Really laggy response on iOS when tapping on input field in bootstrap - ios

This has been bugging me for several days with no solution in mind, when I tried tapping on any input fields in iOS safari, it literally takes a minute before the keyboard pops up.
I have tried everything, setting the viewport, disabling zoom, removing all the extra javascript to the bare minimum, still it is happening. Strangely this does not happen when I tap on a textarea, only on text input.
Does anyone have any idea what would cause this?

Okay I just found the solution. Apparently safari on iOS will act wonky when you are running https without a proper certificate. Once I signed the certificates for my subdomains everything appears to be silky smooth now. It's really weird, as I do not expect https to affect form elements in the website.


Strange Transparent View Appears Beneath Textfield in Mac Catalyst App

I'm in the process of creating a Mac Catalyst app from my existing iOS app. My problem is this strange transparent view that appears beneath my secure textfields. It appears when the textfield gets the focus by clicking into it, entering one or more characters and deleting every character in the textfield. This does not happen on iOS. The app is all UIKit and Swift no SwiftUI involved.
In the first image you can see there's a character in the textfield.
The second I delete it, this strange view appears. I can not remove this view by clicking somewhere else within the app's window. I can remove it, however, by switching to another app or by hitting the escape key.
In the third image you can see another instance of this transparent view/panel/window on a white background where it can be seen more clearly.
Unfortunately, it's not possible to capture it in Xcode's "Dubug View Hierarchy" since the view is gone the second the app goes to the background.
User rene seems to have the exact same problem but he's using SwiftUI which I don't.
I read through posts regarding similar issues and they seem to be solved by telling the secure UITextField that its "textContentType" is ".oneTimeCode" or anything else except ".password" but that idea didn't help me with my problem. I tried setting the "textContentType" and I tried setting the "keyboardType" as well. Both approaches failed solving my problem.
I have the impression that the OS is trying to present me the "passwords" feature so that I don't have to type in a password but this is only a theory since I don't see the grayish view saying "Passwords".
User Eddie Ed mentions a similar problem but hasn't gotten any answers yet.
Maybe it's simply a bug with Catalyst, I don't know. I haven't filed a radar yet. Hopefully, you helpful people have an idea or encountered and solved this problem one way or another. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

iPhone web application : the virtual keyboard opens unexpectedly

I am having a very weird issue on an iPhone and I would like to have suggestions on the best way to troubleshoot. My web application works fine for a moment then suddenly all text fields and buttons will have no effect, but only to open the virtual keyboard.
For example, a "delete" button which used to display a "yes/Cancel" modal will only make the keyboard open, the modal won't show up... When I reload the page, everything is working as expected again.
I am testing with an iPhone 6 and Chrome.
Did someone already encountered an issue like that?
I have absolutely no idea how to track down this behaviour and all suggestions are welcomed, What do you suggest I should look in priority?
This issue was coming from a bug in a version of Chrome I was using at that moment (I have no idea which one, since my phone has regular automatic updates).
I strongly advise to have always at lease two different platforms when testing websites!

Scrolling issue with fixed divs in iframe on IOS

I am having a problem with iOS scrolling on an iPad. Every other platform tested works just fine. I love iOS, but hate it too. I was able to get the entire iframe contents scrolling within the parent, but there are two DIVs that are fixed that shouldn’t scroll within the iframe.
Before I spend a lot of time trying to work this out, I am just looking to leverage everyone’s experience for whether it, in fact, CAN be done. If it IS possible, then I will proceed to trying to work out a simple model and report it back for others. If experience shows that it can NOT be done, then you will all have saved me a lot of headache, not to mention time.
Here’s a drawing of what works on all other platforms but NOT iOS:
Simple question: Is it possible?
The simple answer is, in fact, YES.

UIAccessibilityTraitAllowsDirectInteraction and VoiceOver: issue or bug in iOS?

This is a quite strange behavior that 'persecutes' me since iOS 7.0 :) I hope someone of you can help me this time! As you probably know when you are using VoiceOver your gestures are totally different from the 'normal way'. When you need to bypass VoiceOver for a specific view you can set its accessibility traits as UIAccessibilityTraitAllowsDirectInteraction. When the view has this parameter set the user can interact with it as usual (like VoiceOver is not active in that particular view).
Quite often happens that this ability is randomly lost so VoiceOver acts in its normal way.
Did anyone of you encounter this problem in its experience? Did he solve it? Fortunately turning off and on VO seems to temporarily solve this issue (until next time it happens again)
Any idea? Thank you very much
I've seen this with other things as well. For example, notifications can be spotty, particular Screen Changed or Content Changed notifications. I believe this happens as a result of turning VoiceOver on and off. For example, if you were to turn VoiceOver on, leave it running, and open your application as a user would, you would never experience these issues.
However, if you use the VoiceOver shortcut. Or interrupt the application, re-install, and restart while using Xcode, you can disrupt the VoiceOver's connection to the application. It doesn't bond correctly. So, simple things like navigation work fine. But advanced features like notifications (and perhaps some of the more complicated traits) don't work.
Essentially, I would classify this as a bug, but a bug that only shows itself when you use VoiceOver in a way that only a developer would use it.

User cannot bring up keyboard when tapping in uitextfield

I have a user who cannot bring up the keyboard when she taps in the textfield of my iPad app. There are over 100 users who have no trouble doing this, and I cannot find a way to reproduce her problem (I've observed everything working correctly on 12 different devices). She insists that she has tapped in the text field and that nothing happens. Has anyone experienced a similar issue?
I welcome your thoughts on this one. Thanks!
UPDATE: Another user has just reported a similar problem. While initially I thought this may be a PEBKAC, but since two independent people are having the same issue, that is becoming less likely.
Does she have long fingernails? Does she tap with her index finger, but allow her middle finger to touch the screen at the same time? Does she drag a bit when she taps?
Can somebody else using her device get the keyboard to appear?
I wouldn't consider it a code problem until you eliminate user error.
If it is a code problem, check that some other view isn't overlapping your textfield and intercepting touches.
Does she have a Bluetooth keyboard connected?
From one of the users:
I updated the software from 3.2.2 to
the latest version 4.1.1 and did a
firmware update. The app works fine
Odd, since I back tested it, but at least the problem is resolved at last.
UPDATE: The second user also confirms that this solution worked. I'd love to hear if anyone else experienced similar issues.
