Xcode 8 app runs on Simulator but doesn't display - ios

I'm using the release version of xCode 8 and am trying to run my app on the simulators. They are all the iOS 10 simulators.
No matter which simulator I use, when I run the app the app icon shows up in the simulator but then that's it. The app never displays in the simulator. I only see the app icons of the iOS home screen.
I put some break points in my initial view controller at the viewDidLoad, viewWillAppear, and viewDidAppear methods. All of them triggered. So as far as my app is concerned, it is displaying on the device. I also get all the normal log output and networking calls happening just fine. It even shows the popups for permission to access the calendar and notifications. But my app is not brought to the foreground.
If I then click on the app icon in the simulator, my app runs normally. But it should be automatic when I hit run from xCode.
When I run my app on an iOS 10 device I get the same behaviour as all three of those view methods are called. However I don't get any of my normal log output. In fact I don't get any log output. However the app was already installed from when the device was on iOS 9.x. Not sure if that is a factor. But aside from the simulator issues, this is the bigger issue.
I've tried cleaning the build, deleting the app, I even tracked down the derived data folder and deleted that from the simulator. None worked. I also updated all my cocoa pods I have installed too.
Any one else experienced this?

That sounds weird but I read a lot of threads on the Apple Developer Forums on the same problem during the different Xcode 8 beta version, try these steps:
reset the simulator using the menu "iOS Simulator" -> "Reset Content and Settings..."
remove your 'xcuserdata' directory inside your .xcodeproj directory
do a clean build folder (hold down option key when selecting clean)
reboot your Mac
If these steps don't solve anything you can try this solution:
Copy-paste Xcode-beta.app from Applications folder to somewhere else, e.g. - Documents folder.
Delete Xcode-beta.app from Applications folder.
Move Xcode-beta.app from Documents to Applications folder again.
originally posted here, obviously using your Xcode.app instead of Xcode-beta.app.


Run app phonegap with xcode on jailbroken iPhone

I developed an app with phonegap, and I hate to try on a apple device. I've jailbroken my iPhone5s for try my app without pay apple.
I follow this guide, but seems does't work:
On your Jailbroken device install AppSync Unified 5.2-1 (or later)
from AngelXWind’s repo. Don’t use any other AppSync, and if you have
others, be sure to remove them. Open
and change AD_HOC_CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED to YES. You may need to
duplicate it to the desktop, change it, save it, then drag and drop
back into the original folder because OS X let you edit the file in
place. If XCode was running, restart XCode. Change your Project and
Target settings to “Ad Hoc Code Sign” in Build Settings Tell XCode to
run app on iPhone. At this point XCode will put app on your iDevice,
but can’t debug because it can’t attach to the process. The app will
start then close immediately. You can now manually start the app on
the phone now though. To enable debugging: In your project select
File>New File Property List and create a file called
“Entitlements.plist”. Add “Can be debugged” or “get-task-allow” (both
do the same thing) and set the value to YES. Now change your Project
and Target Code Signing Entitlements (In Build Settings) to
“Entitlements.plist” (you have to type it in). Now XCode can run and
debug the app. Good luck
This is the link of the guide.
When I run app, XCode tell me "Build Success", and on top it says :"Running on Iphone". If I open detail, it say: "Preparing to install " with a loading circle. It's 20 minute that is preparing to install my app.
How can I fix this problem?

Routing app coverage file not copied to the simulator

Since updating to Xcode 6, I see this warning every time I run the app on the simulator. My app has a routing app coverage file and I want it copied to the simulator but it's not happening. This seems like it might be a bug. Is there a workaround?
I had a similar error some time back, because XCode may be using a precompiled version of the app.
This is how I solved it:
In xCode, make sure that your app isn't running in the simulator (click the stop button), then
Build menu > Clean target or SHIFT-CMD-K.
Additionally, clean the content in the Derived Data folder ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/.
Hope it works for you.

xCode 6 (beta 4) keep getting "The Simulator can't be launched because it is already in use."

I keep getting the "The Simulator can't be launched because it is already in use." when trying to run my app, this only happens about 20% of the time but once so far the only way to get around it is to restart my Mac.
Tried the following but doesn't help:
Cleaning my build folder
Closing and re-opening xCode
Force close of simulator
I'm Using xCode 6 (beta 4)
Any Ideas for a solution that doesn't entail me restarting my Mac?
"The Simulator can't be launched because it is already in use.”
This messege will be shown only if there is another xcode project that has launched simulator and hasnt stopped it yet, and u try to run the simulator from another xcode project.
Ideally stopping the simulator from the respective project(PS. not closing the application from the simulator, clicking the STOP button) would do it,
But if it still is working like that, then Closing the simulator, or resetting the simulator contents.
If that still dsnt work, then as a last resort i would ask u to reinstall Xcode, as if this problem keeps going on, then ur downloaded file might be buggy.
P.S if u opt to re-download n install xcode please keep backup.
Hope it solves it. Although i want your problem to be solved by step 2.
This normally just happens when running an app (project) on the simulator and then trying to run another app while the simulator is open (and normally is still within the first app you launched and it can't quit automatically). As long as you keep running the same app you shouldn't get this error and as soon as you run another app just make sure you've closed the simulator before or at least left the previous app with the home button.
Just Restart Your Mac , It Will Fixed
I had the same problem and fixed it without restarting. You just need to reset the content on ios simulator, exit xcode, and then to make sure that you've completely exited, right clicking on the xcode icon on your mac nav bar and click Quit. Open it back up and it should work.

iPad apps never install in Retina simulator

I've racked my brains over this one, and I'm probably just making a stupid mistake. After switching to Xcode 4.5.1 (it may have happened at 4.5) I simply cannot load an app into the iPad Retina simulator. I've edited the compilation scheme to say to always use the Retina display for the iPad. No love. It used to be that you could change simulators on the fly and whatever one was open would be the one the project compiled for. But I can't figure out how to do this in 4.5. Help!
Something funky is going on, which seems to be not acting as expected. Try these solutions in the following order.
Your method is correct, you set your Simulator Display preference when editing your schemes. Make sure your destination for the scheme is the iPad simulator, that it's tied to the Run scheme, and set iPad Simulator display to Retina. Save/apply your scheme changes, try to run your app. If that doesn't work, close + re-open Xcode, check scheme settings to see if they stuck, and try again
You may want to double check if your changes stuck. Delve into your project file (by right clicking on your project file, and selecting "Show Package Contents"). Then navigate to:
Open it up in your favourite editor, and check to see if there's a:
simulatorIPadDisplay = "2.000000"
...for your required scheme
If none of that worked, then it may be an issue with your derived data (unlikely, but step 1 should have worked). Go to Organizer, and select the Projects tab. Then hit 'Delete...' for derived data. Do the same as before; run, close Xcode, check and re-run.
Well we really are in a pickle, that is the only method to set your preferred simulator display for a build scheme. You may need to resort to removing Xcode and re-installing, and trying the previous steps again.
What on earth is going on?! We've exhausted our methods, you may need to let Apple know about this issue.
Well, after a long session of "find all of my settings files and save them, delete Xcode and all of its settings files, reinstall Xcode, re-download simulators and dockets, replace settings files, etc., etc." I found myself in the same position. No Retina simulator for me.
The problem wasn't Xcode or the project file--the 5.0 simulator will simply not launch in Retina mode. The 5.1 and 6.0 simulators work fine, as I discovered when I switched to them in the compilation scheme. Switch back to 5.0 and I'm stuck in normal simulator mode. The reason I've been using the 5.0 simulator was to test lowest-common-denominator iOS features. That, and there is a bug in iOS 6.0 that affects large packet transfer via IPSec that hasn't been fixed yet.
So, I still don't know what the missing Derived Data status was all about, except that it's fixed now and I assume that reinstalling the app was the fix.

ios Simulator Could Not Find The Application To Simulate

I'm having trouble with the iOS simulator. I'm currently on 10.7 and was using the simulator to test my website. During the testing, I switched the iOS version via the tool bar, and the application froze and quit. Upon restarting, I get the following error message, with a finder window, inviting me to choose an application:
"ios Simulator Could Not Find The Application To Simulate"
Here's what I've tried to fix the issue:
1: Attempt to identify the application it needs, but the only thing i could see to open was a printer app and the ios simulator app, which just results in a "only one iOS simulator can run at a time" error message.
2: Restart the Mac.
3: Download the new Xcode tools from the app store.
4: Restart again.
None of this has helped, and I'm really stuck without it at the moment. If anyone knows how to resolve the problem, I would be grateful to hear any suggestions. Thanks.
Give this a shot.
Open up a new shell, and shoot of this command: sudo <Xcode>/Library/uninstall-devtools --mode=all (assuming thats the location of the instal).
Then run the Xcode installer you got from the app store.
This removes all the plist files that were also installed with xcode, which aren't removed when you simply reinstall. This is as close as you can come to a complete xcode refresh without reinstalling your OS.
Here's an alternative solution that worked for me... the answer selected here did not. I created a blank, "hello world" project and simply ran it. When you run the app, it sends the app to the simulator and voila! iOS Simulator has an app to simulate. From that point forward, you should be able to open the iOS Simulator without a problem.
After a while longer trying various things, it seems like I may have fixed it.
When asking for an application to open, I opened Xcode, and (weirdly) that opened up and left the testing shell visible, with the tool bar intact. I then selected the current version from the device options and hit the home button, and suddenly everything appeared.
Weird thing to have suddenly happened, but there you go.
I still can't test in iOS 3, so that's a bit of a problem, but not a disaster either!
