Get sourcecode into Jenkins WORKSPACE subdirectory - jenkins

Is it possible to configure Jenkins to get source code into a subdirectory of a %WORKSPACE%? Right now the source gets pulled into %WORKSPACE% and for the build output I explicitly specify a directory outside of the %WORKSPACE%.
Ideally I would like to have something similar to this:
%WORKSPACE%\source for source code and %WORKSPACE%\artifacts for build outputs. Is it possible to have this configuration?

Create a 'run batch command' build step and use xcopy, this is presuming jenkins is running on a Windows machine, if it's a deployment directory then make it a post build step.
cd c:/
xcopy /Y "c:/program files 86/junkies/workspace/app" "c:/path to new directory"
This is just a guess at your directories, replace with correct ones, the /Y forces it to be overwritten every time it's copied.


Jenkins - how to copy test logs back to artifacts directory for build

New to Jenkins so apologise in advance as I'm sure this answer is out there somewhere. Just not sure exactly how to search for what I'm after. I'm struggling a bit with the copyback process in Jenkins.
When I build, I'm running some unit tests that create some log files which I want to be stored as part of the Jenkins build. I'm running on Windows 10 and everything is running on my laptop (I'm purely trying to learn Jenkins so this is fine for me).
So my test results will always appear in C:\TestLogs\*.log. I want the results copied to my build directory which is URL: http://localhost:8080/job/loadrunner_test/1/ absolute: C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\jobs\loadrunner_test\builds\1
I'm a bit confused with which plugin I should use in my post build step? Copy Artifact plugin looks as if it's meant to pass data between builds. For each build, I just want to copy C:\TestLogs*.* to the current build directory so I can see them when I click on the link for #1 in the Build History.
Many thanks!
Jenkins Build
You can copy it with additional step.
Select Execute Windows batch command for that step and add this line:
xcopy C:\TestLogs C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\jobs\jenkins_test\builds\%BUILD_NUMBER% /s /e
You can also check configuration for your test if you can set path location.

Build delphi project in jenkins

Im trying to setup jenkins in my company and Ive got some problems.
Im using this commands to build the project:
SET MSBuild="C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\MSBuild.exe"
SET BUILDS=C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\jobs\xxx\builds\
SET RSVARS="C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\10.0\bin\rsvars.bat"
SET PATH=%PATH%;D:\komponenty\DXE3\ADSI
%MSBuild% xxx.dproj /t:Build /p:Config=Debug;Platform=Win32;DCC_ExeOutput=%OUTPUT_PATH% /maxcpucount:4
It works fine when i type this in cmd but. I gave administrive privileges to jenkins service. When I try to build project with jenkins i receive error like this:
F1026: File not found: 'ADSI.dcu
this is a component for Delphi and i have this component on second partition. Jenkins has access for many components on this partition but not for this one.
The difference between the two will be your current directory.
Jenkins will start you off in a specific working folder for the job (possibly C:\Users\<User-ID>\.jenkins\jobs\<Job-Name>\workspace).
Add the following to your Jenkins commands to see where you're doing the build from:
echo Current Folder: %cd%
A simple "solution" would be to just add a command in Jenkins to change directory to the same folder you're in when you test from the command-line.
However, I suggest you rather do the following:
Ensure Jenkins gets the latest source from your source repository into its working folder. (There are various plugins depending on what particular tool you use.)
Ensure you cd (change directory) to the correct folder within the workspace folder.

How can I delete files in directory using jenkins

In my system, I am downloading new build everyday in 1 folder and then use it for further causes but after running jenkins job I want to delete files in the folder (not workspace) which will delete specific folders from same directory. This will help me downloading new build every time based on different jenkins job running on same machine.
I am downloading x.x build and then running jenkins job on machine and then if I want to run other job which requires x.y build, it will just see if SOME build is already there in folder. if it is there, it will not download any kit after that. So, now simplest thing I can do is delete x.x after every jenkins run (post build ) so it will download x.y next time..
Please help.
Thanks in advance
You can delete the whole folder using this syntax to delete a folder called bin:
stage('Setup') {
steps {
dir ('bin') {
If my understanding is right, consider my below assumptions
If your jenkins is running on a Unix server, then you can configure a post build step as suggested by nerdwaller above
In the job configuration, in the build step, select the option "execute unix command"
In the box for the shell script, you can use rm -rf <<directoryname>>
Else, if your jenkins is running on a windows server, then select "execute batch command" from the build step and give the appropriate command like rmdir /Q /S nonemptydir
However, my best approach would be to use a platform independent tool like ant to delete the folders using Ant Delete Task and it can be configured similarly like the above two approaches instead selecting "invoke ant" in the build step/ post build step.
This will help you to achieve what you need.

Jenkins how to rename war file

I have deployed a war file in a remote machine using Jenkins. Now I want to rename the war file through jenkins before it extracts the work folder? How can this be done? I tried post deployment action -> execute shell and mv file.war to new-file.war but it returns an error saying : mv: cannot stat `file.war': No such file or directory.
Suppose there was something wrong with my path it would not even have gone to remote location. but for me, after scp' ing it to remote location thru jenkins, and when i try to do a mv, it fails.. What could the reason be??
Adding additional Step of Execute shell during Add build Step or Add post-build action stage, normal renaming shell command mv can be used to rename artifacts.
Note: Make sure use the correct path(Relative to project/workspace root)
Your mv command is probably executed in another directory than the one you are expecting.
To know the directory your script is running in without reading the jenkins / plugin documentation add
echo "pwd of script is: " `pwd`
to your shell script and inspect the output of the jenkins build - that way you can be sure about the directory the script is run in.

Jenkins and SCP

I have set up a jenkins build and everything is working fine except the very last step.
The whole build creates a directory called: build
This directory contains a web-inf and all the files in it I would like to publish via SCP to a different location, so that all the content of the build/web-inf folder will become the content of the target folder.
The settings for jenkins scp plugin are (it is a post-build step):
source: build/web-inf/**
destination: public_html/
that results in:
but should be:
(the keep hierarchy box is ticked)
how can I make that happen??
I could solve the problem without any additional script. The solution is so simple that my question turned out to be stupid.
All I did was telling ant to copy all the webfiles to ./public_html instead of ./build/web-inf/ what made the jenkins scp copy all files from public_html to public_html exactly as it was intended to.
If your goal is just to SCP files generated during the build, and the plugin doesn't seem to be working (I couldn't see anything wrong in your configuration) you can use an "Execute shell" build step and type the scp command something like (try it in a shell first in your job's build directory to get the syntax right):
scp -r build/web-inf/* user#host:/destination-directory
