How to save multiple entries in table using YapDatabase for swift - ios

I am using YapDatabase for storing my objects.Need how to store multiple entries in a table.
For example : I need to save all students information in Student table. So how can I do that with YapDatabase using Swift.
var paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.CachesDirectory, .UserDomainMask, true)
let baseDir:String = paths.count > 0 ? paths[0] as String : NSTemporaryDirectory() as String
let path = baseDir.stringByAppendingString("Database.sqlite")
yapDB = YapDatabase(path: path)
yapDataBaseConection = yapDB?.newConnection()
yapDataBaseConection?.asyncReadWriteWithBlock({ transaction in
}, completionBlock: {

There are plenty of examples on YapDatabase Wiki
First of all you should make a proper class that represents your student. You can read about it in this article.
Then you should save an array of your students to database. asyncReadWriteWithBlock is okay.
for student in students {
transaction.setObject(student, forKey:student.uniqueID, inCollection:"students")
That is all!
Another comlex task is to sort all the students and to show them in a UITableView. To make it work you should read about View and Mappings
If you are looking for some swift examples - you can check my sample project. It is swift 2.3 compatible.
Hope it helps...


Filtering Realm with nested subqueries

My app has data that looks like this.
class ShelfCollection: Object {
let shelves: List<Shelf>
class Shelf: Object {
let items: List<Item>
class Item: Object {
var name: String
let infos: List<String>
I'm trying to get all shelves in a shelf collection where any items match the query either by name or by an element in their infos list. From my understanding this predicate should be correct, but it crashes.
let wildQuery = "*" + query + "*"
shelfResults = shelfCollection.shelves.filter(
"SUBQUERY(items, $item, $ LIKE[c] %# OR SUBQUERY($item.infos, $info, info LIKE[c] %#).#count > 0).#count > 0",
wildQuery, wildQuery
It complies as a NSPredicate, but crashes when Realm is attempting to parse it, throwing me
'RLMException', reason: 'Object type '(null)' not managed by the Realm'
I suspect the nested subquery might be what fails, but I don't know enough about NSPredicate to be sure. Is this an acceptable query, and how can I make it.. work?
This is an answer and a solution but there's going to be a number of issues with the way the objects are structured which may cause other problems. It was difficult to create a matching dataset since many objects appear within other objects.
The issue:
Realm cannot currently filter on a List of primitives
EDIT: Release 10.7 added support for filters/queries as well as aggregate functions on primitives so the below info is no longer completely valid. However, it's still something to be aware of.
so this Item property will not work for filtering:
let infos: List<String>
However, you can create another object that has a String property and filter on that object
class InfoClass: Object {
#objc dynamic var info_name = ""
and then the Item class looks like this
class Item: Object {
var name: String
let infos = List<InfoClass>()
and then you filter based on the InfoClass object, not it's string property. So you would have some objects
let info0 = InfoClass()
info0.info_name = "Info 0 name"
let info1 = InfoClass()
info1.info_name = "Info 1 name"
let info2 = InfoClass()
info2.info_name = "Info 2 name"
which are stored in the Item->infos list. Then the question
I'm trying to get all shelves in a shelf collection...
states you want to filter for a collection, c0 in this case, shelves whose items contain a particular info in their list. Lets say we want to get those shelves whose items have info2 in their list
//first get the info2 object that we want to filter for
guard let info2 = realm.objects(InfoClass.self).filter("info_name == 'Info 2 name'").first else {
print("info2 not found")
print("info2 found, continuing")
//get the c0 collection that we want to get the shelves for
if let c0 = realm.objects(ShelfCollection.self).filter("collection_name == 'c0'").first {
let shelfResults = c0.shelves.filter("ANY items.infoList == %#", info2)
for shelf in shelfResults {
} else {
print("c0 not found")
I omitted filtering for the name property since you know how to do that already.
The issue here is the infos could appear in many items, and those items could appear in many shelf lists. So because of the depth of data, with my test data, it was hard to have the filter return discreet data - it would probably make more sense (to me) if I had example data to work with.
Either way, the answer works for this use case, but I am thinking another structure may be better but I don't know the full use case so hard to suggest that.

How to structure a search list in Firestore?

I want to show a list of artists in my app which the user will be able to search through. I'm not sure however how to save this in Firestore?
First I created a collection "searchLists" with a document for each DJ but that means a lot of document reads so that's out of the question.
Now I created a document called "artists" which has a field "artistsDictionary" which contains all the artists.
| searchLists (collection)
* artists (document)
- artistsArray (array)
0: (map)
name: "Artist 0" (string)
1: (map)
name: "Artist 1" (string)
2: (map)
name: "Artist 2" (string)
And I retrieve and parse the array as followed:
let docRef = db.collection("searchLists").document("artists")
docRef.getDocument { (document, error) in
if let document = document, document.exists {
guard let documentData = else { return }
let artistsDictionaryArray = documentData["artistsArray"] as? [[String: Any]] ?? []
let parsedArtists = artistsDictionaryArray.compactMap {
return SimpleArtist(dictionary: $0)
self.artistsArray = parsedArtists
} else {
print("Document does not exist")
(SimpleArtist is a struct containing a "name" field.)
And I mean, it works, but I'm still new to Firestore and this seems kinda off. Is it? Or is this how I should/could do it?
First I created a collection "searchLists" with a document for each DJ but that means a lot of document reads so that's out of the question.
This is the right approach, so you should go ahead with it.
Why do I say that?
According to the official documentation regarding modeling data in a Cloud Firestore database:
Cloud Firestore is optimized for storing large collections of small documents.
Storing data in an array is not a bad option but this is most likely used, let's say to store favorite djs. I say that because the documents have limits in Firestore. So there are some limits when it comes to how much data you can put into a document. According to the official documentation regarding usage and limits:
Maximum size for a document: 1 MiB (1,048,576 bytes)
As you can see, you are limited to 1 MiB total of data in a single document. When we are talking about storing text, you can store pretty much but as your array getts bigger, be careful about this limitation.
First off, Alexs' answer is 100% correct.
I want to add some additional data points that may help you in the long run.
The first item is arrays. Arrays are very challenging in NoSQL databases - while they provide a logical sequence data via the index, 0, 1, 2 they don't behave like an array in code - so for example; Suppose you wanted to insert an item at an index. Well - you can't (*you can but it's not just a simple 'insert' call). Also, you can't target array elements in queries which limits their usefulness. The smallest unit of change in a Firestore array field is the entire field - smaller changes to individual elements of a field can't be made. The fix is to not use arrays and to let FireStore create the documentID's for you data 'objects' on the fly e.g. the 'keys' to the node
The second issue - (which may not be an issue currently) is how the data is being handled. Suppose you release your app and a user has 2 million artists in their collection - with your code as is, all of that data is downloaded at one time which will probably not be the best UI experience but additionally, it could overwhelm the memory of the device. So working in 'chunks' of data it a lot easier on the device, and the user.
So I put together some sample code to help with that.
First a class to store your Artist data in. Just keeps track of the documentID and the artist name.
class ArtistClass {
var docId = ""
var name = ""
init(aDocId: String, aName: String) {
self.docId = aDocId = aName
and a class array to keep the artists in. This would be a potential dataSource for a tableView
var artistArray = [ArtistClass]()
This is to write an artist as a document instead of in an array. The documentID is a FireStore generated 'key' that's created for each artist.
func writeArtists() {
let artistsRef = self.db.collection("artists")
let floyd = [
"name": "Pink Floyd"
let zep = [
"name": "Led Zeppelin"
let who = [
"name": "The Who"
artistsRef.addDocument(data: floyd)
artistsRef.addDocument(data: zep)
artistsRef.addDocument(data: who)
and then function to read in all artists.
func readArtists() {
let artistsRef = self.db.collection("artists")
artistsRef.getDocuments() { (querySnapshot, err) in
if let err = err {
print("Error getting documents: \(err)")
} else {
for document in querySnapshot!.documents {
let docId = document.documentID
let name = document.get("name") as! String
let artist = ArtistClass(aDocId: docId, aName: name)
for a in self.artistArray { //prints the artists to console
So your data in Firestore looks like this
artists (collection)
name: "Let Zeppelin"
name: "The Who"
name: "Pink Floyd"
so then the cool part. Suppose you have a tableView that shows 10 artists at a time with a down button to see the next 10. Make this change
let artistsRef = self.db.collection("artists").order(by: "name").limit(to: 10)
Oh - and you'll notice the function of sorting now goes the server instead of the device - so if there's a million artists, it's sorted on the server before being delivered to the device which will be significantly faster.
You can also then more easily perform queries for specific artist data and you won't need to be as concerned about storage as each artist is their own document instead of all artists in one.
Hope that helps!

Swift Sqlite model binding

I started programming on iOS and I come from ASP.NET MVC.
I am trying to find a way to bind the models to a database, or at least something similar to entity framework model binding, I want to create two models like so:
class A{
let id = Expression<Int64>("id")
let name = Expression<String?>("name")
class B{
let id = Expression<Int64>("id")
let name = Expression<A>("A")
I would like to know if this is possible or could someone point me to the right direction and when I fetch data I want to fill my models from sqlite
Thanks in advance
and sorry if I was unclear in my question.
The GRDB.swift SQLite library focuses on helping applications loading models (aka records) from the database:
Maybe that's just what you are looking for:
let persons = try Person.fetchAll(db) // [Person]
for luckyPerson in try Person.filter(isLucky).order(name).fetchAll(db) { person in
if let person = try Person.fetchOne(db, key: 1) {

Swift: Backendless sorting relationship objects

I have this Backendless tables: Posts and Comments
Posts has a column comments which is has a one-to-many relationship to Comments table.
I'm try to get the comments in a latestOrder first behavior.
Currently, I have this query:
let query = BackendlessDataQuery()
let queryOptions = QueryOptions()
queryOptions.pageSize = size
queryOptions.related = ["comments", "comments.user", "user", "media"]
query.queryOptions = queryOptions
// Used PostObject since it is already mapped using `mapTableToClass`
response: { backendlessPostsList in
let backendlessPostsListOfOffset = backendlessPostsList.getPage(offset)
guard let postObjects = backendlessPostsListOfOffset.getCurrentPage() as? [PostObject] else {
reject(BackendlessError.InvalidTypeForObject(name: "Post"))
return postObjects
error: { fault in
// TODO Find a way to convert a Fault to ErrorType
print("Server reported an error (1): \(fault)")
What I'm doing currently to sort Post.comments in the view model is reversing it. Post.comments.reverse().
Is there a way to explicitly sort the comments in Backendless level?
You don't have options when using related, and you should really just use it for to-one relationships, not to-many because of this. It would work ok if you have a one-to-few relationship.
So, you should make a separate request for the comments so you can specify a specific page size and sort order. Note that when you specify the variable to sort by (created) you can also add asc or desc to specify the direction of the sort (so created desc).
You could use the sort function.
let sortedComments = Post.comments.sort { $ > $ }
Of corse your comments will need a published date field for this to work.

I'm having trouble fetching entities from core data based on relationships with predicates

Quick background: I have en ExamEntity, which is linked via a relationship to sections covered in the exam (SectionEntity), which is linked via a relationship to the subsections under each section (SubsectionEntity).
What I'm try to do is fetch the sections and related subsections which will be covered be a selected Exam, and store them in a dictionary which can hold multiple string values per key.
My code starts like this:
var sectionsDictionary = [String:[String]]()
//---Fetch Section Entity
let sectionPredicate = NSPredicate(format: "(exam = %#)", selectedExam)
let sectionsFetchRequest:NSFetchRequest = SectionEntity.MR_requestAllWithPredicate(sectionPredicate)
let fetchedSections:NSArray = SectionEntity.MR_executeFetchRequest(sectionsFetchRequest)
All good here. But then I try and fetch the subsections related to the selected sections and things go wrong.
following Code:
for section in fetchedSections {
let sectionName = section.valueForKey("name") as! String
// //error occurs on the line below
let subsectionPredicate = NSPredicate(format: "(section = %#)", section as! SectionEntity)
let subsectionsFetchRequest:NSFetchRequest = SubsectionEntity.MR_requestAllWithPredicate(subsectionPredicate)
let fetchedSubsections:NSArray = SubsectionEntity.MR_executeFetchRequest(subsectionsFetchRequest)
The error I get is:
Could not cast value of type 'NSManagedObject_SectionEntity_' (0x7fb363e18580) to 'MyApp.SectionEntity' (0x10c9213e0).
The next few lines are supposed to iterate through the fetched results, adding their names as values to the dictionary with section names as keys.
for subsection in fetchedSubsections{
let subsectionName = subsection.valueForKey("name") as! String
sectionsDictionary[sectionName] = [subsectionName]
thanks in advance.
You're not defining the type of the class for your record
Go to the Project.xcdatamodeld file, and select your SectionEntity
Check if the field Class is like this
If it is then write in the Class field "SectionEntity" and press Enter, it should be like this
Then try again
You need to make sure that the elements of the collection you enumerate are of the correct type.
Presumably, Magical Record will return an NSArray of NSManagedObject items. You need to make sure Swift knows what type section is.
for object in fetchedSections {
let section = object as! SectionEntity
// ...
Also, see my answer about the unsuccessful casts to NSManagedObject subclasses.
