Wiki Documentation Site with Source Control & Release Management [closed] - tfs

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I've been searching for information on available wiki software, using pages such as, and am looking for a solution which will meet a number of requirements, but haven't been able to find anything suitable yet. I am looking to create a documentation site in a form similar to TechNet, MSDN, or, and although this could be done with either a SharePoint site or a traditional wiki such as MediaWiki, these are generally for open, community edited content which evolves rapidly, or internal company documentation where the presence of errors and incomplete content is not considered an issue. In this case the documentation is to be visible to customers online and would only be edited by our staff, so it would be preferable for its content to be in source control and using managed releases to different environments (i.e. a DEV site where our staff edit the content, a TEST site for proof reading and a LIVE site, online for the public) so that half-written content, or content which has not been proof read is not immediately visible as it is in a standard wiki, but the ability to allow staff to edit the documentation quickly in a wiki-style format is also important.
I am aware that projects such as Sandcastle, Document! X and Doxygen, which generate MSDN style documentation directly from the source code, but do not intend this to be a documentation site generated from source code comments, but one containing written articles. In essence, I am looking for software which provides:
The ease of use of a wiki - anyone can log into the DEV site and add/edit content.
Source control of all the content, presumably Markdown files and images, not in a database, where the source control (TFS) is automatically updated/files checked out/checked in, by the aforementioned 'easy edit' wiki capabilities.
As a result of the above, the ability to 'release' the documentation to test and production environments, as you might do with any other web site solution.
Additional examples would be sites such as or Can anyone provide information on whether such a solution is available, or an explanation of how sites such as MSDN, TechNet or the RedGate documentation site are managed and the applications used for them?

Here at Redgate we use Atlassian Confluence. It's been around for a while and despite a few quirks I would strongly suggest you try it for yourself. It is available hosted or on-premise, and has a wealth of extensions and other customization options.


Which API to use for realtime document collaboration [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I am currently building a virtual classroom website and so far I have successfully added webcam & audio functionality.
The next thing that is on my list is to add realtime document collaboration.
So how this would work is:
Two people join a private session
These two people have a shared document that they can both edit and changes are displayed in realtime to the other user.
An example of this would be google docs where you can be multiple people on one document.
Anyway, I have seen a few APIs that do this, for example I have looked into google docs api, but it requires you to have a google account which is not optimal. (Registering both on my website and on google docs can be a hassle or too much work for some people).
I have also looked into Zoho, but I am unsure if it can fill my needs.
Does anyone of you know an API that can do this? Preferably both document and sheets(excel looking).
The Google Realtime API is especially well-suited for document collaboration, but it sounds like it's not a good fit. There are a few other options out there:
ShareDB is an open-source realtime database backend, used in the DerbyJS framework.
Mozilla's TogetherJS provides view-level collaboration features.
Convergence (disclaimer: I am a founder) is a new hosted platform providing APIs for this sort of functionality. We have identified the most common pain points when implementing realtime collaboration features, and provide high-level APIs to solve them.
Multiplayer is concurrent editing database, it looks like it is based on Operation Transforms and they are planning to launch on Kickstarter. Looks like it can do exactly what you need, and they use Websockets to send changes in real-time.

Source Code via "Hyperlink" for Documentation [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm becoming more insistent on documenting all of my code and demonstrating to users and other Engineers on my team where I am locating given information, or where I found a specific section of code.
What I would like to be able to accomplish is to create links to lines or files of my code (Verilog/SystemVerilog, VHDL, C/C++ and RTL sources) but really finding or coming up with a solution to doing so in any language would be beneficial to me.
This would be done via Word Documents, PDF Files, and I don't mind the setup, using LaTeX, etc., but I would like to find a way of doing so. Essentially I would like to click on a reference, where I specified either the line or the file, and the file is brought up in an editor for the reader.
All documents would be placed where all users using the file can see the necessary files and my preference is to be able to do this in Linux.
You can use doxygen to generate html documentation. I use it to generate html documentation from within the source of my VHDL.
If you wanted to reference external documents, doxygen does support external links. I've never tried doing so, but the documentation suggests they are automatically extracted.
An example would be (taken and extended from:
--! #file
--! #brief 2:1 Mux using with-select
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
--! Mux entity brief description
--! Detailed description of this mux
--! Documentation can be found at http://the_documentation.html
entity mux_using_with is
port (
end entity;
Once doxygen is run, you'll get a set of hyperlinked documentation, including automated hierarchy diagrams, with references to you're external documentation.
I find the hierarchy diagrams useful enough to not bother with any externally drawn pictures, as it seems to be a duplication of work.
I should add that doxygen is language independent, so can be used in all of your suggested code types. You'll have to fiddle around with the configuration file a bit though to get the output that suits you best.

Using open source database design as starting point for commercial application [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm designing an ecommerce solution, and have been researching various methodologies used by leading open source ecommerce solutions.
I realise that once I've set my features, and normailzed my database design, I may come up with something unique, but what claim do these open source solutions have on the outcome of my analysis?
I don't want to step on anyone's toes, or infringe any license, but the code will be bespoke, and really, only the models (I'm using ASP MVC) will have any resemblence to any other solution..
I'm sure someone will be able to chip in with some experience here..
Cheers in advance..
You really need to talk to a lawyer about this - and a lawyer who understands copyright in your particular country, at that.
Having said that....
In general, Open Source projects have licenses that protect the code, but not the concepts. So, if you see that an open source ecommerce solution includes a shopping cart, with a database table storing this cart, and you create your own shopping cart, with a similar table, but don't use their code, you're in the clear.
Even better - most Open Source projects allow and encourage you to use their software, and to extend it - though what happens with those extensions depends on the license. However, this doesn't appear to apply to you - you say you're only looking at the concepts, not building on top of someone else's codebase.
The bad news is that - depending on where you live - open source projects may not be your biggest intellectual property risk. Amazon famously patented "one-click" ordering, and could, theoretically, sue you if your solution includes "one-click" ordering.

Looking for a Rails plugin for modular wiki functionality [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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There are a few plugins that implement a traditional wiki (collection of stand-alone wiki pages in a flat namespace), including irwi and wiki_column. That's not what I want.
What I want is something modular, so I can add a wiki panel on any random page of my website, or have fields in several different models be "wikified" (editable by all with version history). In other words, I want embeddable wiki objects rather than a full-page wiki, and I want the wiki content blocks to be anonymous rather than named in a unified flat namespace, or associable with specific objects.
Is there anything like that?
To wikify content is rather easy, so here some thoughts to it:
Have a look at the Railscast: Markdown with Redcarpet which explains how to wikify (that means style) content as HTML. That is one of the things you have to have to wikify pages. It is rather simple, and works like a charm.
Second, how will you link to "wiki content" without a name? For me, wiki is at least some content that is linked ...
To get a history, you should link your model object to versions of model. The Railscast #177 implements a wiki with versioning, perhaps that gives you enough hints to do it.
To add "a wiki panel" means then, that you have a (versioned) model WikiPanel, that may then used by other models. Hope my hints give you a starting point (even if it comes 20 months too late ...).
You could check out AdvaCMS, which features a wiki. AdvaCMS is built with Rails Engines (e.g. plugins). Check it out at

Building websites that will be localized [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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Does anyone have some guidelines or links to articles when designing a website that needs to be localized in 20+ languages?
The initial translation isn't so much the problem, rather ongoing maintenance (i.e. when an update is made on the English site, how are people notified that new translations are required).
Thanks in advance!
Here are some web sites dedicated to internationalization and globalization: (they heavily push vendors, but their guides tend to be worth a read)
Google searches on i18n (internationalization) and l10n are often useful as well.
You asked about designing the site though, so I assume you're talking about coding best practices. In general, you want to reuse as much as possible. That means:
Separating all text into resource files (.Net handles this naively, in PHP you can use a template to sub in text, your language may vary)
(Really 1-a) Don't put text in images. This will just cause headaches later since images will cease to be reusable. You'll have to update an image any time text changes and that's often not worth it.
Fluid/liquid layouts are preferred. German text can be 30% larger than English, Asian languages can be significantly smaller than English, etc.
Use a standard character set for web pages (i.e. utf-8). That will minimize rendering problems between the languages.
That's sort of the easy part. The hard part is managing it. Depending on your source control system, you can likely write or acquire a tool that will alert the appropriate party.
Content management systems are built to help you manage changes automatically. Good CMSes are often pricey, however. The above sites can point you at features of those you may look for help you manage your sites.
Many SCMs support triggers that can fire when committing changes and can take action if, e.g. a .pot file was changed, to send email to the appropriate parties.
