Rails Routing Error w/ key - ruby-on-rails

So I made this custom Route
on my routes.rb
I'm Getting Routing Error, No route matches [GET] "/dashboard_report_m"
on my rake routes I have this
on rake routes
GET /dashboard(.:format) reports#today_admin
GET /dashboard_report/:date/:branch_id(.:format) reports#date_and_branch
GET /dashboard_report_m/:date/:branch_id(.:format) reports#monthly_and_branch
all the other routes I made are fine but this one just doesn't seem to work.
I tried removing the keys ':date/:branch_id'
and it would work just fine.
I have already made similar routes and they all work just fine except for this one.

Some things to check:
Is there a ReportsController with a ​monthly_and_branch action?
Does the error occur if you visit /dashboard_report_m/2016-09-20/1234 directly or are you using a path helper?
OK so you are accessing the path http://localhost:3000/dashboard_report_m/?date=2016-09&branch_id=1 - you are passing the parameters in as query params, this is not how your route is set up. The way you have it now it is expecting dashboard_report_m/2016-09/1. You need to either remove the date and branch_id params from your route or change the way you access the URL. I suggest reading the Rails Routing from the Outside In guide.

When you access the following route:
This is a GET request to 'dashboard_report_m', with query parameters: params['date'] = '2016-09' and params['branch_id'] = '1'.
What you should instead be doing is accessing this route:
This is a GET request to 'dashboard_report_m/:date/:branch_id' - i.e. using the bound parameters of date and branch_id.
Further reading: Understand the difference between bound parameters and the query string. This is by no means specific to Rails; it's at the core of how all web applications work.


Rails routing forcing param to be present

I'm fairly new to ruby api development and have created the below endpoint in my routes.rb
get "/users/active_users/:since"
However, when the param is not given, I want the param to default to a certain value. How do I enforce this? Also, I want to enforce that param be an integer and not alpha/alpha-numeric. Help is appreciated!
get "/users/active_users/:since"
By making this routes its compulsory to give the params[:since] , other wise it will throw back a error not routes matches
So here by i would suggest you to make routes
get "/users/active_users"
Since it's get type request so its won't affect more, you can append params[:since] in query with routes like this:-
And at your controller you will get params[:since] = 1999
So far as i know it can't be enforce routes to accept only integer params but it can be handle at controller side
params[:since].is_a? Integer
=> true

Custom route mistaken for object id in Rails

I have the following route:
view_all_styles /styles/view_all(.:format) styles#view_all
When I point my broswer at xyz.com/styles/view_all I receive the error:
ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound at /styles/view_all
Couldn't find Style with id=view_all
I'm also routed to the show action??
Request parameters
{"action"=>"show", "controller"=>"styles", "id"=>"view_all"}
It sounds like you've got your routes defined in the wrong order - you'll want to define your custom route before the resource routes of styles. Otherwise, you'll run into exactly this problem.
Since your route, /styles/view_all also fits into the route for #show, /styles/:id ('view_all' being the :id), it will match and pass along the request to #show before it even tries to match your custom route.

Rails 3 gives routing error with point in URL

I have a search form written with Rails 3 when I query it everything works fine as long as I do not put a point in my query. Eg:
http://localhost:3000/en/job/search/q/test - WORKS
http://localhost:3000/en/job/search/q/test. - DOES NOT WORK
URL with point at the end gives a
Routing Error: No route matches [GET] "/en/job/search/q/test.
Does anybody know how I can solve this? Thanks.
By default, Rails interprets everything to the right of the decimal as the format. You need to set the :constraints
Here is a good article on the subject: http://coding-journal.com/rails-3-routing-parameters-with-dots/
Here is the reference in the Rails API that should help you resolve your issue:
Since your passing a string in the search as a get request, you might also consider route globbing: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html#route-globbing
Your route would be something like this:
match ":language/job/search/*query"
and in your controller, you would get the value from the route using the params[] array:
q = params[:query]
Be sure to use best practices when passing this to ActiveRecord to avoid a SQL injection attack.
What #iltempo said.
Also, it would be a good idea to switch your search from using GET requests to POST requests to make all these problems go away.

rails_3_question :as => why is my /posts/new routing to posts/show after setting up a slug

I'm using Rails 3 and after setting up slugs, I found that posts/new no longer works.
posts/:id, posts/:id/edit and all the other CRUD operations work.
However /posts/new gives me a routing error
No route matches {:action=>"show", :controller=>"posts"}
Now for some reason posts/new is routing to posts#show. In my routes, its just
resources :posts
My theory is that since /posts/:slug now matches against things other than numbers ids, the show verb is being routed to first. However it doesn't make sense since posts/grr a nonexistent entry gives a different error than posts/new and posts/first comes out just fine with all its associated paths working fine as well.
Anyone know what might be going on?
I've uploaded the repo to https://github.com/cultofmetatron/cassowary/tree/photogallary
I know my code sucks, I'm still learning the ins and outs of the system and I'd appreciate any insight into whats going on.
In your comment the first part seems fine: add a column to the Post column called slug and so on, and the contents of that will become some or all of the URL used to display a specific post. (I'll assume the other CRUD operations should work as normal)
To find the URL, the router has to know how to know which controller and action will handle this URL (as compared to others). A normal resources :posts route will match all of the RESTful methods, e.g. mapping a GET request onto a path starting with the controller name, and if an id is specified (/posts/1) map to the posts#show controller method, if not, it will map to posts#index method. If the request is a PUT, or DELETE or POST, different actions around a standardized URL format will occur.
Two changes are needed:
URL with the post slug format needs to map to the posts#show method (which is modified accordingly), and
Any links to the show page that are generated on your site need to use the post slug instead of the id
I'll assume you're OK with URLs start with /posts (if not, you'll need to identify some other unique pattern).
The first change requires that you override the specific case of the show method using route globbing, my adding something like match 'posts/*slug before the standard resource route. Here's a link to the guide on route globbing: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html#route-globbing
The next change, modify the existing posts#show method so that it looks for slug instead of id, e.g.
def show
#post = Post.where("slug = ?", params[:slug])
Finally, change the way Rails handles the URL helper posts_path. Do this by overriding to_param in your Post model, e.g.
def to_param
And then you're done. Maybe.
After that, see how the friendly_id gem does the same thing :-) https://github.com/norman/friendly_id

Resolve Route Server Side in Rails

Just as you figure out the route when the browser hits the webpage in Rails, how would you resolve it on the server side?
For example I want to return a URL to a RESTful resource called Bookmark in an API call and want to return the 'show' action of it, and I know that:
Bookmark id: 12
Then I want to resolve it to a string:
so that I can get this from my Model for example.
How would I go about doing this?
Pretty much everywhere in the views/controllers you can use route helpers to DRY up route references.
In models, you'll need to explicitly call the route helper like so.
Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.edit_bookmark_path(id) # => '/bookmarks/12/edit'
When using the default resourceful route generator method in routes.rb like
resource :bookmarks
I'm not sure I understand - your server is the thing that's making all of those routes work - the client's browser isn't figuring out what the route is - you application is doing it.
The paths to your resources are available as helper methods at all times (at least within the controllers, and views). As such, you should return the string as the body of a response in one of your actions, in the controller that's handling your API calls.
Check your rake routes on the command line, and you'll see a list of them. In the case of your example above, it would likely be called edit_bookmark_path(12)
