Nginx not rendering .json URLs - Rails - ruby-on-rails

I have a Rails 4 application with nginx 1.4.4 and I'm having issues trying to access JSON routes.
I'm trying to access the following route:
Which produces a 404 / Not found in my nginx server. However, in my development server it works correctly (a Thin server), it displays the product as JSON.
I have already added the application/json json; line to the mime.types config file.
What else should I look in order to fix this? I can provide more information if needed. Thanks.


ember not communicating with rails

I am following the tutorial at Ember and Rails 5 with JSON API: A Modern Bridge.
Thus, I now have a rails-api for backend and ember for front end. I started the rails server as suggested:
$ bin/rails server --binding
Started the ember server:
$ Ember s --proxy --http ://localhost:8080 --port 8081
I had to specify a port for creating the Ember server though, because I got an error saying:
Port 8080 is already in use
It seems as the rails backend work as if it is suppose to. When I visited http://localhost/something.json I get the proper json response.
In the tutorial they ask you to visit the ember frontend open ember inspector, console and enter the command :
The response I get is:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'findAll' of undefined(…)
I am using c9 with this tutorial, not sure if it has anything to do with it though.
The question is, Why am I getting this Error?
I Am new to stackoverflow, Rails and Ember.
I have searched the question and the solutions posted did not work for me.
To access the store, you have to use getters.
Because the store is a service and lazy-loaded.

Passenger + Apache "TraceEnable Off"

We're using Passenger 4.0.59 behind Apache 2.2 (CentOS 6.latest) with Rails 3.2.
In /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf we have:
TraceEnable off
We have one virtual host configured in httpd.conf and a second virtual host configured in /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf that's configured with Passenger.
I'm using commands of this form to test:
curl -I -X {method} https://{host}/{resource}
...and seeing the following behavior:
When I TRACE a static image over http, i.e., I get a 405 response (as expected).
When I TRACE the same static image over https, meaning it goes through the virtual host configured with Passenger, I get 405 (as expected).
However, when I TRACE a Rails service in our app, e.g., I get a 200 response w/ valid data.
I would expect Apache to shut down the request and return a 405 response before it even gets to Passenger/Rails, but that isn't happening.
What am I missing / misunderstanding?
What am I missing / misunderstanding?
TraceEnable off is the correct directive to use, but you may have another TraceEnable directive elsewhere in your configs.
You should check all of your apache config files to be sure there is no other TraceEnable directives.
Since the TraceEnable directive can be used within either the server config or the virtual host config, so you may just want to add it to both.

Rails application issue after deployment - 404 error

I'm new to RoR.
I was able to install Rails and host it in Webrick (Sample App with "Welcome" controller) in my windows.
Now i have a Unix Weblogic Server along with a dedicated domian.
After exporting the .WAR file using Warbler, i accessed the Oracle Admin Console from where i deployed the .WAR file in the dedicated domain. I did all this for the Sample app with only the Welcome controller in it.
But even after deploying the WAR file, on accessing the Domain along with the Port Number (:9002) i ended up with 404 file not found error On looking at the server logs,there wasn't any records relating to any error. The Application must have been deployed properly. I assume that i must have missed out on some basic configurations in the routes.rb or similar files before deploying. Can anyone Guess what are all the possibilities and if possible can anyone help me by pointing to any tuts that cover the Steps to be carried out for configuration before deployment. do i need to install both JRuby and Rails inside the server before depolyment?
I can't really guess with Eror 404 only.
You can try mapping your rails app rack config to a different base_uri.
All you need to do is wrap the existing 'run' command in a map block
try doing this in your rails '' file:
map '/mydepartment' do
run Myapp::Application
Now when you 'rails server' the app should be at localhost:3000/mydepartment .
Not sure if this will give you the desired outcome, but worth a try.
One more thing you also add this to your config/environments/production.rb and config/environments/development.rb (if on production mode):
config.action_controller.asset_path = proc { |path| "/abc#{path}" }
otherwise when you call your helpers such as stylesheet_link_tag in your views, they will generate links without the "/abc".
Also, find some guides you may refer for good support.
Use JRuby with JMX for Oracle WebLogic Server 11g
Let me know if it is not resolved.

Rails sends 0 byte files using send_file

I can't get send_file(Model.attachment.path) to work.
It doesn't fail, instead, it sends a 0 byte size file to the client, the file names are correct though.
This problem started happening after I did a big migration from Rails 2.3.8 to 3.
There were a lot of other things that took place in this migration and I will try my best to detail all of them.
Distrubution change/Server Change. Rackspace RHEL5 to Linode Ubuntu 10.04LTS
Ruby version change, 1.8.6 -> 1.9.2
Rails version change, 2.3.8 -> 3.0.0
httpd platform change, apache2 -> nginx (However I tried on apache2 as well and it did not work).
I moved the attachments via ftp as they were not part of my git repositories so they were published via cap deploy, instead manual ftp remote(RHEL5) to local(Win7) then local(Win7) to remote(Ubuntu10).
I do know that FTPing does not retain the file permissions through the transfers, so what I've also done is mimicked the chmods that were seen on my previous servers so they are almost identical. (users/groups are different, set to root:root instead of olduser:olduser).
A snippet of the request to download a attachment from my production log.
Started GET "/attachments/replies/1410?1277105698" for at 2010-09-16 09:44:31 +0000
Processing by AttachmentsController#replies as HTML
Parameters: {"1277105698"=>nil, "id"=>"1410"}
Sent file /srv/app/releases/20100916094249/attachments/replies/UE0003-Requisition_For_Compensation_Leave.doc (0.2ms)
Completed 200 OK in 78ms
Everything's okay. Let me also rule out local issues, I've tried downloading via Chrome on both Win7 and Ubuntu (on Vbox).
Let me also assure you that the path is indeed correct.
root#li162-41:/srv/app/current# tail /srv/app/releases/20100916094249/attachments/replies/UE0003-Requisition_For_Compensation_Leave.doc
��#�p4��#P#��Unknown������������G��z �Times New Roman5��Symbol3&�
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So to sum up the question, how do I get send_file to actually send files instead of fake 0 byte junk.
send_file has :x_sendfile param which defaults to true in Rails 3.
This feature offloads streaming download to front server - Apache (with mod_xsendfile) or lighttpd, by returning empty response with X-Sendfile header with path.
Nginx uses X-Accel-Redirect header for same functionality but you have to
configure Rails properly in proper environment file:
config.action_dispatch.x_sendfile_header = 'X-Accel-Redirect'
Rails 3 update: this line already exists in production.rb, just uncomment it.
Add sendfile on; to your nginx config to utilize header sent by Rails.
Remember the absolute path must be used and nginx must have read access to file.
Another way for aliased files:
For better security I use aliases in nginx instead of absolute paths,
however send_file method checks existence of file which fails with alias.
Thus I changed my action to:
'X-Accel-Redirect'=> file_item.location,
'Content-Type' => file_item.content_type,
'Content-Disposition' => "attachment; filename=\"#{}\"");
render :nothing => true;
In Rails 3, just uncomment the line config.action_dispatch.x_sendfile_header = 'X-Accel-Redirect' in production.rb inside environments folder.
Yes, I had the same problem with X-sendfile being enabled by default in Rails 3 too.
If you have large volume of "send_file" calls,
you can just comment-out following line in config/environments/production.rb:
#config.action_dispatch.x_sendfile_header = "X-Sendfile"
Then send_file method started working perfectly.
Because I can't install x-sendfile extension to Apache, I just searched a little and found this.
I hope it helps.
I've had similar issues with send_file() in the past, using send_data() instead saved me back then (e.g. send_data, :disposition => 'inline', :type => "some/mimetype")
On Rails 4, I realize my problem is that I deleted the temporary file which I've generated to send to user.
If I didn't delete the file, send_file works. I've not tested on thin but it works great on Passenger 5 as stand-alone server.

Rails on remote Apache server not displaying index.html.erb

I played around with Rails on my laptop (running Linux + Apache + MySQL) and had no trouble getting the Getting Started with Rails tutorial to work locally. Now I'm trying the same thing at work on a remote Mac OS X + Apache server, and things aren't quite so rosy.
I typed rails blog -d mysql to create a directory called blog in /Library/WebServer/Documents/mydirectory. The trouble is, if I go to, I get the public/index.html in my browser. But, I don't get this file if I go to Instead, I get a 403 error. Also, when I:
script/generate controller home index
to create:
I am unable to view this file, whether I go to, or if I add a new line (map.root :controller => "home") to config/routes.rb and go to
Am I missing something really obvious about Apache and Rails?
Apache does not support Rails out of the box. You have to get mod_rails aka Passenger installed. Or, you could just use the server that comes with Rails, which is much easier (but not suitable for production). To do this, go to your directory and do ./script/server.
