tag in my form like im supposed to. If i use the "excludeMethods" filter and exclude View then my page loads but I can hit the back button freely so it still does not work properly. I have tried moving the interceptor-ref above and below my noLoginStack but it dosen't make a difference. Based on my debugging my actual java class isn't even being hit, so its failing before then. What am I doing wrong?
My action declaration:
<action name="viewAppointmentLetter" class="edu.ucr.c3.rsummer.controller.instructor.ManageAppointmentLetters">
<interceptor-ref name="noLoginStack"/>
<interceptor-ref name="token" />
<result name="invalid.token">/index.jsp</result>
<result name="error" type="redirectAction"></result>
<result name="input">/instructor/assigned_appts.jsp</result>
<result name="view">/instructor/assigned_appts.jsp</result>
<result type="redirectAction"></result>
My assigned_appts.jsp:
<s:form action="saveAppointmentLetter" onsubmit="return verifySubmit();">
<s:token name="token" />
If its any clue I always get this in my console
WARN org.apache.struts2.util.TokenHelper - Could not find token name in params.
In struts2 the order of interceptor is very important. you should follow this order.
<interceptor-ref name="token"/>
<interceptor-ref name="noLoginStack"/>
USe TokenSession interceptor.Had to handle result by result name="invalid.token" in struts.xml in specific action.
The page from which your action is generated at that page you have to write <s:token> tag in the header

Redirecting URL using struts2

How can i redirect to using struts2?
I use URL rewriting to get these kind of flexible mappings working (though you could probably do it in struts proper, possibly with your own interceptor or something). There's a great little project, urlrewritefilter that gets the job done. In your URL rewriting configuration you'd have a rule like:
Have a look at the manual to see if it is what you are looking for.
<action name="12345">
<result type="redirect-action">
<param name="actionName">action</param>
<param name="id">12345</param>
Ok. Based on the comment below.
I have managed something like this in this way in the past. Create a package in struts with a catch all action.
<package name="numbers">
<action name="*" class="my.package.ActionClass" method="urlrewrite">
<result type="redirect-action">
<param name="actionName">${nextpage}</param>
<param name="id">${id}</param>
Then in the urlrewrite method of the action class:
public String urlrewrite(){
//parse the url and determine the ID and the next page
nextpage = "action";
id = "12345";
return SUCCESS;
So in calling the action you will have to do like this:
If you do not want a new package then you can do this in the default package.
